Why do they hate the billionaire George Soros?
Author: Fuad HILALOV
Imagine a fourteen-year-old Jewish boy, who collaborates with the Nazis helping them to capture the rich Jewish citizens after the occupation of his hometown of Budapest in 1944. While hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being sent to concentration camps, this boy used to accompany the bandits in cold blood and assisted them in seizing the property of his fellow townsmen. The villain’s name was George, and by that time, he had already changed his family name Schwartz to a more European Soros and accepted Christianity at the request of his father, Tividar Schwartz, a lawyer and one of the prominent leaders of the Jewish community in Budapest. And so began the rise of the notorious American speculator, financier, investor, and philanthropist.
Here is an excerpt of George Soros’s interview to 60 Minutes aired on CBS in December 1998, when he was already at the peak of his fame as a consummate financial tycoon and recalls these events as follows: "Yes, I was 14 years old. I would say that that is when my character was made. Because I had to think ahead, understand and anticipate events. And I was threatened with evil." Probably, this fear of losing everything has ultimately paved the way of his life ahead. Soros knew that without anticipating events, it would be impossible to gain profit. In reply to a resentful comment of the interviewer that such an experience could send many people to a psychiatric couch, the billionaire says: "It was not difficult and it created no problem at all. I have no feeling of guilt."
After the Second World War, the young George left for his relatives living in London, where he entered the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Here he had a second event, which has largely influenced his economic and political views throughout his later life. At LSE, Soros was lectured by one of the most renowned philosophers of his time Karl Popper, whose ideas have shaped the political views of the young Soros. The main one was the theory of Open Society. Popper believed that the Open Society must be free of almost any restrictions and taboos for people who are free to do whatever they want, and where the role of political power is absolutely minimized. In other words, the determining factor of the Open Society is material wealth, for which it is worth to do everything, and the power of money dominates the people who eventually shift further away from the universal human values and do not feel any responsibility to the state, whose powers are minimized.
After graduation, Soros has long been looking for a suitable job. He used to work at a haberdashery and as a traveling salesman. After unsuccessful attempts to make a career in the UK, he arrives in New York in 1956 at the invitation of his friend’s father, someone called Mayer, who owned a small brokerage firm on the Wall Street, the world’s financial capital. Soros began his career in international arbitration speculating with international securities. In 1963, the then U.S. President, John F. Kennedy, launched a global war against the speculators of securities, which has allegedly cost him his life. Thus, Soros had to close his business but by the end of the 70s, he has miraculously become the owner of a wealth amounting to several tens of millions in the U.S. dollars. Together with his business partner Jim Rogers, Soros became famous for having never lost his business for a decade, which is a fantastic achievement in the field of financial speculations. What was the secret of his success? Maybe Soros was a kind of a visionary with supernatural gifts that helped him to trace the outcome of international events and to make such a dizzying career as a financier? Or, maybe he had invisible forces and patrons that have timely provided him with insider knowledge to make the right decisions?
Interestingly, the rag-to-riches stories about the allegedly gifted people, who were able to make a fortune only because of their personal qualities and talents, are widely popular in the West. In fact, not everything looks so simple and naive. Let us just imagine that a certain state or a very influential group of people is interested in promoting their own interests in some region or part of the planet against the will and aspirations of the majority inhabiting that region. Any military intervention or explicit aggression is often a costly and noisy business. Furthermore, depending on the strength and potential of the enemy, this can be even dangerous. Hence, it is much more convenient and more profitable to create chaos and uncertainty in that region, which will set the neighbors against each other, helping the interested group to realize its economic and geopolitical interests accordingly. After all, you would not foolishly expose your identity and announce your desires, when you could rather achieve more benefits under the guise of good intentions and supposedly universal values. In such cases, the agents of influence are used. At the right time, certain people or groups of people are provided with the trumps, or the appropriate leverage, which allows this people to act independently.
In 1979, Soros established his first non-governmental organization in the U.S., Open Society Foundation (OSF), as a tribute to the teachings of his mentor Karl Popper. OSF immediately began to support the Polish opposition group Solidarity, which was advocating for changes in the political power of Poland and the country’s withdrawal from the socialist camp. According to unconfirmed reports, OSF has also financed the Operation Cyclone, a covert mission prepared and implemented by the CIA to support the Afghan mujahideen fighting against the Soviet intervention. It is well-known that the mastermind of the operation was the national security adviser of the former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, while the supervisor of the operation from the Afghan side was the notorious Osama bin Laden.
