14 March 2025

Friday, 11:12


Lutfi Mammadbayli will be remembered as a fine actor and director, as well as being a good and kindly man



A great master, a sympathetic teacher and a modest gentleman, Lutfi Mammadbayli was born in Agdas on 6 April 1927. His family came from Samaxi, where his paternal grandfather Cahangir bay Mammadbayli was a most respected person. He moved to Agdas with his family after the earthquake of 1902.

Cahangir's son - Sahbaz bay - who had links with the Bolsheviks, fought against members of the same social class. Commissar Sahbaz Mammadbayli, who fought in the early years of Soviet power against the kulaks, once set off to arrest a man whose name had been entered on the black list. But after meeting a beautiful girl called Gular in the grounds of this man's house, he forgot everything else and took her to Samaxi. From there they moved to Baku and created a family. 


Creative potential

Lutfi Mammadbayli was brought up in Baku and educated at school No 29. Having lost his father at an early age, he was 14 when he found a job at the house of culture in Amircan to help his family. Despite all the difficulties he was able to fulfil his dream. He began stage work, to which he was drawn since he was a child, at the Baku Central Pioneers Palace, where he was in charge of the drama group. He joined the theatrical technical college in 1943. After graduating in 1947 he began working at the Azerbaijani State Theatre of Musical Comedy. His talent very soon attracted the attention of directors who started giving the young actor leading parts.

After the temporary closure of the theatre in 1949, Lutfi Mammadbayli was taken on at the Young Spectator Theatre. Here he worked alongside such outstanding actors as Aliaga Agayev, Agadadas Qurbanov, Yusif Valiyev, Suleyman Alasgarov and Firangiz Sarifova and he created a number of interesting characters.

Lutfi Mammadbayli's skill as an actor and his creative potential drew the attention of the management of the Academic National Drama Theatre. After accepting an invitation to move to this theatre, Lutfi worked there till the end of his life, playing a number of interesting parts. Through the characters of Neznamov ("Guilty without Fault"), Sadiq and Mursud ("Xoshbaxtlar"), Surxay ("Toy") and others he won over many audiences.

Although Lutfi loved acting, he had one dream, and that was to produce his own play. In 1961 he joined the directors' faculty of the Azerbaijani State Institute of the Arts where he was taught by USSR People's Artiste and director, Mehdi Mammadov. After graduating from the institute with honours, Lutfi became a director-producer at the National Drama Theatre where he put on successful performances of "Carasiz Daladuz", "Mahabbat Yasadir", "Qisas Qiyamata Galmaz", "Acab isa Dusduk", "Bag Gonsulari" and others.

Azerbaijani Television, where he produced over 60 plays, occupies a special place in Mammadbayli's work. And today audiences love to see the plays "Qurbatdan Galan Sada", "Mehmanxana Sahibasi", "Kalla", "Balaca Sahzada", "Tufan", "Atayevlar Ailesi", "Goz Hakimi", "Alov". "Vicdan", "Kimdir Haqqli"…

Lutfi Mammadbayli was also a leading presenter on Azerbaijani Television. It was thanks to him that such programmes as "Teatr Goruslari", "Sanatkar ve Zaman" and "Aktorlar ve Rollar" became favourites with viewers. At one time he and Leyla Badirbayli presented one of the longest running programmes "Sahar Goruslari", having played the main role in popularizing this programme.



Another immense contribution by Lutfi Mammadbayli to the history of Azerbaijani culture was his services to the education of young actors. In 1953 he set up the People's Theatre where he was manager for more than 40 years. This theatre was also called the Lutfi Mammadbayli Theatre. Many actors and directors took their first steps in art at this theatre. Later 50 of them became people's artistes, 54 were awarded the honorary title "merited artiste" and 28 became State Prize winners.

In staging productions on television of the most varied subjects, Lutfi Mammadbayli played a big part in the discovery of dozens of gifted actors. Many later won fame after performing in plays produced by him. He got immense satisfaction from working with outstanding actors like Samandar Rzayev, Yasar Nuri and Hasan Turabov. 

Today it has become fashionable to put on serials on Azerbaijani Television and Lutfi Mammadbayli was the first Azerbaijani director to make a TV serial. In 1993 he produced the 12-part TV serial "Itkin Galin" based on the work by the writer and dramatist Alibala Hacizada, which evoked great interest among viewers. He then put on the serials "Dodagdan Qalba" (1998) and "Yagisdan Sonra" (1998). The actors who played in them became well known, much of it being due to Lutfi Mammadbayli.

