Weightlifting veterans of azerbaijan achieve historic results
Author: Nadir XOSROVOGLU Baku
The holding of prestigious international competitions is Azerbaijan is nothing new today. However, if in previous years, most prestigious tournaments were organized in Baku, other cities of the country are not lagging behind the capital either today.
Further evidence of this was the European championship in weightlifting among veterans. Among men, it was the 22nd championship of the continent, and women - 20th. In the tournament involving 300 athletes, the Azerbaijani team was represented by 33 men and 4 women. Having won 14 gold, 9 silver and 3 bronze medals, the Azerbaijani national team let only Germany get ahead. The third step of the podium was taken by Russia.
Azerbaijan and Germany scored an equal number of points - 221. But during the counting process based on the qualification standards of Sinclair-Malone-Meltzer, Germany were far ahead of us - 2,940 points against 2,823.
A member of our national team, Zafar Tagiyev, won the title of absolute champion for all weight categories in the M-1 age group. Having lifted 112 in the snatch and 145 kg in the clean and jerk, the 39-year-old Azerbaijani athlete gained 332.05 points on the Sinclair table and 373.55 points on the Meltzer table with a common result of 257 kg. This index was the best among weightlifters of the M-1 group.
The title of absolute champion in the continental championship for men was won by Laurence McConnell. The Irish veteran weightlifter managed to beat all his rivals. Performing in the M-7 group, the 67-year-old athlete scored 104 in the snatch and 130 kg in the clean and jerk, which brought him 263.51 points on the Sinclair table and 452.97 on the Meltzer table. He also broke four European and three world records among veterans.
Among women, such success was achieved by Denmark's Margot Jorgensen. The 56-year-old athlete scored 44 kg in the snatch and 57 kg in the clean and jerk, gaining a total of 101 kg. This brought her 149.2 and 211.73 points on the Sinclair and Meltzer tables respectively.
Interestingly, the oldest participant in the competition, Kurt Rosenberger from Germany, was 84 years old. On the dais, he lifted 38 kg in the snatch and 51 kg in the clean and jerk.
In general, male veterans broke 36 records (18 European and 18 world records). Among women, the results are much lower - only three records (one world and two European records). And all three belong to Denmark's Margot Jorgensen.
Sabina Rzayeva, Tarana Abbasova, Xatira Sahverdi and Irada Qadirova climbed to the highest step of the podium in their groups and weight classes. Azerbaijan's national anthem was played and the flag of our country was raised in their honour four times.
In group M-4, the gold medals were won by two Azerbaijani athletes - Akif Aliyev and Miryasin Agayev. Gold medals were also awarded to Emin Aliyev, Ismayil Tagiyev, Ahmad Sahbazov, Natiq Hasanov, Aftandil Haciyev and Nizami Zeynalov.
Sahib Isgandarov had to content himself with a silver medal. Galandar Xidirov and Namiq Agayev won a "bronze" each. Another "bronze" was won by the chairman of the Public Association of Veterans Weightlifters of the Azerbaijan Republic, Natiq Agayev.