15 March 2025

Saturday, 00:43


(Continued. Beginning in previuos issue)



The efforts of Armenianism to establish contact with the Fascist regime yielded fruit. According to the International Relations Faculty of Yerevan State University, by the start of the war a memorandum was laid on A. Hitler's table. It was prepared on the basis of information provided by Gestapo Chief G. Muller and the future minister of the occupied eastern territories, Alfred Rosenberg. The document "recognized the alleged Aryan origin of Armenians which should be treated as fully-fledged allies". Hitler's approval came the following day. From that moment onwards, representatives of Armenianism fell under the category of so-called "Aryan refugees" and received the appropriate documents. As of the start of the world war, a total of 2,700 Armenians were "serving the German Reich," and 3,000 of them served in the SS and German intelligence Abwehr.  

The organization of the Armenian legion (code - 160 ID) was carried out on the occupied territories of Poland, centred on the town of Pulawy. SS Obersturmbanfuhrer Waldemar Frendel, the son of a Georgian Armenian, was appointed commander of the camp for the newly-enlisted. An officer's school, which later received the status of a brigade school, also functioned here. The legion was noted for its mono-ethnic make-up: it was joined by scores of Armenianism representatives from all over the world, mainly from the Balkans. The special training courses for young fighters were led by a representative of Dashnaktsutyun and founder of Tsegakron, the head of the Armenian Fascist committee established by the Reich, the pathological outlaw Nzhde. He was the author of the ardent phrase addressed to the 809th Armenian punitive battalion which operated within the legion: "Those dying for Hitler are dying for Armenia". Even his close friends were outraged by the atrocities committed by Nzhde. For instance, one of the active Armenian Nazis, Arshan Khondkaryan, once burst out: "The scoundrel would not spare even women". Another representative of Armenianism, Drastamat Kanayan, also known as Dro, dealt with organizational issues in the battalion. He established a network of cells of the Armenian international terrorist organization Dashnaktsutyun "with all the attributes of political training and preparation". Everyone had to enrol, "including the Armenians who did not speak Armenian". Dro personally "delivered lectures" targeting Gypsies, Jews and Georgians, which was in line with the practice of the thousands of crimes he committed: in 1918, with the rank of commander in the so-called Armenian Army in Lori he was directly involved in unleashing massacres on the civilian population of Georgia. Hitler outlined only one task: service without question, therefore Dro's "lectures" propagated the scheme of blind obedience and inhuman punishment for enemies of the Reich. Over the period of the Armenian Nazi legion's existence, Dro and Nzhde set up two major intelligence centres which gathered information in Europe and America and engaged in acts of sabotage on the front-line. As mentioned earlier, the subversive groups were led by Misak Tarkelyan. The Armenian legion included the Nakharar regiment, where future Fascist henchmen in the Caucasus were trained. The official sponsors of the regiment were the Muradyan brothers, owners of a tobacco factory in Berlin. They used "slaves from death camps" in the most hazardous sections of their enterprise.

According to Yerevan State University, "at the outset the Armenian legion was joined by Armenian emigrants living in Germany, Poland, France and other countries of occupied Europe". There were quite a few Wehrmacht officers in the legion, as well as SS officers representing Armenianism: Waffen-standartenfuhrer of the SS, Vartan Sarkisyan, Gruppenfurer Razmik Nazaryan, Commander of the Armenian subversive groups, Captain Misak Torlekyan, commanders of privileged specialized punitive detachments of the SS, Generals G. Nzhde and D. Kanayan (Dro), the official representative of the Armenian legion in the Reich, Armin Dzhalalyan, the editor of the Goebbels weekly, Vigen Shant (son of Levon Shant), the head of the Nazi anti-Semitic publishing house, Paykar, and the Armenian publishing house in the Reich, Osank, Suren Bekzaryan, and many others who held senior officer ranks in Hitler's army. The Reich also approved the establishment of the Nazi Armenian newspaper, Khayastan. It was led by S. Ovik, one of the influential representatives of the French bureau of Dashnaktsutyun.

This is rather surprising because, according to a Memorandum of the minister for occupied eastern territories, Reichsdeiter Alfred Rosenberg, on "Caucasus military units" dated 28 March 1942, "officer positions in all military units must be held by Germans only. In this the German army is securing great advantages, as is the case with the English in India." It appears that Armenianism at one point managed to convince the Hitler government, both ideologically and on a practical level, that implementation of the "scheme of German-Armenian Fascist union" was inevitable. The Nazi ideology imposed by the Armenians has already been described. As far as practice is concerned, it first of all manifested itself through the participation of Armenian military units in punitive operations against civilians, mass killings of the peaceful population, as is evidenced by a number of documents. Secret message No 150, dated 2 January 1942, described the operations carried out by a unit in Western Crimea. "Between 16 November and 15 December 1941, a total of 17,645 Jews, 2,504 Karaims, 824 Gypsies and 212 guerrillas (HO - 2,834) were shot dead. Simferopol, Yevpatoria, Alushta, Karasubazar, Kerch and Feodosiya, as well as other parts of Western Crimea, have been cleared of Jews." "In the course of military operations on the Kerch Peninsula, the Armenian punitive battalion No 809 proved to a courageous detachment capable of fulfilling any military task". Furthermore, several hundred soldiers and officers of the Armenian punitive battalion received the "Kuban Shied" award from the Hitler government. The battalion of thugs was labelled Zeytun, while the personnel were referred to as Zeytuntsiner. The Fascist administration's special treatment of the Armenian punitive battalion is confirmed by the fact that an Armenian military priest was allowed the right to baptize local children and give them "second Armenian names".

