12 March 2025

Wednesday, 04:47


Chairman-Olivier Giscard d'Estaing International Movement for Relations between States and Religions (MIRER)



Azerbaijan is a unique example of peaceful co-existence between many nationalities and religious denominations. Historically, there has never been discrimination and confrontation on ethnic and religious grounds in Azerbaijan, and progressive national cultural and religious relations based on mutual trust and respect have existed.

At the present time, despite the fact that the majority of the population professes Islam, synagogues and Orthodox and Catholic churches have wide representation in the country.

Baku has repeatedly been a centre for the holding of international conferences on the subject of interreligious and intercultural dialogue.

At the end of April, Baku also hosted the 7th Global Forum of the UN Alliance of Civilizations, which discussed the potential for the expansion of the intercultural dialogue.

The chairman of the International Movement for Relations between States and Religions, Olivier Giscard d'Estaing, shared his opinion about developments surrounding the dialogue of civilizations with R+.

- What are the prognoses of your searches about the relations between government and religious?

- Our research is starting and justified because civil society has to react to current dramatic happenings against religious minorities in many countries. Our initial findings are that the great variety of situations are in accordance with historical traditions and events: domination, war, crime but also reasonable relations, thanks to the imperfect application of the principle of secularity and existing legislation or accepted practice between states and religions.We think that in every country, each religious minority should have the right to exist, to be preserved and to be protected both by the state and the dominant religion.

- From time to time countries in the world come together to discuss religious extremism and terror and makes some offers. How do you think do these conferences or discussions have any impact to the solution of this problem?

- There are currently three levels of international relations, those among nations, those among religions and those within multilateral and world organizations, such as the UN and UNESCO. We wish to add the level of civil society, because public opinion has a considerable impact on human affairs. We are facing a world where the dominant power belongs to nation states. This can be frustrating for religions in cases of difference in belief, which can in turn affect the behaviour of their followers

- How could be resulted the influence of religious to the governmental affairs, positively or negatively? 

- The results cannot be negative as long as both groups continue efforts of reciprocal understanding and mutual respect.

- Why the countries are so weak to prevent the terror acts procreated by radical extremist organizations as Al-Qaeda, Hisbullah, ISIS?

- It is impossible to eradicate the acts of terrorists who are determined to die; but in fact the power of governments is globally hundreds of times stronger than that of organized criminals.

- Some experts consider that, terrorists use modern information technology more than the states. How do you think is it necessary to make something new in tackling against them? 

- The use of modern technologies is currently available everywhere; it is hard to compare their efficiencies.

- As we remember there was immediate reaction and unity by the world countries on occasion of terror act happened in Paris at the end of last year. But in case of Turkey there procreated some terror acts from the beginning of the year, but there was no common reaction by countries. What the reason of such different approach?

- Now more than ever we observe immediate worldwide reactions against terrorism, whether those acts occur in Europe, Africa, America or Asia.

- Some states blame each in supporting ISIS. For your opinion who is the supporter of ISIS?

- I have no special information on this subject.

- How do you estimate the relations between government and religious in Azerbaijan?

- I am fascinated by its history and geographical location and we will explore question relative to the practice of the various religions in further detail. I am impressed by the high level of participation and subjects discussed in the Forums organized by the Nizami Gandjavi International Center and by the support it receives from the president Ilham Aliyev.