12 March 2025

Wednesday, 04:47


Amin ALIYEV: “Jazz on balaban is a synthesis that I have always been interested in.”



Young musician Amin Aliyev blew up the social networks with his virtuoso performance of blues improvisations on a balaban. Balaban is not a saxophone, which has been ‘born’ to play blues and jazz. Even the layman understands how difficult it is to make difficult improvisations on this national instrument. The range of Azerbaijani balaban goes from the sol (G) of the small octave to the do (C) of the second octave. Only a skillful performer can increase this range by a few more sounds.

Amin gave the national musical instrument a new contrast of sounds. He again proved that our national music and instruments have endless possibilities. By improvising, a creative person can expand the boundaries. Constantly working on himself, Amin perfectly understands this.

Amin took his first steps in music in the piano class. But he was destined to become a balaban player in the future. His young age, masterful approach, love of foreign music and the national instrument played a significant role in his career. We also decided to know more about the success of Amin during our short interview.


Musical success

I believe that talent is more important than education to create quality musis. Renowned teachers say that to successfully improvise and synthesize jazz, one needs a deep knowledge of classical music, mugham, and folk music. We must constantly listen, study and analyse the various aspects of our rich musical heritage. Each new detail, additional information makes the created music richer and better. The success of my work depends on the degree of my awareness, as well as my ability to listen to quality music. Of course, this work should be reflected in the music that I create and perform. I noticed that knowledge is endless...



I am currently in the 8th grade of the Georgy Sharoyev Music School. Education is important in every area. That’s why I want to continue my studies at the university upon as soon as I finish the school. We are fortunate that we live in a period when there is abundant sources to get musical education, and I want to take full advantage of these opportunities.



I began my musical education in a piano class, but then I understood that I want to study our national instrument - balaban. I would like to mention Amanulla Ibadullayev as my respected teacher. However, due to the existing circumstances, the education sector is not functioning throughout the country. As in every industry, educators, music masters are people from whom we must constantly learn and experience, carefully listen to their words and draw conclusions. I try to fully immerse into the learning process and get the maximum from my teachers.


Jazz and Balaban

Deep study of balaban gave me a chance to synthesise and play jazz. In general, all goes well for now. I have been interested in the synthesis of balaban and jazz since I love foreign music. I really like listening to beautiful compositions.



This is natural, and it should be. There is no growth without criticism. I try to concentrate my attention only on the development of my creativity and enrichment of my musical path.



I was lucky enough to meet and communicate with the virtuoso musician, harmonist, People's Artist of Azerbaijan, Aftandil Israfilov. By the way, he also performs world music. In duo, we intend to play dance music composed by Aftandil-muallim. I hope that following his advice, we will be able to touch the souls of our fans and take their thoughts beyond the borders to completely different spaces. I also dream of a duo with pianist Etibar Asadli. Another interesting duo will be with the lead singer of the Akhmedovsky Trio group, which I like very much. Babek Akhmedovsky and I love jazz and synthesis. I think that it’s going to be a very interesting collaboration, which will be completely different in terms of energy energy and special rhythms. For me, it is an experience, of course - to try myself in working with various musicians, to get acquainted with the manner and style of their performance, to join balaban with different instruments and watch the reaction of the audience.


Own compositions

My portfolio currently has about 100 compositions of my own. I plan to cover them in my digital album.


Work with conductors

I performed with the Uzeyir Hajibeyov State Orchestra and with the Gara Garayev Chamber Orchestra. It was a very interesting experience, as I was able to work with the prominent conductors of Azerbaijan, including the People's Artist Teymur Goychayev and Honored Artist Fuad Ibrahimov. It’s been a great work, albeit quite a difficult one. But it is ok since joint work with our masters is a rich and vibrant process.

If you ask me whether I like performing at major events with prominent conductors or creating my own pieces of music and performing them in front of the audience, I would say I prefer jazz as the closest to my state of mind. This genre has always been thrilling and interesting for me, especially in synthesis with balaban.



I became the third at the Bulbul International Vocal Competition. I also received my first degree diploma at the Republican contest of national music performers. In the contest dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the great musician Bulbul, 1st and 2nd places were given to musicians playing other instruments. I became the third with my balaban. I am very proud that the diploma was awarded to me personally by conductor Teymur Goychayev. Every victory encourages me to move forward.



There is no movement and growth without a goal. Of course, our goals, as well as achievements, never end. I want to create my own performance style. One of my main goals is to be able to convey the music I feel to a wider range of fans.


Free time

I usually play computer games when I have free time. Thanks to the lockdown (smiles). But at the same time, I tried as much as possible to invest in my work. I have a chance to rehearse a lot at home. Internet helps me share my performance through social networks. This is a great opportunity to contact the audience. But to be honest, I hope that the period of isolation ends soon and we all return to the usual life and reality.