The Friends shelter urges care for stray animals
Author: Vafa ZEYNALOVA Baku
The number of participants in the shelter for domestic animals Friends, registered on the Facebook social network, is already more than 8,500, but the organization has not yet registered, does not have an office, and a private dacha performs the role of a shelter. But all this does not bother the organizer and director of the shelter, Valeriya Garber, who tirelessly cares about the fate of abandoned, lost and simply homeless pets - cats and dogs. Along with a dozen of other active volunteers, she takes care of accommodation and treatment for animals, using her own money.
Another event of the shelter took place at the Anglo-American Business Services - a spring exhibition of animals and the charity fair Red & Whiskered. At the invitation of the organizers, craftsmen brought their works and pictures. Under the terms of the exhibition, 50 per cent of the proceeds were transferred to the shelter. Also, the organizers gratefully accepted donations from visitors - both in cash and in the form of animal feed, fillers, toys, collars, etc. The two small rooms of the centre were packed with people, parents with children and participants roaming between the enclosures in which cats and dogs were taking a rest - all with elegant bright yellow ribbons around their necks. Younger guests looked at the pets with curiosity and delight, stroked and took pictures with them. The kids seemed to be in a costume party. Their faces were painted with funny little animals. There were booklets and leaflets about the activities of the shelter on the table.
Laman Aliyeva, a volunteer activist of the shelter, said that such events are held regularly. "Exhibitions are held in order to find a home for animals of the shelter. For example, since the beginning of the exhibition, we have already given away several cats and dogs, and hopefully they are in safe hands. Thus we become known. We are visited by people who care about the fate of homeless animals."
Now Friends is in dire need of premises for animals, said Laman Aliyeva. "There is a plot - half a hectare of land in Hovsan, but there isn't enough money to build a shelter, or all the pets live in homes of volunteers or in paid places. We wrote a lot of letters, addressed foundations, but all in vain so far. We collected signatures in favour of the draft law "On the Protection of Animals" and visited various agencies - but the attitude towards us, to say the least, is not serious." Overall, Laman indicates a lack of those wanting to really help. However, the Vafali Dostlar (True Friends) society to protect animals provides substantial assistance.
"Unlike us, they do have registration, a shelter and veterinarians. Thanks to the society, all our animals were sterilized for free. But their support is not unlimited. They cannot indefinitely take in our animals, because there are health standards of the maximum number of animals per square metre."
But the biggest problem for the Friends shelter is the lack of places where at least 50 dogs and cats could be held simultaneously and the absence of demand for animals in general. "People do not want to take non-pedigree pets. Pets with disabilities are a separate issue. There is never anyone who wants them and it is expensive to keep them even in paid places. They survive only thanks to donations from volunteers. Sooner or later, all healthy animals are claimed. Disabled animals remain: cats with three or even two legs, and our dog Rey, whose legs were assembled almost bone by bone. We are waiting for help from anyone. All these animals want love and affection, take them and you will find the most loyal, the most faithful friend!"