14 March 2025

Friday, 13:40


Former US congressman Michael E. McMahon: "Our influence in the South Caucasus is waning"



An article by former US congressman representing New York State, democrat Michael E. McMahon, who was an observer at the [presidential] elections in Azerbaijan on 9 October, appeared in the US Congress publication "The Hill" a few days ago. In the article Michael McMahon rejects the criticism of the OSCE's [Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe] Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the US State Department, noting that the elections in Azerbaijan were well organised, fair and transparent. The author of the article has agreed to answer a few questions put by "Regionplus".

- You were an observer at Azerbaijan's presidential elections on 9 October. How would you comment on the criticism of the election process made by the US State Department and the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights?

- Obviously, my observations are very different from those you have mentioned, but did concur with the views of the remaining observers in our group and those of the European Parliament monitors. Because I am a politician I know what requires attention. I believe that the vote count reflects the result of elections.

- What do you think about the future of Azerbaijan-American relations?

- I firmly believe that Azerbaijan is an extremely important ally of the United States and that strengthening the ties between us is of decisive significance for America's security and national interests. Washington not only has to combat terrorism, but also has two other big problems to deal with, namely Iran and Russia. Azerbaijan is situated right between them and shares frontiers with them. At the same time, Azerbaijan is trying to be a good ally to us. We should acknowledge this important fact and consolidate our friendship with Azerbaijan.

- What is more the sadly known  Section 907 (to the Freedom Support Act) is seriously restricting bilateral relations between our countries. Can we dare to hope that it will be completely abolished in the very near future? Under what circumstances could that happen?

- I fought the Section 907 for a long time, regarding it as a blunder in American foreign policy. The Democratic Party members in the Congress need to convince the Obama administration to revoke this amendment completely.

- Unfortunately, the USA has not been very actively involved in securing a settlement of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. What do you think about the USA's present stand on this problem, which is not only damaging regional security, but European and Atlantic security as well?

- I think that US foreign policy is turning a blind eye to the extremely risky situation in Nagornyy Karabakh. We should try and ensure stability in the region. The results of the recent elections in Georgia testify to the fact that our influence in the Southern Caucasus is waning. We should pay the same attention to that conflict as US President Bill Clinton paid to the crisis in the Balkans.

- At the end of the year Azerbaijan is to relinquish to Lithuania its seat as an authorised non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. What is your opinion of the republic's two-year-long activity in this prestigious organisation? 

Azerbaijan has done a really good job, even though the republic has not received the credit due to it for its efforts.