14 March 2025

Friday, 22:41


R+ interviews the former President of the Republic of Bulgaria Petar Stoyanov



The traditional partnership relations between Azer-baijan and Bulgaria have become even more intensive in recent years. Two business forums were held last year alone featuring representatives of business circles of the two countries. Last year the volume of mutual trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Bulgaria was 626m dollars, an increase of 40 per cent on 2011. And all the economic, political and legal pre-conditions are in place for these relations to develop in the future. This is the opinion of the former Bulgarian President Petar Stoyanov, who was one of the heads of state who who signed the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline agreement. Today, he believes, the potential for mutual cooperation has been increased by Bulgaria's membership of the European Union.

- You visited Baku again recently. What do you think the future prospects are for Azerbaijan?

- I firmly believe in the future of your country - mainly because Azerbaijan is a country that has keenly preserved its historical traditions. The legacy of the distinguished poet Nizami alone is worth that. And then, you have a very industrious population and very gifted and vibrant young people. Furthermore, your country has fine leaders. I am personally acquainted with your president and I believe him to be one of the best leaders in this part of the world. His ambition to build a completely new Azerbaijan is worthy of the highest praise.

Azerbaijan is a very rich country and is well known not only for its natural resources but also its great human resources, which is possibly even more important. So I am convinced that Azerbaijan has a splendid future.

- Yet Azerbaijan is still suffering from the problem of the occupation of part of its territory. How soon do you think this problem can be resolved?

- I believe that Azerbaijan will be able to overcome all difficulties and this conflict will be resolved. Unless it is there can be no question of cooperation and mutual understanding on to how to move forward.

- Azerbaijan and Armenia are taking part in a number of programmes aimed at European integration. Do you think these initiatives can help the sides in the Karabakh conflict to overcome the differences between them?

- Without a doubt. I am convinced of that because Azerbaijan and Armenia are situated in a region to which the European Union is showing increased interest. As you know, Bulgaria is a member of the European Union, so, speaking on behalf of the EU, I would emphasize how very, very important the stabilization of the situation in this region is for all of us.

- You mentioned Bulgaria's membership of the EU. What kind of help do you think your country could give Azerbaijan on its way towards European integration, bearing in mind that both our countries not so long ago left one socialist camp and Sofia is well aware of the specifics of the transformation of such countries from a planned economy to a market one, and from totalitarianism to democracy?

- In Bulgaria you can find a huge number of friends of Azerbaijan. There have historically been excellent relations between our countries, including in the Soviet period. I am confident that these traditions will be preserved in the future and we, as ever, will continue to support one another. Speaking frankly, there are not only excellent political relations between our countries: we have outstanding potential for expanding and energizing economic relations even more and it should be used in our countries' interests.

Going back directly to your question, I would like to say that Azerbaijan may avail itself of Bulgaria's potential as a member-country of the EU. Moreover, we are well aware that Azerbaijan has the potential to achieve any goal it sets itself. My own arrival in Azerbaijan (for the South Caucasian forum - author's note) is a clear sign that relations between us can be much better, including in the economic sphere.

- Azerbaijan is playing a significant role in tackling the problem of energy security not only of its own region but the whole of Europe. Which of these energy projects is the most important for Bulgaria?


- This is, of course, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (oil pipeline). It is extremely important not only for Bulgaria: it is one of the most important projects for Europe, too. I am proud of the fact that we were one of the states that signed the document on this project. This was 14 years ago, with the participation of President Heydar Aliyev. I am very pleased that I had the opportunity to work on it together with other colleagues.