The banner of Hitler's Armenianism also had its peculiarities: "On one side of the tricolour, in the centre of a blue stripe on a white background, there was a swastika, while on the same place on the reverse side there was the name of the battalion". Special epaulettes, button-holes and sleeve badges were specifically designed for members of the Armenian legion. They were based on the symbols of Dashnak bandit formations of 1918-20. Most Armenian thugs, for their "allegiance to Hitler and courage", were awarded the Iron Cross and "eastern medals" of different values. The 809th Armenian Nazi battalion received a letter of appreciation from the Wehrmacht commander in Ukraine, general Karl Gitzinger, and the Commander of the Eastern Legions, Maj-Gen Maks Ilgen. For the number of people awarded, the 809th battalion was among the best among all Hitler units engaged in punitive operations in eastern territories. Subsequently, the 809th Armenian battalion was relocated to fight Ukrainian and Polish guerrillas and operated as part of an "anti-guerrilla" special force. On 16 October 1943, the 809th battalion was relocated to Belgium where, according to German intelligence, an anti-Hitler uprising could have started. In other words, the 809th Armenian punitive battalion was until 1943 faithfully delivering on its oath, which was initially read in German and than in so-called Armenian. "I swear before God and Adolf Hitler to be faithful to the German state and the Armenian land."

However, with the apparent and inevitable defeat of Adolf Hitler in World War II, Armenianism started defecting from German troops in great numbers: the once Nazi Armenians began forming clandestine communist unions, thus trying to damage their former benefactors and allies "in race".

After World War II, most of the members of the 809th Armenian Nazi battalion who turned themselves in were pardoned by the government of the Soviet Union. As far as the generals of Hitler's Armenianism are concerned, some of them were in cowardly flight after the seizure of Berlin. Dro, for instance, emigrated to the USA, then lived in Beirut for a long time and was involved in the organization of radical terrorist groups aiming to fight the establishment of the state of Israel. He died in Boston. On 24 May 2000, the remains of gangster Dro were brought to Armenia and buried at the Bash-Aparana cemetery in a tumultuous ceremony. The obituary said that "Dro's military talent and valour have been recognized by Russia and Germany".

However, the most sinister figure of Armenianism, whose name is directly associated with the killing of hundreds of thousands of Jews and Gypsies is Ferenc Salashi, who has so far been unfairly linked to Hungary and the Hungarian people. Research into WWII documents shows: "the Fuhrer of the Hungarian people" from 1944 to 1945 was head of the Nazi party Cross Arrows, F. Salasyan (nicknamed Salashi), born in the Slovak town of Kasha (currently Koshice) in 1897.

Thus, a letter to London by James Lyns, adviser to the UK embassy in Hungary, describes the political situation in the country: "The resignation of Prime Minister Teleki would bring to centre-stage the leader of the Hungarian Fascists, Salashi, a naturalized Armenian, a man of strong will and fanatic determination. Salashi, according to professor Nimedi, will immediately conclude direct and uncompromising union with Hitler. He is ready to fulfil any demand of the national-socialists because his organization, based on the lumpen proletariat and petty bourgeoisie, preaches the ideology which was brought into existence by the NSDAP". The Armenian "ethnic affiliation" of the head of the Hungarian office of Dashnaktsutyun, F. Salasyan, who was in charge of the Budapest Gestapo, is confirmed by other documents of the occupation period which were published in the English, German and Ukrainian languages.

The attempts of Hungarian patriots to resist the usurpation of power on the part of the Armenian-Hitler union crashed. An appeal to the Hungarian army by out-of-favour Col-Gen Miklosh, a true patriot of his country, was quite emotional: "Budapest has been occupied by the German army. The chief of the German Gestapo and the leader of all bloody executioners is razing the Hungarian capital. Every Hungarian is facing the threat of death… As a senior Hungarian military commander, I am ordering everyone to stand and fight Hitler's occupiers and spies, as well as Gestapo agents and the henchmen of the traitor Salashi. As the commander-in-chief of the Hungarian armed forces, I am ordering all Hungarian officers and soldiers to use all the resources available to them to fight the occupiers and Nazi killers oppressing Hungary, as well as the traitors of the Hungarian people. I am ordering them to do away with all traitors described as commanders by the traitor Salashi."

