"If UEFA entrusts Azerbaijan with holding the Euro 2020 competition, you will live up to expectations"
Author: Sanan SAFIZADA Baku
It is no secret that people in Azerbaijan are very fond of football. Moreover, there are many fans of the Italian national football team in the country. Gianluca Zambrotta, a former Squadra Azzurra player, was among the guests of the International Football Volunteering Forum held recently in Baku. The famous football player, who willingly consented to being photographed with fans and signed autographs for them, was also friendly to reporters and kindly agreed to answer several questions put up by R+.
- Did you expect that you would attract so much attention in Baku?
- We drew attention in all countries which we visited as the Italian national squad. I knew there were many fans of Squadra Azzurra in Azerbaijan, so I was not surprised.
- The national teams of Italy and Azerbaijan will compete in the same group at the qualifying stage of the 2016 UEFA European Championship. How would you assess the chances of these teams?
- We already played with Azerbaijan's national team in the same group at the qualifying stage of Euro 2004. We won 2-0 in the first match in Baku. Though I did not participate in the match, I remember many of its episodes quite well. The first goal was scored by an Azeri player who inadvertently deflected the ball into his own team's net. Then Alessandro Del Piero scored from a free kick. Despite our victory, the game was difficult for us. However, that was ten full years ago. Of course, the Azerbaijani team has significantly improved over this time. The team is coached by German specialist Berti Vogts, and this factor should be taken into account. I think the future matches will not be easy for the Italian team, too.
- Are you saying that Azerbaijan can earn points in the matches with Italy?
- Anything may happen if we lose caution.
- After retiring as a player, you entered on a coaching career. What is harder - to be a football player or a coach?
- Since last December, I have been coaching FC Chiasso that plays in the Swiss Challenge League. Our main goal was to retain our positions, in which we succeeded. To be a coach is certainly more difficult. A coach is responsible for each of the 11 players on the field, and each of their errors causes irritation.
- Baku has put up a bid for hosting the 2020 European Championship. Given that Italy is one of the countries with the experience in staging reputable football tournaments, how do you assess Azerbaijan's chances in this regard?
- I have visited several regions of your country to get acquainted with people. On the basis of what I have seen, I can say that the services sector is at a high level. This can be considered as an advantage for Baku. Another positive aspect is the passion for football. This plays an important role. I think that if UEFA entrusts your country with holding this prestigious tournament, you will live up to expectations.
- Italy's victory at the 2006 World Cup was regarded by some as a response of Juventus players to Operation "Calciopoli" [Italian football scandal]. Did such an atmosphere really prevail in the team?
- At that time, we forgot about the events in the Italian championship and concentrated all our efforts on the team's performance. Our only goal was to win the World Cup. The Italian national team was composed of players from different clubs, not only Juventus. We won because we had a strong team spirit.
- In your opinion, what are Italy's chances at the upcoming World Cup in Brazil?
- Chances are always there. Fans will not be satisfied with any result other than the winning of the title. This is what has always been required of Squadra Azzurra.
- You played under the management of many famous coaches during your career. Whose work do you remember most of all, and whose practices are especially close to you?
- Every coach has had a role in my career. However, Marcello Lippi deserves special mentioning. I achieved many successes playing under his management in Juventus and the national team. I have learned a lot from him. Now I do not use the practice of a particular coach. I apply everything that I have adopted from professionals with whom I contacted in the form I see fit for a purpose.
- As a footballer, you played for both Juventus and Milan. Which of these teams do you support when they play against each other?
- I have played for Juventus for the better part of my career. I was a fan of this club since my childhood. Juventus is the only club I have in my heart, and my affection for it is immeasurable! However, I do not turn into a rabid fan while watching football. When Milan defeats Juventus, I do not regard it as a tragedy.
- What are your impressions of Baku?
- First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the invitation to visit your country. I am proud of my role as an ambassador at the International Football Volunteering Forum. I have had the opportunity to stroll along the seafront during my brief stay in Baku. Baku is a beautiful city, and people are very friendly here.
- Baku is always compared with Naples. Have you noticed the similarity too?
- Indeed, your capital reminds me of Naples. I was fascinated with the beauty of the seafront. I saw many buildings erected in various architectural styles. You have wonderful architectural gems. Baku is a place where antiquity meets modernity.
- Also, Azeris are often compared with Italians for their temperament, emotions...
- (Laughs) I can agree with this in part. You have a lot in common with Italians living in the south of the country. You have the same emotional manner of speaking. In general, Italy and Azerbaijan have a lot of common features.
Gianluca Zambrotta began his career as a football player with Como in 1994. In 1999, he began to play for Juventus, with which he won four Italian championships, but was stripped of two titles because of the corruption scandal. He won one more champion title while playing for Milan.
Playing for the Italian national team, Zambrotta was conferred the title of vice-champion at the European Championship in 2000 and the title of world champion at the World Cup in 2006.
In April 2006, a corruption scandal nicknamed "Calciopoli" was exposed in the Italian championship.
Following the investigation, Juventus was stripped of two titles of the Italian championship and relegated to Serie B. Sanctions were also applied to Milan, Fiorentina, Lazio and Regina.
That same year, the Italian national team won the World Cup held in Germany.