After 1980, Soros has been spending almost half a billion dollars annually on various "democratic projects". In September 1987, he initiated the establishment of the Soviet-American Cultural Initiative in support of science, culture and education. In 1988, OSF suggested creating an "open sector in the Soviet economy" with the aim of introducing the Soviet economic complex into the world economic system. In addition, the Soros Foundation has been known for its active support of the Velvet Revolutions in the Eastern Europe, which has eventually led to the end of the socialist camp. Soros has been rewarded soon for his efforts. September 16, 1992 remained in history as the Black Wednesday, when the value of the English pound sterling fell rapidly relative to the German mark in a single day earning Soros more than a billion dollars. It is known that not long before the event, Soros met with Helmut Schlesinger, the then president of the German Bundesbank. Soros is also known for his powerful guardians, who have repeatedly supported him in various difficult operations. During 1996-1998, the financial crises hit the Asian countries of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and Russia with millions of people left in poverty. During the same interview on CBS, when asked about his role in all these economic disasters, Soros proudly smiled and acknowledged his participation. He later added that he did not care about the social consequences of all these disasters.
After Soros’s success in both the financial and political fields of the hybrid war, the hosts of the game have empowered him for playing more serious ‘games’. In October 2000, the international community learned about the new phenomenon of political processes - Color Revolutions, the so-called tools of nonviolent overthrow of existing governments. The first of such revolutions took place in Serbia, later followed by Georgia and Ukraine.
By overthrowing the existing government, the perpetrators could accomplish several tasks simultaneously: the elimination of political forces unfit for the global capital, harassment of neighboring and sometimes even fraternal peoples like Russians and Ukrainians, creating havoc for further spreading it over the enemy's territory. The Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic was a close ally of Russia and refused to integrate into the European structures. He was overthrown with the help of the Bulldozer Revolution. The Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze has always been loyal to the West, but his balanced policy was not entirely pleasing, plus he was preparing to implement deep reforms in many areas of the state apparatus. In other words, it was impossible to postpone the "revolution". Georgia borders on Russia, which means it is convenient in terms of creating an openly hostile territory. As a result, President Shevardnadze was forced to transfer the power to the opposition led mostly by people educated abroad thanks to international grants. Then it was Ukraine’s turn, yet another country bordering on Russia. The Orange Revolution took place after the presidential elections. Pressed by the opposition, the country's leadership took an unprecedented step by holding the third round of elections, which brought the tandem of Yushchenko - Tymoshenko to the power. These were followed by two revolutions in Kyrgyzstan.
All of these events have many similarities: specially developed methods for manipulating the consciousness of large groups with the help of the media and especially social networks and the Internet, the leading role of youth organizations such as Otpor in Serbia, Kmara in Georgia, Pora in Ukraine... The same slogans, the same methods! Everything was unequivocally similar. It is no secret that the Soros schools have been involved in all these events in one way or another. For example, more than a hundred different structures were opened under the auspices of Soros organizations right after Ukraine gained its independence. Who and why was interested in this?
Under the cover of these operations, both Soros and his masters were trying to reach their own objectives. After the "revolutions" in Ukraine and Georgia, the companies associated with Soros received fabulous dividends. The revolution in Kyrgyzstan led to riots in the city of Osh between the ethnic Uzbeks and Kyrgyz. The region, which has always been considered the main gateway to Afghan drug trafficking, has plunged into the chaos. As for the masters of Soros, one of their main tasks was to establish the rule of regional political authorities, which would obey them in everything and would depend on international financial structures.
So far, everything has seemed to go well for Soros. Yet there was another tasty little deal on his way named Azerbaijan, a wealthy country on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Since the beginning of his tenure, the young president Ilham Aliyev had always demonstrated the independent policy of his country. He certainly would not agree to be a "tamed president". In addition, Azerbaijan is geographically located between Russia and Iran, the two states that Soros hates pathologically, or even zoologically.
Thus, yet another "color revolution" was carefully planned according to the previously established methodologies. Work was in progress with youth groups and representatives of the opposition. The operation was planned to take place exactly during the parliamentary elections of 2005.
