13 March 2025

Thursday, 07:53


Rufat ISMAYILOV: "Nothing came easy to me, and I know the price of success"



People started talking about Rufat Ismayilov, the founder of the Affair brand, at last year's Milan Fashion Week, where he won over not only the audience but also the critics and his designer colleagues with his professionalism. Today, the rising star of the fashion industry shared with R+ his thoughts about fashion and spoke about his plans and his hobbies.

People started talking about Rufat Ismayilov, the founder of the Affair brand, at last year's Milan Fashion Week, where he won over not only the audience but also the critics and his designer colleagues with his professionalism. Today, the rising star of the fashion industry shared with R+ his thoughts about fashion and spoke about his plans and his hobbies.

- Rufat, as far as I am aware, you planned to link your future with the diplomatic service, but you ended up in the fashion industry.

- After I left secondary school I joined the diplomatic college in Baku, and went on to continue my studies at the international relations faculty at Frankfurt University. But fate decreed that I was to end up in the fashion industry. As they say, Man proposes but God disposes. Although my mother says that when I was a child and they asked me: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I proudly replied "A gynaecologist"…

- But I believe you also worked as a journalist.

- My first job was in an editorial office. After I took journalism courses at the Vyshka newspaper, I started publishing my stories about culture in the media… 

Now, I can't imagine for one moment not being in the world of fashion. I get huge pleasure from my work. Besides, the job I love and find so fascinating is the source of my income and for that I thank the Almighty, my family and the team I work with.

- A career in the modelling industry is very tempting for young people. But one shouldn't forget that fashion is a pretty competitive business.

- Yes, I agree. Fashion is a business, where the main thing is to find your niche. But if you can do that, you must do everything you can to keep in that position. Incidentally, nothing came easy to me and I know the price of success.

- Victorian moralists said fashion was a "capricious goddess". What is fashion to you?

- I'll answer that with the words of the couturier, Jacques Fath: Fashion is art, and art is creative. And do you know who the creators are?

- Judging from your question, men must be the creators…

- Exactly. To me fashion means individuality, which emphasizes the uniqueness of man, his distinctiveness and his peculiarity. But in order to separate it, you have to have taste which, in [German philosopher Immanuel] Kant's opinion is the "aesthetic definition of perfection". Uniqueness is what fashion is to me.

Fashion attaches immense importance to dress. But there are contradictions here. On the one hand, there is the desire to beautify oneself, and on the other to remain modest and observe decorum.

- Which episode in your career do you regard as a great success?

- To me, every episode of my life is important, but I believe the key one, of course, was the catwalk at the Palazzo Serbelloni. That was my debut, which went down very well.

- How do you take criticism?

- Pretty well, if it is sound and designed to change a situation. I completely agree with Charles Buxton, who said that silence is sometimes the severest criticism.

- Vissarion Belinskiy once said that "strong talent will not kill the severity of criticism".

- In my view, there is no point in reacting negatively to criticism. You can draw benefit from it, too.

- When you were younger you worked successfully as a model abroad. You worked with Paco Rabanne, Valentin Yudashkin and others. Did that in any way help you in your work today?

- It was these celebrated models who gave me the idea to create my own brand. It is thanks to them that I ended up a designer. And if you are talking about my work as a model, I have to say that it did, of course, define my future life. I am sure you will agree with me that however fabulous an outfit might be, who presents it is of great significance. To me, work as a model was a kind of school.

- As a model, did you encounter any pitfalls?

- Yes, from time to time. It is no secret that models have no love for one another. In this business, the envy of your colleagues is assured.

- Rufat, how was your very first collection received?

- Positively. Reading the international press which raved about my outfits was enough to convince me of that.

- Do you take note of what your clients think?

- Of course. I'll tell you, it's what my clients think that is most important for me. I always try to please them and sense their taste.

- How do you feel after you have completed a series of outfits?

- It's a feeling of euphoria and huge elation. In short, you can see the results of your work - sheer happiness!

- What is the source of your inspiration?

- I travel quite a lot, and I am always delighted by the variety of nature which is an indisputable and inexhaustible source of ideas for my work. After all, nature is perfection and harmony.

- How much time does the process of creating a single collection take up?

- I deliberate about a collection quite quickly. But getting it together takes about six months, plus the same amount of time on preparing the catwalk, and then trips to various countries.

- Which fabrics do you prefer?

- It all depends on the season. In the summer, it's satin, silk and linen; in winter, of course, it's cashmere and leather.

- Which celebrities would you like to see as your clients?

- David Gandy, David Beckham, Brad Pitt, Ronaldo… Although some of them have clothes of my brand in their wardrobe.

- Why do you think these celebrities you have named have chosen or should choose your things?

- My collection is comfortable, high-quality and varied. It is for lovers of classical clothes and for those who like the sporty style.

- What are your plans?

- To make a women's collection. And a capsule collection for Azerbaijan. And the next step would be to open two or three shops in our republic.

- Rufat, you were among the jury of the Turkish young designers' competition "Merter Moda 2015". Does this mean you were judging your colleagues? 

- On the one hand, it was nice to judge along with well-known designers. On the other hand, it was awkward, because those who were showing my collection have been working in the fashion world longer than me.

- How does a typical day start for you?

- With a cup of coffee. Then work, sport and back home. If I have any spare time, I prefer to spend it with my family and friends. On my days off I go to Beirut where I meet up with friends there. I'm always very happy there.

- What really comes first in your life - your family or your work?

- Of course, it's my work. After all, the future of my family, who are always pleased about my success and who support me, depends on it. I don't sleep for more than six hours and I work 10-14 hours a day.

- When do you take time off?

- Rarely, but when I do the first thing I do is switch off my phone and then I'm unavailable. I hate the telephone when I am relaxing.

- Do you have any hobbies?

- I exercise regularly and I play the piano, although when I was a kid I found it hard sitting down to play the piano. I just didn't like studying music. Now, when I play I am relaxing, although my fingers don't move like they used to.

- What are you proud of?

- That I am Azerbaijani!