The actor's wife, Sevil, spoke about the hardships the director had to endure when working on the serials: "The theatre hit financial trouble. Not enough money had been allocated to the arts. At that time Lutfi had made the first serials in Azerbaijan - "Dogagdan Qalba", "Itkin Galin", and others. When they were shown, many people criticized them. They spoke about the poor sound - the howling of the wind and the rustle of leaves…When these comments reached Lutfi he became very nervous. Not because he couldn't take criticism or that the comments were way off the truth. There were flaws, of course, but it was easy to talk like that. Filming in such difficult conditions and with such material problems demanded immense love for one's work and stamina on the part of the director. Lutfi's answer was: "These are Azerbaijan's first serials. Let others make better ones if they can." Actually, by speaking in those terms, he was being unfair to himself. I remember very well how hard it was to make these films. There was not only no funding; Lutfi was not even given a camera. The actors should be thanked because all of them worked voluntarily and with enthusiasm and didn't ask to be paid. We brought all we needed for filming - a camera, a car and other requisites - from home. I passed all this from hand to hand and cooked and sent them their meals…"


Events in his Life

Lutfi Mammadbayli's achievements do not end there. In 1953-1976 he took part as an actor in the dubbing of films into Azeri. He also appeared in films, creating memorable characters. His acting skill stood out even in bit parts.

The director Latif Safarov invited him for the first time onto the film set, which was a surprise to Lutfi. Although directors had invited him before for tests he was then turned down on account of his lack of height. Latif Safarov gave him the part of Habib in the film "Baxtiyar", which was made in 1955 at the Baku film studios. The director proved that Lutfi Mammadbayli was also a fine actor. In 1956 the director Huseyn Seyidzada put him in the role of Sarvar's friend in the film "O Olmasin bu Olsun". In 1957 Latif Safarov took Lutfi for the part of Xalil in the film "Qizmar Gunas Altinda". Also memorable was the part of Ali muallim, played by Lutfi Mammadbayli in Alisattar Atakisiyev's film "Sehrli Xalat" (1964).

One of the main reasons for Lutfi Mammadbayli's success was the fact that he knew the value of every moment and never put off till tomorrow what could be done today. He enjoyed prestige in the world of the arts. He was much loved both as a gifted actor and a fine director, but most of all for his kindness. He never refused anyone help. That is why he was jokingly called "first aid". Everyone went to him with their cares and problems. His door was always open even in the night and Lutfi Mammadbayli would open the door without a moment's thought and try to support anyone who came to him for help. If necessary, to help resolve the problems of people who approached him he would seek meetings with officials.

Lutfi Mammadbayli was also loved in the arts world because he never spoke about the good things he had done and never boasted about them to anyone. And, what's more, he always spoke the truth. He was not only pleased for the success of his artistic friends, but he also told them directly about their shortcomings.


The Family Man

He had a very welcoming family. Lutfi Mammadbayli was a fine husband, father and grandfather and everyone knew him as a good head of the family. He wanted everyone to be happy together and to always help one another in their pursuits. In the theatre he was involved in the marriages of most of the young people, danced at their weddings and broke up quarrels if they occurred.

When the discussion turned to Lutfi's devotion to art, his wife Sevil said: "Lutfi was a hard-working man. He would not retire to bed without finishing what he had to do that day. He spent the morning at rehearsals and at 2 o'clock would set off for the television studios and from there to the "Xalq theatre", which he ran. Because he was still playing in shows, at 7 pm he would again return to the drama theatre. He wouldn't get home until 11 o'clock, and sometimes midnight…"

Lutfi Mammadbayli was also a fine teacher. As professor of the Azerbaijani State Institute of Culture and the Arts he would reveal the secrets of his profession to young people.

After the collapse of the USSR, times were hard for culture and the arts, as they were in all other spheres. During that time Lutfi Mammadbayli worked hard on reviving the theatre.

People's Artiste of Azerbaijan, director and actor Lutfi Mammadbayli died of a stroke on 1 February 2004 at the age of 77. Since he parted this world everyone has been reminded of what he achieved. He has remained in the hearts of people as a fine actor and director with rich creative ability and a good and kindly man. Many recognized masters of the Azerbaijani theatre and cinema are proud to say they were the proteges of Lutfi Mammadbayli.