15 March 2025

Saturday, 01:28




The Crans Montana Forum is the first major international event held at the Heydar Aliyev Centre - a unique architectural building opened just over a month ago in Baku. The modern multi-functional building, designed by the internationally renowned architect Zaha Hadid, struck the guests with its grandeur and elegance, enhancing their impressions of the progress they saw in the Azerbaijani capital. The prince of the Fujairah Emirate in the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Muhammad Hamad bin Muhammad al-Sharqi, admitted in an interview with our magazine that Baku surprised him with its beauty and development. Other guests did not conceal their admiration either.

The main goal of the 23rd annual Crans Montana Forum was to promote the World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue to be held in 2013, the Baku process of intercultural dialogue. This is no accident. Located at the intersection of historical routes, at the crossroads of East and West, Azerbaijan has turned into a centre of dialogue among civilizations. "For centuries, Azerbaijan has been an area where representatives of different cultures and nationalities are living in peace. Therefore, the organization of such events and meetings in our country, the joint work of representatives of different nations and cultures, discussions and debates have become quite a natural phenomenon for us," President Ilham Aliyev said at the opening of the forum.

By initiating a dialogue between cultures, Azerbaijan does not limit itself to debates and discussions and implements specific projects to restore and preserve the historical heritage of different cultures. For example, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation chaired by Azerbaijan's First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva and the Holy See signed an agreement "On the Restoration of the Roman Catacombs" in June. The document was signed in Rome by First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva and the chairman of the Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archaeology, Gianfranco Ravasi. Cardinal Ravasi praised the signing of this document as a shining example of dialogue between religions and cultures.

Meanwhile, Baku is demonstrating openness to dialogue and practical steps not only in the field of intercultural relations. Looking at the list of participants in the Baku Crans Montana Forum, you may have noticed that there are many countries represented here, and they are potential consumers of Azerbaijani gas. It also necessitated discussions on energy security issues.

Opening the event, the founder and president of the Crans Montana Forum, Ambassador Jean-Paul Carteron, said: "We know that Azerbaijan is one of the suppliers of energy to the European Union. We see that today this story is being written in front of our eyes, economic importance is growing, and the torch is already burning in our hands. This torch and flame are becoming stronger."

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, in turn, offered to engage in an open dialogue and discuss everything that hinders energy security. "The energy reserves of Azerbaijan comprise 25-30 per cent of the total energy balance of some European countries, and this figure is growing. Azerbaijan was known primarily as an oil-producing country. For example, oil was first discovered in Azerbaijan, and oil was first extracted onshore in Azerbaijan. Now Azerbaijan is known in all matters of global energy security as a country with large reserves of gas," the Azerbaijani head of state said.

Speaking about the presence of large energy reserves, Azerbaijan also offers concrete ways to deliver them to consumers. Moreover, Baku has shown the political will and seriousness of its intentions, gradually realizing all the announced projects. The latest evidence of this was the contract on the construction of the trans-Anatolian pipeline signed in June between Turkey and Azerbaijan. Thus, Baku and Ankara are opening a corridor between the Caspian, Black and Mediterranean seas. Now the ball is in the court of potential consumers of Azerbaijani gas, who cannot decide on the routes within Europe. Although in theory a lot of interest has to come precisely from those who need to ensure their energy security, in fact, their economic interests do not coincide with political ones.

Baku is continuing its pragmatic policy aimed at diversifying energy export routes, taking into account its potential, national benefits, the growing needs of consumers and the interests of neighbours. "All these projects will benefit the neighbours of Azerbaijan as well. Thus, we will change the energy map of the region and the continent as a whole," Ilham Aliyev said, drawing the attention of the forum participants to the fact that none of the projects launched by Azerbaijan was a failure.

Note that the Baku Crans Montana Forum was also attended by the presidents of Georgia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro, public figures, parliamentarians, intellectuals and business circles of different countries.

The Crans Montana Forum is an international organization established in 1986 with the support of Swiss officials. This structure, which has great prestige in the world, is working closely with the UN, European Union, Council of Europe, UNESCO, ISESCO and other international organizations. The founder and president of the forum is Ambassador Jean-Paul Carteron. Azerbaijan is actively participating in the work of this structure created to support international cooperation and dialogue.