It is in this place, on a hill near the sea, that ancient Baku was born
Author: Sabira MUSTAFAYEVA Baku
The special spirit of the city is here. Each street is imbued with the spirit of time, traces of history and the energy of people who lived and still live here. Icarisahar is a city within a city. The Old Town. As a child, you perceive this place as an interesting adventure in which you want to get lost, even if it is very scary. But the tortuous alleys attract and fascinate. The roughness of the walls and the special smell have almost a mesmerizing effect.
Running around the corner, you almost do not hear the quiet conversation of your parents who are coming after you. Their presence gives confidence. But curiosity is above fear. Suddenly, when you can barely hear their voices, you realize that you've "gone very far" because in children's view, very "far" is perceived in a completely different dimension and you hear your mother's worried voice, calling you by name. "Mom, I'm here!" You begin to realize that you no longer remember the road that brought you to that street. The only hope is your mother who is trying to find you by voice. Found. A reproachful look. "I told you not to go far from me, you can get lost in these streets..."
Lost. Yes. Sometimes in this city, you really want to get lost when you are not really small. It's like a stroll into the past - a place which is so familiar, where everyone is young and where there is charming light-heartedness and comfort. And at the same time, there are these walls and the aura within them. They always remain unexplored somewhere.
Who does not want to be an alien in their native city, where nobody knows you, and to retreat into their thoughts, to be with themselves and understand themselves at least a little bit? But it is enough to cross the line into this city, and you begin to understand that inner spiritual fragmentation, which results from not always orderly life, begins to acquire harmony, while the bustle of the city is left behind the walls.
Icarisahar is the heart of Baku. There is a special sound, a special way of life and a completely different climate here. You begin to understand why this place is called the inner city. It is too personal, because this city keeps many of your secrets. And how many millions of secrets does it hold within its walls and above and below the ground? The keeper will never betray.
Icarisahar and the sea flavour. They are timeless. You want to come here again and again. How strange that Baku is perceived as a place of fire when there is a sea nearby, while its depths may be the source of this fire. Here, from the height of the Maiden's Tower, you feel the majesty of Baku and the sensuality of Icarisahar - the heat of the sun, the tenderness of the Baku wind, the hum of the city, the silence of the sea and the whisper of the soul. I want to live forever!