Russia is suffering from terrorism but an Armenian terrorist and bomb maker is being invited to Moscow
Author: Rizvan HUSEYNOV Baku
News agencies and television channels abound in news about numerous bloody terrorist acts in various parts of the world. Hundreds of people are dying in the Middle East - in Iraq and Syria, as well as in other parts of the world. The New Year preparations turned into a major tragedy for Volgograd residents following two blasts staged by terrorists at the railway station and in a trolley bus on 29 and 30 December. The twin terrorist acts claimed the lives of 34 people.
In this context, Russian-based Armenian websites publish information about a forthcoming meeting in central Moscow with Alex Yenikomshian, an international terrorist and a veteran of the Armenian terrorist organization Asala, who has staged a number of bloody explosions in the past. The media however portray this quite differently: "As part of the Armenian Revival - Moscow movement, a meeting with economist Alex Yenikomshian, member of the Pre-Parliament national-political initiative, will be held in Moscow on 25 January.
It is strange to observe how an Armenian terrorist was invited to Moscow at a time of the rising level of terrorism. More than that, he will meet with the youth to inspire them to engage in the "battle against the enemies of the Armenian people". How he is going to inspire them is evident from the materials published on the Meeting with Alexander Yenikomshian page in the VKontakte social networking site which was specially created to prepare for the Moscow meeting. The page also published Yenikomshian 's speech in Switzerland in early 1980s where he justified Armenian terror and the explosions he staged. He also urged the Armenian people to resort to methods of bloody terror. The page also contains photos of Yenikomshian and other terrorists from Asala showing them "in action". There is also a video called "come back guys...Come back, Monte!" showing Yenikomshian speaking at an event held in honour of international terrorist Monte Melkoyan, the mastermind of bloody terrorist acts in Europe and participant in a genocide of the Azerbaijanian population in Xocali [Khojaly] and Qaradagli [Garadagli]... The video shows Yenikomshian in front of a large number of people openly extolling terrorists and speaking nostalgically about "those times past", praising methods of terror and urging his audience to embrace these.
Is it possible that Russian authorities, secret services and power-wielding agencies can be ignoring the ambiguity of the situation? The Asala terrorist organization of which Yenikomshian was a member, staged hundreds of terrorist acts in Europe, the Middle East and Russia, including in Moscow where Yenikomshian is due to appear on 25 January. In January 1977, Armenian terrorists from Asala staged three explosions in Moscow: at the Moscow underground, the trade hall of the No 15 grocery store near the premises of the Soviet KGB and near No 5 grocery store on Nikolskaya Street as a result of which 7 people were killed and 37 others were injured.
Zatikyan, Stepanyan and Bagrasaryan were sentenced to death over the Moscow terrorist acts. In his book called the KGB and Power, former chief of the 5th department of the USSR KGB, former first deputy chief of the USSR KGB, F. D. Bobkov, wrote that Asala was involved in the Moscow metro terrorist acts: "...I learned about a strange behaviour of the Armenian KGB chief, Yuzbashyan. He tried hard to withhold information about the activities of an international Armenian terrorist organization, the Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia, Asala, from the USSR KGB leadership. This organization staged the explosions in the Moscow metro..."
Apart from this, on 31 July 1991, Asala organized a blast at the Moscow-Baku train as it passed through Dagestan. The terrorist act killed 15 people, including women, children and elderly, and injured another 16.
A CIA report on Armenian terrorism, which was declassified recently, also narrates about Asala's "heroic deeds" in the 1970s-1980s. According to the report, between the years 1975-1983, it perpetrated 200 terrorist acts, including 161 blasts and 12 commissioned murders. During the period, Asala committed 35 terrorist acts in France, 22 - in Switzerland, 18 - in Italy and 17 in the USA. It also committed numerous terrorist acts in Spain, the UK, West Germany, Lebanon, Turkey and Iran - 22 countries in total. These terrorist acts were committed by a dozen Armenian terrorist groups a large part of which belong to Asala. Their main targets were Turkish diplomats and citizens. The CIA report makes certain conclusions which point to a direct agreement between a number of European nations and Asala as a result of which Armenian terrorists only received short prison terms or were released altogether despite the fact that citizens of these European countries died at their hands.
The CIA report makes an alarming conclusion: "In a plot that has ominous implications for international cooperation in combating terrorism, some Western European countries reached agreement with ASALA, giving terrorists a freedom to prosecute Turkish targets in exchange for a promise not to attack the indigenous citizens of these countries. Turkey was appalled by Europe's indifference and tacit agreement with the Asala terrorism. They are extending a decisive pressure on the USA to ensure that the latter can pressure the governments of European states and immediately engage in the struggle against this threat."
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The term "Armenian terrorism" was officially used for the first time in the US State Department's monthly bulletin in August 1982. Armenian terrorists attracted the US State Department's attention as a result of their active involvement in a number of terrorist acts in Lebanon which claimed the lives of a large number of American military and employees of international humanitarian missions. The report included a timeline of Armenian terrorist acts in the Middle East and other regions, as well as Asala's links and an analysis of the activities of Asala and other Armenian terrorist organizations. It also cited certain facts about the activities and the evolution of Armenian terrorist organizations which excel in exterminating innocent people for the sake of attaining their political ends.
To sum up: first of all, the activities of Armenian terrorist organizations have always been met with understanding in Europe and Russia because the terrorists were regarded as martyrs and fighters for the "Christian Armenian people". This is despite the fact that the Armenian terrorists' acts killed Christians too, including citizens of Europe and Russia. Second, Armenian terror was sometimes targeted against Armenians themselves who were then presented as victims killed at the hands of Azerbaijanis and Turks. Third, they also aimed to provoke tough response from Turkey and Azerbaijan which would allow them to moan about "the beating and genocide of the Armenian people".
Most important, according to the CIA and US State Department reports we cited earlier, a number of European nations are tacitly supporting and enjoying the services of the Armenian terrorists. Therefore, we do hope that Russia is fully aware of the awkwardness of the situation where an Asala veteran and terrorist is honoured in Moscow and the man intends to share his "experience" with the youth.