The strongest sportsman in the history of mixed martial arts, Fedor Emelianenko [Yemelnyanenko] has spoken frankly with R+
Author: Sanan SAFIZADA Baku
Over the last few years people have become increasingly interested in mixed types of martial arts. Professional mixed martial arts fights sponsored by M-1 Global [Mixfight-1 promotion] are being held, and world champions are appearing. As mixed martial arts (MMA) develop, new sportsmen with titles will undoubtedly emerge over time. Some of them will even become stars. But it is unlikely that there will be another prominent one like Fedor Emelianenko. The eldest of the Emelianenko brothers who is engaged in judo, sports and combat wrestling, has been world champion four times and Russian champion seven times.
He has been recognised as the strongest sportsman in MMA history. Emelianenko's main success in his sporting career was that he did not lose a single fight in 10 years right up until 2000. Fyodor lost for the first time to the Japanese sportsman Tsuyoshi Kohsaka in fairly controversial circumstances. Seventeen seconds into the fight, making a prohibited move, the Japanese cut Emelianenko's brow badly so that the doctors had to stop the fight. In spite of that, the fans greeted Emelianenko as the winner and nicknamed him "the last emperor". Today this veteran sportsman is Russia's deputy minister of sport, occupies a top post in the organising committee of the Olympic Games in [the southern Russian town of] Sochi and is also honorary president of the World Association of Mixed Martial Arts.
Regionplus did not miss the opportunity to interview this prominent sportsman during his visit to Baku for the MMA World Cup. Our conversation lasted for the whole of two hours.
- You're in Baku for the first time, it seems?
- Yes, this is my first trip to Azerbaijan. I have come here at the invitation of the honorary president of Azerbaijan's MMA League, Rovsan Hasanov, and its president, Kanan Mammadov. During my visit I have met the minister for youth and sport, Azad Rahimov. I told him of our intention to hold prestigious MMA competitions here. The minister said that all forms of sport are supported here.
- What do you know about Azerbaijan?
- In Azerbaijan they love and develop sport. The head of state, Ilham Aliyev, invariably pays great attention to sport. The sportsman constantly notice that. It is precisely thanks to the concern of the state that Azerbaijan has become an inseparable part of the world sports movement. Today great interest is taken in the mixed forms of martial arts in your country. In Azerbaijan these types of sport are rapidly being developed, for which I am grateful to your country.
- Which competition will be held in Baku after the World Cup?
- We have been satisfied with the way the World Cup has been organised. The fact that more than 3,000 fans attended the tournament testifies to the great interest in it. In 2014 we can entrust your capital with holding a more major competition. The Azerbaijan MMA League has expressed its desire to host the European Championships. We are prepared to work together with Azerbaijan, so it is quite realistic for the European Championships to be held in your city. The official decision is to be taken next year. Three or four cities are bidding for this, among which Baku is one of the favourites.
- What do you think Azerbaijan's chances are in mixed martial arts?
- At the last world championship you won one gold medal and one silver. This is a good result, since it is evidence of your rapid development in just a few years. There are many good sportsmen in Azerbaijan. I think the World Cup will provide an impetus to the further development of mixed martial arts. I came here to promote this type of sport in your country. I feel sure that the fans will remember the World Cup for a long time to come. Next year we plan to hold the [Warrior] Challenge tournament for professionals. Perhaps one of the fights will be held in Baku.
- What are your first impressions of Azerbaijan's capital
- I had heard that Baku is a beautiful city. This is what all the visitors to your city say. I particularly recall the Tower of Fire and the Square of the State Flag. It is all quite splendid. This time I have not managed to wander around the city too much. I shall try to come here for a longer period next time.
- Doesn't Fedor Emelianenko miss his sports career?
- I don't have time to miss it. I have plenty of official things to do. Naturally, I sometimes get nostalgic. I am currently trying to pass on my knowledge to young people. There are sufficiently competent fighters among them.
- They call you "the last emperor". Which sportsman can become the heir to Fedor Emelianenko?
- I'll have to think about that. There are many promising sportsmen doing mixed martial arts. They are ready to achieve successes at major competitions. Mixed martial arts have great prospects. This type of sport is constantly being developed. We are trying to ensure that this development is going on in all countries.
- What is the secret of Fedor Emelianenko's success?
- You have to work at it. A sportsman should constantly be in the gym. Those who are enthusiastic achieve what they want. I don't want to talk about myself. But a real sportsman should always think about the fans. When I was a sportsman, I constantly thought about them. I did not want them to witness my defeat.
- Is this why you won all the fights over a period of 10 years?
- Do you think it's easy to win one after the other? I devoted my life to sport and have never regretted it. It was precisely sport that has made Fedor Emelianenko famous.
- Men sometimes have different opinions about women taking up sport. What do you think about that?
- I personally think it is wrong for women to take up sport. A woman should always remain graceful and live for her family. God provided men to protect women. Sport is a male occupation. I don't want to offend anyone, but women and sport are two different worlds. A woman's grace is the essence of our life.
- Why aren't you coaching young people?
- I conduct master classes and do coaching. But I'm not coaching anyone in particular. It is not easy to be a coach. I manage a number of sports facilities.
- Is there any chance that Fedor Emelianenko will return to the ring in five years time to mark some kind of prominent event and will demonstrate his strength once again?
- No. I have ended my career in sport and that is final. Let the up-and-coming sportsmen have their say. You are either engaged in sport or you aren't. It is impossible to leave it and then come back to it, when you think fit. I spent many years doing my utmost, but now my sports career is definitely over.
- What does it mean to be a mixed martial arts legend?
- I am just an ordinary person. At present I am simply making efforts to develop mixed types of martial arts. I thank all those who have shown me respect. I did not know that I was so popular in Azerbaijan. I shall definitely find the time to come here again.