However, it was in Azerbaijan that Soros and his masters have failed miserably. And there were several reasons of this failure. The key factor of success in all previous coups was the presence of covert subversive groups injected into the power structures, who were ready to support the conspirators openly as soon as instructed. A close examination of the "color revolutions" shows that all of them have intensely used the services of such infiltrators embedded in power structures and quite successful in solving the tasks in cahoots with the opposition. In 2005, the state authorities of Azerbaijan showed solidarity. Some of its representatives, caught in private meetings with the U.S. ambassador and trying to support the conspirators, were quickly discovered and neutralized. Among other reasons for the failure of the Soros plan were the total worthlessness of the opposition and the distrust of the Azerbaijani people, who did not succumb to all sorts of psychological manipulation. Azerbaijan suffered from its own Orange Spring back in the early 90s, and since then, it has developed a kind of immunity for such adventures. After a while, Soros organizations had to cease their activities in Azerbaijan, and their work was needed in other parts of the world. Since the end of 2010, the whole of the Middle East and North Africa has been shocked by a series of events, later called the Arab Spring. In some countries, governments were overthrown, and the chaos began. In other countries, the "spring" has turned into a civil war. The mechanisms characteristic to Soros’s operations have been noticed in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria. Surprisingly, being allegedly and demonstratively committed to liberal values, the former convert to Christianity and presently an atheist has easily found a common language with the jihadists to achieve his goals. The consequences of the Arab Spring are known to everyone: dismembered Libya, Syria and Yemen, civil wars and famine, resulting in the death of millions of innocent people. The richest region in the world has turned into a wild field resembling scenes from apocalyptic films, where the world powers test their weapons and solve their problems.
Leaving the Muslim East in flames, the Masters have switched to Ukraine again. During the notorious civil unrest known as the Euromaidan, Soros tried a new method. This time the proponents of liberal values colluded with ultra-nationalist groups to overthrow the Yanukovich government. As a result, Ukraine has lost territories, suffers from growing social problems, and has a national economy comparable with the one of Gabon, according to Soros’s favorite pet, Mikhail Saakashvili. But this does not stop Soros from being a frequent visitor in Kiev, where he loves to organize lavish feasts, to book the entire hotels, to realize his projects pretending to be the landlord of the country, and to openly call on Europe to fight against Russia until the last Ukrainian.
In fact, Soros has never abandoned the idea of implementing his plans in Azerbaijan. During the Davos summit in 2015, he requested the president of Azerbaijan for a permission to open the Open Society Institute, the principal hotbed of “color revolutions”. But the president rejected Soros' proposal, which was a pretty good reason to hold a grudge against Aliyev. During the European Games held in Baku in the same year, the British The Guardian owned by the speculator, launched a dirty campaign against Azerbaijan. One of the falsified materials was exposed by Region + forcing The Guardian to correct its "mistake". But the slanderous materials were only the top of iceberg.
In May, the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center (ESISC) published a comprehensive report detailing the operation of a shadow network in the Council of Europe headed by George Soros. The report details how Soros, along with pro-Armenian members of the Council of Europe, arranges attacks against Azerbaijan. But this is a topic for a separate article. We will only note that almost all the anti-Azerbaijani members of the Council of Europe keep close ties with the Soros Foundation. This includes Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Latvian MP and a frequent guest in Yerevan, Christopher Strasser, Gerald Knaus and many other European deputies who openly demonstrate their hostility towards Azerbaijan, worked or received education under the auspices of Soros’s NGO. The infamous European MP from Luxembourg Frank Engel, who threatened to fight against Azerbaijan and had his wedding in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, is also closely connected with Soros. Soros even used him in another adventure against his historic homeland, Hungary.
Soon or later, the truth comes out. Soros began having problems soon after the victory of Donald Trump in the presidential elections in the United States. He had used all his power to make Hillary Clinton, another "hotbed of democratic values", win but ... he lost. Perhaps this was his biggest loss in life. After Trump's victory, he threw all his strength against the new president: baiting in controlled media, street protests, manipulation through social networks. However, all was in vain – the Trump administration made a clear statement: "The United States is not Ukraine for Soros to organize a coup d'état." Recently, more than one hundred thousand people have signed a petition asking the President of the United States Donald Trump to denounce the American billionaire George Soros as a terrorist. Now the petition is pending the consideration of the White House. The text of the relevant petition was published on the website of the White House.
Interestingly, the state of Israel, which is considered the defender of all the Jews of the world, also explicitly shows its negative attitude towards Soros. In July 2017, the Israeli Foreign Ministry issued a statement, which reads in particular: "This person has continuously undermined Israel’s democratically elected governments, supported various organizations that defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself".
Throughout his life, Soros has been a successful speculator, and his multi-billion dollar fortune and famous financial career is nothing but a game of borrowed cards. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why he has bequeathed all his fortune to charity except to return to his masters. After himself, he will leave millions of dead innocent people, crippled fates and curses. Just because an unappealing young boy from Budapest had sold his soul to the devil in the cold Hungarian spring of 1944.