Man vs Nature: complementarity presented at the exhibition held in the YAY Gallery
Author: Salatyn MIRZAYEVA
Like music, art can touch the finest strings of our soul, while the interweaving of meanings and the search for secret thought fascinates our mind compelling it to shift into another dimension. For some people, art is the manifestation of beauty, while others draw inspiration from the best of its examples. The exhibition Corporal Landscapes held in Baku recently harmoniously combines these two approaches creating a synthesis of aesthetic beauty with deep meaning.
Perhaps, every visitor of the exposition has this question when getting to know the works of artists. The main task of the creators of corporal landscapes was to determine the essence of a human being through external description of models, through a moderate tone scale and a stylish balance of composition.
In nature, everything is alive. Man, as the supreme creation of God, is an integral part of nature. This is what the artists Eldar Gurban, Amrullah Israfilov, Aida Mahmudova, Niyaz Najafov, and Mir Nadir Zeynalov believe. Their works clearly reflect the given theme. The beauty of human body, the world around us and the opportunity to create and express ourselves through art gives food for thought to the creators. Bold exposition of the outlines of human body combined with natural landscapes, the contrast of grace with rich colours of the nature led to the creation of bright and ambiguous works of the group exhibition at the YAY gallery located in a cosy corner of our city, Icherishahar.
The works of the Honoured Artist of Azerbaijan, member of the Union of Artists and the Union of Theatre Workers, real member of the New Era Academy of Arts, academician Eldar Gurban (Dream, Girl Playing with Stars) draw particular attention in that they lead us away from routine life into the world of secrets and search for answers to eternal questions.
“The exhibition leaves the most pleasant impressions, and I am very grateful for the invitation to take part in it,” Eldar Gurban said in his interview with R+.
“Undoubtedly, man is a part of nature, and the existence of one without the other is impossible. In Girl Playing with Stars, I pictured a heavenly, unearthly girl who is figuratively above the Universe and is passionate about playing with stars. On Dream, on the contrary, I depicted an absolutely terrestrial woman who is in a deep sleep. All the images of women depicted on my canvases are taken from life. But the portrait is incomplete, if you do not convey the inner content of the image through some specific internal sensations,” says the artist.
E. Gurban believes that painting is a world in the world created by the Almighty. “God is the Ultimate Creator who created this impeccable world, and we, as his favourite creatures, must convey this beauty through our creativity. After all, without fine art, life would seem routine and monotonous. That’s why I think that artists enrich our world with the permission of Allah, bringing in their perceptions through colours and associations. Every canvas is a separate world, which should remain unique and not be repeated. We have only the works of five artists at this exhibition. Each of us has his own vision of the subject, his own approach. That’s why the works are interesting - each one is unique. Each viewer finds something that complies with his taste and makes him think. And I wish all participants of the exhibition further success,” the artist said.
By skilful experimentation with colours, for example, it’s possible to depict grass in violet, a starry sky in black tones or a tree trunk in green. Bold, bright, new. Restrained eroticism in a number of works includes fragments of naked human bodies such as in the works of Niyaz Najafov with the image of a man intertwined with a tree. “I think it will be better if the viewers interpret my works on their own. This will be the most precise explanation. After all, as everything is in reality, no one knows: neither I, nor anyone else. I live in one part of the world, I work in Paris, I was born in Baku. I thank the organisers for not forgetting me and my works,” Niyaz Najafov said.