14 March 2025

Friday, 11:03


Will the new standard of the Azerbaijani keyboard become popular?



The news that the new layout of the computer keyboard in the Azerbaijani language has been officially approved and, moreover, integrated into the next version of the Windows (8.1) operating system "blew up the Internet", as it is popular to say today. Social networks and forums are crammed with comments, feedback and sometimes open outrage about this somewhat unexpected step. In principle, the need for a new keyboard layout for the Azerbaijani language was spoken about a long time ago, but the version that has become available for use is really a bit controversial, although the developers of the new keyboard are confident that over time people will get used to the new layout and use it with pleasure, because it is convenient and even good for health.


Advantages of the new layout 

Although we have all been actively using computers for two decades, the Azerbaijani keyboard layout as the national standard was introduced not so long ago - in 2010. It was based on the well-known layout of the letters of the English keyboard "qwerty".

And last week, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology approved another national standard. Thus, there are actually two of them: the Azerbaijani Latin layout "qwerty", which is known to many, and the one that Microsoft has integrated into its new product Windows 8.1.

Both variants of the Azerbaijani layout were developed by the PhD in engineering and researcher at the Institute of Cybernetics of the Azerbaijani National Academy of Sciences, Qorxmaz Afandiyev.

Afandiyev said in an interview with R+ that when the previous layout was developed, the only requirement was to create it based on the "qwerty". In view of the fact that many Latin letters coincide with the letters of the Azerbaijani alphabet, they had to be left in their positions. "There was no scientific basis in that, and the views of experts were not taken into account. Everything was based on only one principle - "to develop it on the basis of 'qwerty' and place the Azerbaijani Latin letters on English letters (e.g. "w", which is also the letter "ц") and on punctuation marks. We also developed an optimal algorithm for placing the letters on the keyboard, which can be applied to any language," Afandiyev said.

The proposed algorithms consisted of two phases - the study of grammar and the frequency of the use of letters when typing - proportional load on the hands when typing. In the basic model of the layout, frequently used letters were divided into clusters, and then they used methods of consistent prestressing, mathematical statistics, etc. Following the introduction of this, special programmes were developed, which made it possible to reveal the best location of the letters. With the help of these programmes, the best 11 equivalent options were received, which were not much different from each other. As a result, the best of them, which is now accepted as the standard, was chosen with an automatic method.

The quality of typing, according to Afandiyev, depends on the proper placement of the letters on the keyboard. According to generally accepted rules, when you type, your wrist rests on the table. If your hands split up to the right or to the left when typing, it strains the wrist, which can lead to the carpal tunnel syndrome - one of the most common diseases of the wrist. The layout of the letters on the new keyboard allows you to use all 10 fingers when typing, which prevents the wrist disease and increases the speed of typing.

How does this happen? The most active fingers are the index, middle and little fingers. Under the rules, the most frequently used letters are located mainly in the centre of the keyboard, as it is the central keys that match the most active fingers.

In the currently used Azerbaijani "qwerty" keyboard, the letter "я" is in its extreme right-hand side - in the area of the right hand little finger. This contributes to the load on the hand every time you hit this key. The less frequently used letter "j" is in the centre. Naturally, this limits the use of all 10 fingers.

Studies have shown that many raise the wrist and use only the index and middle fingers. The reason is that when the wrist rests on the table, it is physically impossible to use the little finger. In this case, you are forced to use the other fingers, and this leads to wrist fatigue.

In the new layout, this problem is completely eliminated, thus increasing the typing speed by 24.3 % and, just as importantly, reducing spelling errors. "At the beginning of the year, we conducted an experiment among 90 students. They were instructed to type the following sentence in the Azerbaijani language: 'Doьma Bakы шяhяrimiz, gцndяn-gцnя gюzяllяшir'. 20% of the students typed the sentence using the English layout. Accordingly, instead of the letter '?' they used the letter 'e' and instead of the letter 'ш' - 's' or 'w'. The rest of the students, who used the Azerbaijani layout, typed the letter 'i' instead of the letter 'ы' and 'e' instead of 'я'," Afandiyev said.


Matter of habit? 

Meanwhile, society's sharp reaction to the new computer keyboard layout, according Afandiyev, is groundless because the old layout will not be cancelled and people accustomed to it can continue to use it in the future.

"Since the new layout is radically different from the 'qwerty', it will take some time to get used to it. But if it is applied from the primary school, then eventually the younger generation will write correctly in their native language using the Azerbaijani Latin letters. Unfortunately, nowadays the younger generation makes frequent grammar errors," the scientist said.

Turkey, for example, also uses two standard keyboards - "F" and "Q", and in the United States there are even four - two "qwerties" and two "dvoraks" (for left-handers).

According to some experts, Azerbaijan is too late with the introduction of the new standard of the keyboard. For example, in Turkey, the national standard of the keyboard "F" has been used since 1955. Nevertheless, it is used only by 10 % of people. In this regard, one unwittingly thinks: if in such a technologically advanced country like Turkey it has been impossible to introduce the national keyboard layout over the last 60 years, how can one popularize it in Azerbaijan?

As an example, in this case, experts cite the low popularity of localized versions of Microsoft operating systems, although the Azerbaijani version has been present on the market since early 2000. Many do not feel a clear need for a localized operating system, preferring to use either the Russian or English versions.

In addition, the question arises - how to practically use the keyboard? After all, today in Azerbaijan, the keyboard for portable computers and laptops is adapted only for the qwerty and the Cyrillic alphabet. As we found out, in the initial stage users wishing to introduce the new keyboard will be required to use special labels. And if private businesses are interested in this issue, they can implement projects for the production of new keyboards. It is much easier to solve the problem for users of tablets and mobile phones based on android and ios - the new keyboard will be introduced to the online stores and therefore it will be possible to download it, on a voluntary basis again. 

In short, whether the new layout of the Azerbaijani keyboard will be or not in our lives is still an open question. This is the case when we can confidently draw the following conclusion: "Time will tell..."