Who will Berti Vogts be voting for at "Eurovision" - Azerbaijan or Germany?
Author: Sanan SAFIZADA Baku
Usually, when preparing a trip, the first thing we think of is the sights of the country we are planning to visit: what are its historical, cultural and architectural monuments, how diverse and rich is its nature and its cuisine, and how distinctive are its people. Of course, you can easily find the answers to all these questions on the Internet. But, as a rule, information passed on by a friend who has visited that country is more useful and more reliable. And the more authoritative the source of such information is, the more the chances are the trip will be a success.
So, in the run-up to the 57th "Eurovision" Song Contest we decided to acquaint visitors to Baku with the opinions of "one who has been there", and we chose someone who is quite well known to our European readers. We talked about Azerbaijan and "Eurovision" with the German coach Berti Vogts, who for five years has been head of the Azerbaijani soccer team.
- Last year the "Eurovision" contest was held in the German city of Dusseldorf. Did you by any chance see the Azerbaijani duo's performance?
- Unfortunately, I was out of the country when "Eurovision" was being held in Dusseldorf. Because of my work I couldn't get to Germany at the time. I really wanted to follow the competition at home, but unfortunately that wasn't to be. Incidentally, the venue for the competition was only 10km from my home, and if I had been in Germany I would certainly have gone along to see it. The competition was organized at the highest level. Judging by the fact that the guests were happy with the conditions, I can boldly state that we did a good job in staging the competition.
- What differences do you see in holding "Eurovision" in Azerbaijan and Germany?
- Interest in the competition is not as high in Germany as it is in Azerbaijan. Great importance is attached to the "Eurovision" contest here. In the last few months people have been talking about nothing else. I am confident that your country will conduct this prestigious event at the highest level. Azerbaijan has already hosted a number of important sports events. And although "Eurovision" is only a song contest, I am confident that Azerbaijan will pass this test with honours.
- The German press is in touch with you all the time. Have German journalists asked you about the "Eurovision" contest in Baku?
- German journalists are always asking me questions about Azerbaijan. The reason is simple. Most Germans are very poorly informed about your country. They want to know what kind of country Azerbaijan is and what the people are like. I always tell them that Azerbaijan, and especially its capital, Baku, is a great place. After I got to know your country I was able to say many good things about it. I do, indeed, like Azerbaijan. If my fellow countrymen are able to see Baku they will want to come here more often.
- I expect there will be a lot of Germans among the tourists coming to visit Baku?
- I always tell my friends that if they are planning to travel to interesting cities then they must include Baku in their list. I'm sure they won't regret it.
- In what way do you think Azerbaijan will surprise its visitors?
- The people in Azerbaijan are very hospitable. That's important. Another thing is that Baku is becoming more attractive every day. The streets in the centre are simply amazing. Tourists love places where there is something to see. You have a number of historical monuments which people find interesting. Of course, there's no forgetting your cuisine. The dishes of most European countries are very similar. You can offer them something different.
- Is there somewhere in Baku you love to be?
- There are many such places in Baku. Where I live there is a beautiful park nearby. I wander through it whenever I get the chance. And on Nizami Street there is a restaurant with mixed cuisine. I sometimes go there when I have the time.
- Talking of food, which Azerbaijani dishes do you like?
- I like meat dishes in which your cuisine is rich. I love your spicy dishes. A special seasoning makes them spicy, but you don't sense it and this gives a positive effect.
- Have you tried Azerbaijani beer?
- (smiles) I have been in Azerbaijan five years now. How can I be a German and not try the beer? Of course I have and it is very nice.
- Germany is famous all over the world for its beer and yet you praise Azerbaijani beer!
- I'm being honest with you. As a German I know all about beer and Azerbaijani is in no way inferior.
- What can you say about Azerbaijani sport and its sportsmen?
- Wrestling and chess are very popular in Azerbaijan. There is also great interest in weight-lifting. I also know you have a special attitude to the Olympics. Of your sportsmen I would pick out Elnur Mammadli (Olympic judo champion). I met him once: he is a very talented sportsman.
- By the way, one of his main rivals is the German Ole Bischof…
- Yes, I know. I heard about this when I spoke to Elnur. I know Elnur but, to be honest, I know very little about Bischof. In any case I shall be rooting for Elnur at the Olympics. I told him as much. Even if he comes up against Bischof in London I will still be cheering for Elnur.
- Let's go back to the subject of "Eurovision". What do you think this competition can give to Azerbaijan?
- For such a small and dynamically developing country as Azerbaijan, any international competition is extremely important. After "Eurovision" the final of the World Football Championship for girls aged 17 will be held in Baku. And in 2016 the final stages of the European Youth Championship will be held here. All these competitions and tournaments will help the world to become better acquainted with your country. It is very important for Europe to get information about you. Great organizing ability is Azerbaijan's visiting card to Europe.
- Most likely, when the "Eurovision" final is being held you will not be in Baku because at the end of May the Azerbaijani national football side has matches against Japan and Andorra.
- That's right. I shall be going with the team to Japan and then to Germany. We have two very interesting matches. I will find out about what's happening in Baku from the press. But why did you ask that?
- I just wanted to know who you will be cheering for?
- What sort of a question is that? For Azerbaijan, of course! Do you still doubt me?
- Do you know anything about the Azerbaijani entry and the song she will be singing?
- Of course, I don't know much about her. But from my colleagues and the players I have had only positive feedback. Everyone likes the song and the performer. Sabina Babayeva has a lovely voice.
- Can Azerbaijan win again?
- Why not? The Azerbaijani entry has it in her to defend your country's title. I don't know anything about the other entries, but Azerbaijan could win again.
- You will be abroad during "Eurovision". Can you still vote for Sabina?
- Of course, although my one vote won't decide anything. But I'll try to help.
- As you know, Baku wants to host the summer Olympics and Paralympics in 2020. Will staging the "Eurovision" contest support our plans?
- Every event staged in Azerbaijan, especially in Baku, is very important for the whole world. Believe me, when people hear about an event being staged in your country they will start to wonder where is this Caspian city? Of course, sometimes there is criticism. In the modern world one has to react normally to criticism. I would even say that criticism can even be useful. In other words, Azerbaijan is the focus of attention. But I don't think you can judge a country if you don't know it. I know Azerbaijan for myself and I am happy every time I come to Baku.