14 March 2025

Friday, 21:42


Outstanding composer Vasif Adigozalov became a worthy successor not only to his father but also to his great mentors



Vasif was the eldest son in the family. He was born on 28 July 1935 in Baku. His father Zulfuqar Adigozalov was a well-known singer and his mother Rafiqa, though she was educated in a medical school, did not work, devoting herself to her family and children.

Vasif Adigozalov himself stood out for his tranquility and obedience and was considered one of the best at school. He loved music since childhood. A major role in this was played not only by the example of his father, but also by the influence of great masters who often visited them, their conversations about art and the beautiful melodies, mugams, folk and original songs they performed. All three children of Zulfuqar Adigozalov - two sons and a daughter - grew up listening to these conversations and enjoying wonderful music.

One of the persons whose name was always pronounced with great respect in the house of the Adigozalovs was Uzeyir Hacibayov. From the memoirs of Vasif Adigozalov: "We were often visited by great masters - Cabbar Qaryagdi, Sayyid Susinski, Xan Susinski, Ahmad Bakixanov, Ahsan Dadasov, Bahram Mansurov, Haci Xanmammadov and others. One of the most important guests was the acclaimed ghazal master Aliaga Vahid, a close friend of my father. He often composed his ghazals right in our house and then started to work with my father. It was in this environment, among famous and talented masters of art, that we grew up."

At age 7, Vasif's parents sent him to the current Bulbul secondary specialized music school. He began to study the piano. It was then that he decided to devote himself to music, although he was very interested in soccer and volleyball.


Step into creativity

... Once, when he was in the sixth grade, he was summoned by the headmaster Kovkab Safaralibayova. She was a very serious and demanding person. All students respected, but at the same time, were careful with her. Going to see her, Vasif was very nervous. However, the director told him glad tidings about the opening of a children's art class and asked, "Do you want to study there?". Vasif replied without hesitation that he wants to study there, and the headmaster told him to come back tomorrow.

Studying in this class was his dream. The child's heart was filled with the desire to compose music, and, as he himself said, his first tentative steps in this area belong to that period.

The next day he went to school in a good spirit. What he heard extremely pleased him: class teachers were the composer Midhat Ahmadov, a close friend of Qara Qarayev, and Boris Zeydman. The class was supervised by Zeydman while Midhat Ahmadov gave two lessons a week. 

It was 1952. He was in the tenth grade. Once Boris Zeydman warned him: "Tomorrow at two o'clock, be here. We'll go to meet Qara muallim." Qara Qarayev was the rector of the conservatory. After they met, he asked Vasif: "Do you want to become a composer?". "Yes," he replied. Then Qara Qarayev was not familiar with his compositions. Taking a good look at Vasif, he said, "Composing is a very difficult profession", to which Vasif immediately replied, "Qara muallim, if you admit me to your class, I'm ready to endure everything." Qara Qarayev pointed to the piano: "Then play something." He was asked to do what he could do very well. Vasif Adigozalov played the piano very well and had even managed to perform a concert at the Philharmonic together with Niyazi.

After listening to his performance, Qara Qarayev said in surprise: "You're good as a pianist too, and I'll accept you into my class."


Great mentors

In 1953, Vasif entered the Uzeyir Hacibayov Azerbaijan State Conservatory. He studied there in two specialities at once - composition class with Qara Qarayev and piano class with Simuzar Quliyeva. It was hard for him to study and he got very tired. Dreaming of devoting himself to composing, he decided to stop learning to play the piano in the last year. He asked his father for advice, and he dissuaded him from giving up the piano in the last year. And he was right. Later, along with the composer's profession, this speciality came in handy for Adigozalov.

After completing his studies at the conservatory, he started his career as a music editor for State Radio and Television. He was a junior and then became a senior editor. One day Soltan Hacibayov invited Vasif Adigozalov to work at the Philharmonic. He agreed and soon realized that he was not mistaken in his choice. It was very interesting to work in a team with outstanding masters...

In his life there were many moments he remembered with regret. He regretted that his father did not see the most fruitful period of his activities as a composer. He died in 1963, just ten days before the premiere of Vasif Adigozalov's first opera "Olular".

