13 March 2025

Thursday, 03:38


Saadat AZIZOVA: "Children should be treated with respect, because they have a character. They recognize neither stereotypes nor copybook maxims"



The schools are over, and the children take a well-deserved vacation. Frankly, it is not only the children but also their parents, who have been waiting for the summer holidays for so long. No more rushing at early morning hours, no more home exercises, no more talks with teachers. After all, the stressful training season and the working regime exhaust even the most diligent students and patient parents. The end of the school year is a kind of summing up the results of the knowledge received at school, behavioral development, which, contrary to the generally accepted belief that "the school only teaches", is also being perfected by school teachers. And with good teachers, children become not only good students, but also good people.

There are teachers who one does not want to part with even during the summer holidays. Let alone when the pupils leave one beloved teacher to another, from the primary classes to the next stage - into a more mature school life.


A teacher’s view

"This year, my grandson finishes his 4th grade. He and his classmates are lucky. All these years, their teacher was very careful of them."

These words belong to Safura Guliyev, whose grandson Amir is now a graduate of Saadat Azizova, the Honored Teacher of Azerbaijan, a teacher of primary classes at the famous Classical Gymnasium №160.

Why do we write about her? Because you can rarely meet teachers, who choose their profession not by coincidence, but by calling. The children can tell you many stories about her, about her unique approach to them. Many people recommend her; she is known and loved. Saadat-khanim has been working as a teacher for 28 years. This is an evidence of unconditional faith of children in her, sort of a two-lane street built upon trust.

In her interview with R+, Saadat Azizova shares her teaching secrets at the primary classes. Perhaps, her experience will help many parents understand their children, try not to read them endless notations, but grow with pleasure.

What is your motto in working with your students?

"Everything for a pupil!" Thanks to this approach, children trust me unconditionally. I love them. This love allows me to convince and lead them. After all, one should trust the children! I learn a lot from them.

How do you understand that something is interesting for the children, that they have grasped the curriculum?

Each teacher tries to find his or her own way of teaching. I try to inspire them to learn so that they are able to get the necessary knowledge in 45 minutes regardless of their abilities, desire to learn and mindfulness. The educational process must be constructed in such a way that the pupil do not lose interest in lessons. I am very pleased to hear that my graduates are always successful in their studies at higher grades both intellectually and creatively. I do not want to talk tall but the parents often say that they can feel an atmosphere of creative search in my classes. That is what I am trying to achieve.

And yet, what is your secret? How can we make our children love, respect and share their impressions? How to earn this trust from them? It is not that easy with children...

It is not easy for those who do not know the way of speaking with children and rise at their level of thinking... Yes, it is important to rise to their level of thinking and consciousness. This is a very high level of perception - children should be treated with respect, because they have a character. They recognize neither stereotypes nor copybook maxims. They are unique. I try to create for them a situation of success. If a pupil has achieved something, then I would definitely celebrate this fact and praise him. They should feel the feedback! Although, if you look from the outside, you will say that I do not spoil my pupils but I treat them strictly. But I always do this whole-heartedly. I carefully observe their progress. When the situation gets worse, I immediately sound an alarm: I talk with their parents trying to find out the reasons that led to that situation. I talk to my pupils directly.

Maybe you have a special method of education?

The thing is that I take lessons very seriously. If the learning process is interesting for me, it will certainly be interesting for my pupils. They often admit that they never get bored at my lessons. I try not to tailor my program to the weak pupils’ abilities; rather I raise them to the level of my best pupils. That is the secret of my technique.

Do your parents attend your classes?

Yes. Open lessons are very important to me, because the children of primary age have a very strong connection with their parents. The parents should have an idea of ​​the training process. This is a kind of home support - a continuation of what the teacher gives at the school. Also, it helps the parents to relax and not panic in many issues. Such situations happen when they do not quite understand where they send their child to study.

Which subject do you prefer in teaching?

Mathematics. I try to instill a love for this subject in my students. I think I am successful in doing so. I want my pupils feel comfortable in math instead of scaring them in this complex subject. Only this helps them believe in their own strength. First, I suggest a situation similar to the one described in the problem. Then I try to depict it using a drawing or diagram. Next, I ask the students to explain me the way they reached the result. Sometimes I am amazed at how children come up with their solutions. These are our famous interactive lessons. I try to focus them on thinking process, not solving standard problems. The overwhelming majority of children manage to solve the problems easily. Those who initially do not believe in themselves and their abilities soon are able to get rid of anxiety and fear and enjoy the math.

Do your pupils ask you questions that you find difficult to answer?

Yes, it so happens that I feel puzzled answering their questions. I am very happy about that. After hearing such questions, the teacher understands that children think, analyze what they hear. I like children who think in a non-standard way. I always want them to be. But this must be taught. Therefore, I teach them to solve non-standard problems. It is very important for me to teach them mathematical tricks, to develop in children a mathematical mentality. It is probably impossible to prepare every athlete to be a world champion but making him successfully compete in competitions and take good ranks is possible. My students take part in all kinds of Olympiads with great pleasure. It is not necessary to be a great mathematician to solve non-standard problems. It is enough to think logically and be able to reason. Unfortunately, this skill cannot be shaped through testing. Therefore, I welcome the desire of children to think independently. This gives you the opportunity to defend your point of view. I am very glad that my kids are not afraid to express their opinions. One cannot panic trying to solve seemingly difficult mathematical problems, those highlighted with an "asterisk", you know. The process should be pleasant and interesting. I try to significantly push the boundaries of their ideas about the world around us.

Children have to do a lot of homework, they are under constant stress...

In fact, it is not enough to ask for a homework or do them. Each homework should be analyzed and interpreted. Therefore, each lesson begins with a discussion of homework and a Q&A session. Often I ask them to solve additional problems of the Olympiad level thematically connected with the studied material. In doing so, I ask them to show me different solutions. The most beautiful solution is welcomed by applause.

And what about your pupils at the next grades? Do you follow their progress afterwards? Most likely they do not have problems with mathematics, as your classes are with a mathematical bias...

Honestly, they do not have serious problems. However, I am afraid that the gifted children may feel boring when they are taught the math from a different perspective. But I know that in our gymnasium there will be a worthy successor. If we want to see the successful future of Azerbaijan, then, undoubtedly, we must raise the intellectual level of society. Thanks to the leadership of our gymnasium, our principal Faina Alakbarova, for creating favorable conditions for the work of teachers.



Do we often listen to the teachers? How often do we understand them? Today, the public is more inclined to criticize them, but not every parent thinks if it is easy for teachers to lead their children. Amir's grandmother believes that Saadat Azizova should pass her experience to others by conducting open lessons and giving master classes to inexperienced teachers. Only taking on the invaluable experience of such teachers, the intellectual level of society will increase, says Safura Guliyeva. "Her students have learned to think correctly. She pointed the way to the children and taught the most important thing - to learn. Saadat is a teacher by calling. This is an example of selfless service to society, to her homeland. I would very much like to see the same smart, talented and fair teachers for our children. After four years of the most interesting "start up" training for my grandson, I talk about Saadat-khanim to many people. After all, she is a brand! A brand for her schools, for our city, for our country. I think that her name should be inscribed in the Fame List of Teachers, unavailable in our country. But it is useful to create one. We wish Saadat-khanim health so that she can grow more generations of thinking, far-sighted, and savvy students! My grandson will miss her," added the grateful grandmother.