But it was too late. In October 1944, the fighter planes of Otto Skotzeni, on orders from Hitler, staged a coup in Hungary and brought the "Fuhrer of the Hungarian people" F. Salasyan to power. Shortly after his ascent to power, "large-scale campaigns were launched to wipe out hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews and Gypsies and to deport them to Germany. Prisoners were driven deep into the country to the German border ("March of death")… Mass killings in Hungary are considered to be one of the latest episodes of the Holocaust." 

This is when retired prime minister Pal Teleki wrote: "We have become marauders who are looting dead bodies. We have become the crappiest nation on earth. I could not hold you. Guilty."

According to documents from the Nuremberg trial, in the spring of 1944 the Hitler Command Staff in Hungary was in full control of Adolf Eichman - SS obehrsturmbanfuhrer who was responsible in the Gestapo for killing millions of Jews and who was the author of the "Final solution to the Jewish issue" programme. F. Salasyan was appointed by A. Eichman to act as an authorized representative of the Hungarian Gestapo in the mass extermination of Jews and Gypsies. 

The operation began with so-called Karpat Russia and Transylvania. It commenced in mid-1944. The operation covered western Ukraine and targeted more than 200,000 Jews living on these territories. "As a consequence, unbearable conditions regarding feeding and accommodation were created in small towns and rural schools with Jewish communities". F. Salasyan insisted that the Hungarian government send a suggestion to the Hitler command on stationing the Jews in Oswiecim and other concentration camps of death. The exodus of Jews from Hungary started in May 1944 under the direct control of F. Salasyan, who promised to clear Budapest of Jews in late June 1944. However, the drastic change in the situation on the eastern front, and the activation of Hungarian patriotic forces fighting against the dictatorship of the Armenian usurper, compelled F. Salasyan to slightly alter his monstrous plans: the operation engulfed 437,000 Jews. They were loaded onto wagons and sent away to face death. A. Eichman and F. Salasyan marked this day as a holiday: the point is that before their ascent to power, 800,000 Hungarian Jews were relatively safe, although Hungary was an official ally of Hitler's Germany. Together with the Jews, hundreds of Hungarian patriots were also sent to the gas chambers for having ventured to openly oppose the usurpation of power in the country by a member of the Armenian international terrorist organization Dashnaktsutyun, F. Salasyan (according to some information, "Cherents Salasyants".)

After WWII, F. Salasyan attempted to go into hiding in Austria but was arrested by American intelligence, faced trial on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity, and was sentenced to death. On 12 March 1948, F. Salasyan was hanged in Budapest.

The latest historical facts confirm secret Armenian plans against the Jews. On 5 September 1972, several Israeli sportsmen who had arrived in Munich to take part in the Olympics were killed. The bloody crime was presented to the world public as "retribution by Islamic terrorists". Today it is known that the murder was committed by the Black September organization under the direct supervision of Armenianism representative, Akop Akopyan (born in Mosul). Ten years later, Akopyan established the Armenian terrorist organization ASALA. On 28 July 1983, the then US president, Ronald Reagan, described ASALA as a barbaric, inhuman and criminal organization, unbecoming of the civilized world.

Starting from 1973, Armenian militants of the future terrorist organization ASALA, while in Palestinian camps, embarked upon intense preparations for organizing and perpetrating acts of sabotage and terror. According to the BBC, Mossad had important information about such training camps. ASALA founder Akop Akopyan, who was closely involved in the killing of Israeli sportsmen, suddenly changed his name to a Muslim one (earlier the same trick was performed by Salasyan). Now known as Mojahad, he was acting in alliance with the terrorist organization PFLGG and "Palestinian No 1" Abu Nidal whose motto was: "I am killing Zionists and traitors, therefore I exist."  Later ASALA made a public statement declaring support for the terrorist organization Islamic Jihad.

Thus, a letter from US State Secretary G. Shulz to the speaker of the House of Representatives, Thomas O'Neil, dated 4 March 1985, points to the existence of a "dangerous problem of Armenian terrorism… This activity is being carried out by ASALA, one of the biggest Armenian terrorist organizations. It also helps other terrorist groups which mainly target American interests. ASALA has expressed its support for Islamic Jihad, a pro-Iranian terrorist organization, which is responsible for most acts of terror in Lebanon."

Another fact: on 11 May 2001, five months prior to the terrorist attack on the USA, the Israeli Air Defence Troops shot down a Lebanese Cessna plane piloted by kamikaze pilot Stephan Oganes Nikolyan, a member of the Lebanese HQ of the international network of Armenianism. The purpose of kamikaze Nikolyan, according to a press release circulated by Hezbollah, was to destroy the communication system in an Israeli settlement…