Vasif Adigozalov was the author of four symphonies, three operas, five musical comedies, six instrumental concerts, four oratorios, three cantatas, chamber and instrumental music, music for theatre and movies, romances and songs, four concerts for the piano and other works. He used to say that in the years of study and later he always consulted Qara Qarayev. Even when his great mentor was no more, while creating another product, he always wondered, "What would Qara muallim say about this?"

He recalled Niyazi with special gratitude. Vasif Adigozalov also said that the maestro was a testy and touchy man: "We worked at the Philharmonic with Niyazi. First, I was the chief music editor of the Philharmonic, and then became head of the Song and Dance Ensemble. And he was appointed director of the Philharmonic. Sometimes you face problems at work and have to contend even with the most respectable people. And Niyazi, as I said, was a stubborn man. He quickly lost his temper. It was very difficult not to argue him. However, in spite of everything, we were close friends. I often visited their house. My respect for him knows no borders. He was an honest man and a true master. Therefore, he knew the value of true art."

Vasif Adigozalov had an excellent memory. He remembered many episodes from the life of the outstanding artists of the time. Like his mentors, he knew how to evaluate real art. After all, he was brought up on the example of outstanding masters and learned from them. In addition, growing up in the family of Zulfuqar Adigozalov, a great connoisseur of Azerbaijani folk songs and mugam, and listening to his performance and conversation was already a kind of university. Vasif Adigozalov always valued the cherished memory of his father above everything. His own children, of whom he was also proud, were worthy of his father. Although the youngest son Togrul chose another profession and became a doctor, the older son Yalcin followed in the footsteps of his father. He became a film director and won recognition for his talent and hard work.



A great connoisseur of Azerbaijani music, Vasif Adigozalov not only put his knowledge in his works, but also handed it over to students. He was a skilled teacher and was loved by everyone. He worked as the director of the Asaf Zeynalli Musical College for 11 years. From 1972 he was a teacher. He made a great contribution to the education of youth. This is how he remembered the days when he and Niyazi toured Azerbaijani villages in search of talented young people: "We did everything in our power to identify these young people and bring them to the art of music. Every year we organized their concert at the Palace of the Republic and tried to give them an education in the Bulbul Music School, the Asaf Zeynalli Music College and at the conservatory, and sought to ensure that they master the secrets of art. Now I am very happy to see many of them as mature masters."

From 1990 until his death, he was chairman of the Union of Composers of Azerbaijan and was able to turn it into a real hearth of music. Like his father, Vasif Adigozalov had many friends and acquaintances. He said that all composers are his friends. But he was especially close to Tofiq Bakixanov, Azar Rzayev, Ramiz Mustafayev, Emin Sabitoglu and Oqtay Zulfuqarov.

He did not consider himself a songwriter. After all, this genre was not essential to his work. However, the songs he composed were performed with love by Sovkat Alakbarova, Rasid Behbudov, Mirza Babayev, Flora Karimova and Akif Islamzada, who had wonderful voices. Regardless of the genre, Vasif Adigozalov always put his soul in music. That's why his works were so popular and loved by everyone.

Although Vasif Adigozalov was born and raised in Baku, his birthplace was Karabakh, from where his father hailed. The occupation of the homeland of his ancestors by Armenians was a great shock to Vasif Adigozalov. The sadness and sorrow that overwhelmed him were reflected in the last works of the composer. His entire career in the last 20 years of his life was linked to with Karabakh. It is the longing for his native land that created such works as the oratorios "Qarabag Sikastasi", "Qam Karvani", "Susam Laylay" and the opera "Natavan", on which he worked for 11 years. The most cherished dream of the composer was to see Karabakh freed from Armenian occupation...

Vasif Adigozalov died on 15 September 2006 after a severe and prolonged illness. But the composer's works continue to bring to the world his endless longing for Karabakh, which still languishes in Armenian captivity.

In July 2015, the prominent Azerbaijani composer, people's artist, honoured art worker, state prize laureate, Professor Vasif Zulfi oglu Adigozalov, would turn 80.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on the celebration of the 80th birthday of the outstanding composer.