"I will stay in people's memory as a participant in Eurovision, but I want to do more"
Author: Turan Shakir Baku
Farid Mammadov, who represented Azerbaijan at Eurovision-2013 and took second place, met us in a good mood. Today, however, Farid regrets that Azerbaijan did not win Eurovision. In an interview with R+, the young and promising singer shared his thoughts and feelings and also talked about his future plans.
- Almost a month has passed since the end of Eurovision-2013. How do you feel after it? Is Life back on track?
- Everything is going on as usual. I never worry about anything. I always rely on Allah and ask him to guide me in the right direction. I did not feel anxiety even at Eurovision. Only at the first rehearsal did I feel a bit awkward. The reason was my first appearance onstage, familiarity with the stage and singing on a glass decoration and on my knees. But after the first rehearsal, I was noticeably relieved. And I realized that I would cope with the task perfectly well.
- Many people thought you deserved first place. What do you think about this, are you satisfied with second place?
- I'm a thankful person. Nevertheless, after reaching the final, we had hope of winning, and we did everything possible for it. The rehearsals were intense, and we approached everything responsibly. Watching our work from the side, we were confident we would become the winners. And the fact that, along with some other countries, we were also considered favourites provided a basis for confidence that we would be the first. Shows, music, design - everything was in its place, and this allowed us to hope for first place. Our number proved to be one of the best. As for second place, I think, this was going to happen. This is also a good indicator, because this year Azerbaijan took part in the competition with such a mood that getting at least into the top ten and reaching the final was already a good indicator, for we had already won. I figured that it would be more difficult. Then the rehearsals began, I saw the scene and realized that this performance should be interesting and memorable. We started to work with a great sense of responsibility, and eventually took second place. This is also a good result. Of course, if I had won, I would be happier, as I always try to ensure that Azerbaijan is on top and to do more for my country and promote its glorious name.
I am sure that since Azerbaijan started taking part in Eurovision, we still have not had a single unmemorable performance. I would like to see this trend continue. The thing is that Azerbaijan is seriously preparing for this competition. Therefore, the performances of our participants are always successful. This confirms that we are able to create miracles and have very talented performers and the necessary potential. Europeans themselves treat us with admiration. They are surprised at our development. Every year they begin to treat us with even greater caution in the belief that new numbers will be accompanied by an interesting presentation.
- Would you like to take part in this competition once again?
- I cannot say anything now. It is quite possible that if I want, I can try my luck in the contest again. What can be better than representing your country? This is a very important thing as you feel an indescribable sense of pride. But the role of a singer performing before the European audience has its positive aspects. My goal is to become a famous singer and a world class performer and perform abroad. And I cannot but value the merits of the competition on this path. Of course, I will remain forever in the memory of the people as a participant in Eurovision, but I want to do more. I am sure if I take part in the competition again, I will be the winner.
- Do you only need to participate in Eurovision to become a popular singer and world star? Is there no alternative?
- There is an alternative, of course. But it is a very long and more complicated process. It also requires large financial expenses. The stage of the contest, compared with an ordinary one, is more effective. It includes everything - from the audience to behaviour on the stage. You express yourself in this way.
- When selecting the winner of Eurovision, relations between countries play a key role. Do you think the points scored this year and second place are the result of the geopolitical position of Azerbaijan or is it your contribution?
- I am very interested in it too. European countries that never been given us points voted for us. Our country received 12 points from Austria and Spain and high points from France. These countries do not vote for Azerbaijan every year, which suggests that much depends on the performance. So, here the undeniable facts are the song, show and performance. Maybe Eurovision affects political issues too. But it can give the performer only a certain percentage of success. To win, you must ensure the unity of music, show and performance. If all of them together are perfect, then the result will be positive. Therefore, it is a victory for Azerbai-jan not only in political and economic relations. It is also a victory of the performance and show.
- Do you regard the victory of the Danish contestant as fair?
- I was very impressed by the representative of Sweden. The Danish song is not quite my type, I like a different type of music. I think we had a good chance to win. If it happened differently, then it's for the better and it had to happen. If Malta, Sweden, Russia or Georgia had taken first place, I confess, I would be happier. Denmark deserved to stay in the top ten or top five. But I would give the victory to others. However, it is a fair vote, which is why Azerbaijan has been in the top for so many years.
- Is there anything associated with the contest you regret the most?
- I regret that I did not take first place. There can be no other regrets. To represent the country is a great honour for me. I think I did all that depended on me.
- What feelings did you have when you realized that Azerbaijan took second place?
- Actually, I was a little upset. Dreaming about winning, I was not happy about the result at first. I was only pleased that I was able to represent the country with credit, justified all the work done by the great team, tried my best to keep everything well and most importantly, brought second place to my country. We were one step away from victory and lost because of 40 points, which is a very small gap.
- You are very self-critical. How, then, do you perceive criticism from aside?
- As far as self-criticism is concerned, I can say that, in principle, it should be so. If a performer is not self-critical, this means that he has outlived his usefulness. Due to excessive self-criticism, I do not perceive criticism from aside, because I understand perfectly well and I believe that no one can know a person better than himself. Of course, I listen to advice, but only from close people and members of the team.
- What about future plans? Have you received any interesting suggestions?
- There are offers from several well-known foreign companies. At the moment, we are negotiating and mulling over proposals. For the time being, we have decided that one of my concerts with the orchestra will be held in Baku. If it works, it is planned to hold concerts in Turkey and Russia. Along with this, we have prepared two songs in English and Russian.