16 March 2025

Sunday, 00:01


The Jerusalem Post experts: "Israel does not demand "submissiveness" in exchange for its relations with Azerbaijan"



The authoritative Israeli newspaper, the Jerusalem Post, has recently published an article which emphasizes the need for strengthening the cooperation between Israel and Azerbaijan. Authors of the article, Anna Geifman, senior researcher at Bar-Ilan University, and Daniel Course, Ph.D. candidate at the same university, have shared their ideas with our magazine.

- What can you say about the future of the Azerbaijani-Israeli relations?

Anna Geifman: Clearly, this depends on many factors, but the potential for further developments in the Israeli-Azerbaijani relations is very great. This is so because there are many common and mutually-complementary interests for the two countries.  For Azerbaijan, Israel is a source from which to obtain technologies, particularly those essential for the military. Importantly, while this is true for other countries as well, Israel does not demand "submissiveness" in exchange, nor does Israel put Azerbaijan in the position of a "client".  At the same time, of course, both countries struggle against terrorism. They may further collaborate in development and transporting energy carriers, as well as in many other areas, such as tourism and culture. We see this already:  for example, the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra will perform in Qabala.

- How soon may Azerbaijan establish its embassy in Israel? And is absence of the embassy so far a real obstacle in the development of the bilateral relations?

Anna Geifman: This question is difficult to answer.  It seems that the reason why the Azerbaijani leadership refrains from the move is its reluctance to position itself on the side of Israel, toward which an overwhelming part of the Muslim world is unfriendly. It is difficult to say when Baku will feel confident enough to take this step. On the other hand, I do not think that the relations between Israel and Azerbaijan are suffering strongly because there is no Azerbaijani embassy here. Israel well appreciates the sensitivity of the matter and the difficulty of the decision.

- What do you think are prospects of the military cooperation between our two countries?

Daniel Course: It would be redundant to reiterate what has been repeated many times in open sources, and it is too early to say what the open sources did not yet reveal anything. But, again, we have much ground for collaboration.  Israel is obviously an experienced provider of quality goods and services.  Azerbaijan is a serious buyer, who needs the means to defend its wealth and sovereignty. It is noteworthy that Azerbaijan has been historically inclined to arms-production so, it is not very surprising to hear of the on-going negotiations between our countries about joint ventures in arms production on the territory of Azerbaijan.  Different types of ammunition are being discussed, from fire arms to drones, as well as ways to modernize the Azeri heavy equipment.

- The Jewish community has played a big role in freezing the 907 amendment, adopted in the USA 20 years ago, and in the prevention of other anti-Azerbaijani decisions by US congressmen. How does Israel view cooperation with Azerbaijan on the level of communities?

Daniel Course: It is a common and mistaken assumption that Israel is in the position to exert tremendous influence on the US Jewish community.  Objectively speaking, this is not quite so.  In fact, American Jews often express negative attitudes towards Israeli foreign policy.  At the same time, Israel does influence the US Congress through energetic and experienced lobbying. For instance, in the past, Israel actively defended Turkish interests-so long as it was our strategic ally. 

It is essential to understand that the lobbying carries with it a very heavy price for Israel, which means that only our strategic partners may count on this.  In other words, our relations must be seriously strengthened and become open indeed in order for Israel to take up this policy with regards to Azerbaijan.

- Statements by individual Israeli representatives in support of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, have angered Armenia. What is Israel's position regarding the perpetuated Karabakh conflict which, some experts believe, may last as long as the Middle East problem does…


Anna Geifman: We are not aware of any official support statements; even if some Israeli representative did say something about Nagornyy Karabakh, these statements certainly do not reflect or undermine Jerusalem's neutrality in the conflict.  Obviously, we are talking about a very serious dispute, perhaps one comparable to that which we have with the Arabs. The only approach is for the Azeris and the Armenians to settle it between themselves; it is hardly possible for a third power to exert any influence on the issue.