The most diverse varieties of one of the most popular fruits on earth are present in Azerbaijan
Author: Vafa ZEYNALOVA Baku
R+ begins a section devoted to the richness of Azerbaijan's nature. Summer is in the air with its abundance of fruits and vegetables. We will not only describe what gives us the fertile land of Azerbaijan as seasonal fruits and vegetables ripe, but will also give you unique cooking recipes using them. Read below, learn and have fun!
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
There is an English proverb saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." Its Russian equivalent reads as "an apple for dinner and forget about a doctor". Indeed, only the baby do not know about the medicinal properties of apples, but very few people know that more than 300 different varieties of apples grow in Azerbaijan - in the country with a diverse and poetic nature manifold with almost all variety of climatic zones and gifts of gardens and fields.
Apples ... What could be simpler and at the same time more important? Apples, one of the most common fruit on the earth, are known not only for their obvious health benefits, but also as for their over-mythologization. The forbidden fruit, given to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, the apple of discord at the feast of Peleus, "hitting an apple" put into business by William Tell ... or as a symbol of eternal youth in Nordic mythology, a symbol of fertility in a Greek epic. Donated apple equated with declaration of love. This tasty and extremely healthy fruit was glorified for centuries!
The Sages say that for health and longevity a person should consume fruits and vegetables grown in his/her native land, for they are most benevolent for its inhabitants. In addition, they reach our table fresh unlike those fruits brought from overseas.
As it was already mentioned, about 300 varieties of apples grow in Azerbaijan. And 60 varieties have commercial value. A particular advantage of apples is the possibility of long-term storage. In our country, apples ripe almost all year round with exception of spring.
Historically gardening was of significant importance in Azerbaijan. Proper and skillful gardening was even more important. Conventional arable land or areas near forests were used for orchards. At the same time, the land had to be cleaned up from shrubs and stones with incredible difficulty. And the wild varieties would not be removed, but only inoculated with the cultured varieties. Such inoculation was called "gelem" and engrafted wild orchards - "gelemlik". This selection gave us well-known varieties of apples such as Gizil Ahmad, Shirvan Gozeli, Sini, Bildirchin Budu, Kerbalayyi Jafar, Vahidi, Sari Tursh , Jir Haji and others.
Gizil Ahmad (Golden Ahmad) can deservedly be called king of apples in Azerbaijan. These unusually tasty, relatively small apples are of bright red color with a thick peel and sweet aroma. Although a fact that serpent tempted Eve with apples has lately been challenged, we can safely say that if a most sacramental thing in the Garden of Eve was apple, it had to be Gizil Ahmad.
For their high content of iron, these apples are invaluable for children, pregnant women and those suffering from iron deficiency anemia.
Since gardening has also had an important commercial and export value, a lot of attention was paid to the storage of fruits. Apples were exported to various Russian cities such as Odessa, Rostov, etc. in train cars. Drying was often used to keep them fresh for a long time. Special tandirs were used in Guba, Khachmaz and Odrubad for this purpose where apples were stored in boxes. In Guba region, especially during the bountiful harvest, apples were sometimes stored directly in garden, covered by ferns.
With French gusto
Guba region has always been a premiere place in Azerbaijan in terms of growing apples. It accounts for not only the biggest amount of produce, but also the diversity of cultivated varieties of apples. In 2008, Guba regional agricultural research center planted virus-free seedlings of different varieties of apples imported from France, as part of Fraser Project. An area of 24 hectares with apple abundance pleases the eye. In addition, a pilot apple farm has been set up in the area covering five hectares using French technology. And for several years we have been able to enjoy such well-known varieties of apples as White Rennet, Rennet Rhine, Golden Delicious , Fuji , Granny Smith, Palmet.
From generation to generation
It is hard to overestimate the benefits of apples. And considering that the apples are the most common and favorite, as well as the most affordable fruit in the northern hemisphere, we can say that our health and longevity are in our hands.
Apple is the fruit with one of the most balanced in terms of vitamins and micronutrients, so it is useful for all ages. It contains 5 to 24 percent of sugars: fructose, sucrose, glucose. Furthermore, it is abundant with vitamins A, B1, PP, C, carotene, which is useful for vision, pectin and tannins. Acids contained in this fruit: malic, citric, tartaric prevent from caries. If you eat 5-6 apple seeds, you can meet the daily requirement of iodine. Sour apples are considered beneficial for diabetics and sweet - for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.
By the way, it should be noted that apples are useful not only in fresh form, but also as processed food such as compotes, jams, juices and purees. Apple puree is indispensable for toddlers as complementary food. Dried apples have long been used in the Azerbaijani medicine. Due to fibrous texture they clean the intestines, help to eliminate toxins from the body. Dried apples, drenched with boiling water, are useful as tea by adding lemon and cinnamon.
In 17th century Muhammad Hussain Khan Shirazi wrote about apples: "Mature, fragrant, with a pronounced taste of sweet or sour, this fruit more useful than insipid ones. In particular, this fruit is useful for tachycardia (heart palpitations) and breathing difficulties. Apples improve appetite, clean the intestines, beneficial for the liver. Besides, apple contributes to vitality, vigor and good mood. People with chronic nervous diseases can benefit from it not only by eating but also by inhaling their fragrance. Apples are good for the brain, because they activate its activity. Baked apples are useful in dry cough".
Medieval author Mohammed Momin wrote that sour apples have a choleretic effect and lower blood pressure, and preserve from apple flowers is good for brain and heart. Thick syrup of boiled sour apples is used for removal of stones from the gallbladder.
Medieval sage Avicenna (Ibn Sina) noted the benefit of apple leaves, which were invaluable and had to be put on the ulcers in their treatment.
3-4kg of apples
4kg of sugar
Vanilla sugar - a packet
Citric Acid
The apples should be washed, dried, sliced in half, the pips removed and cleaned. Cut into slices. Place a layer of apples in a thick-bottomed saucepan specially for cooking jam, sprinkle with sugar, add a final layer of sugar. Let stand for 1.5 hours. The apples can be sprinkled with sugar overnight.
Place over heat and cook for 20 minutes. Do this three times before cooling. Finally add the cinnamon, vanilla and citric acid. Preserve it while still hot. In order to check if it is ready or not, put a droplet of it on a plate. If it doesn't spread, it means it is ready.
600-700g of fresh apples
1.5 litres of water
0.5 - 0.75 cups of sugar to taste
Wash selected apples. Slice the washed apples into eight portions and core. Soak the apples in cold water and place on an even heat. Add part of the sugar. Bring the apple compote to the boil, add all the sugar, mix and remove from heat. Berries and fruits don't have to be simmered again to preserve the vitamins. Leave the compote to stand for 20 minutes. Pour and serve cool.
Bon appetit!