Azerbaijan has secured a nine-year contract to host the Formula One European Grand Prix
Author: Sanan SAFIZADA Baku
What at firstseemed just a fantasy has now become a reality. Starting in 2016, Baku will host one of the stages of the Formula One championship, recognized worldwide as the premier auto racing league.
A nine-year contract has already been signed to hold the European Grand Prix in Baku.
The circuit layout through the streets of Baku, which was specially designed by Hermann Tilke for the upcoming events, was unveiled to fans of the sport by F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone and Azerbaijani Minister of Youth and Sports Azad Rahimov.
In an interview with R+, Bernie Ecclestone said that he welcomed Azerbaijan's desire to host the events: "Frankly speaking, I was both glad and surprised. After all, I didn't have any information about the condition of your roads. Hosting a Formula One event is no easy task. But now I am sure that your country is capable of hosting these events at the highest level."
According to Bernie Ecclestone, the relevant changes to the race schedule have already been made in order to include the European Grand Prix in Baku, which was designed according to the latest standards of circuit racing, and that the necessaryresearch has been done. The F1 events in Baku will be broadcast live in many countries around the world. The broadcast will be accompanied by panoramic views of Baku.
He also noted that it is wrong to compare the future stage of auto racing in Baku with the Turkish Grand Prix, which was held from 2005 to 2011: "In Turkey, everything was done at the highest level. However, the project did not justify itself in terms of profitability. First of all, the track was located in a remote part of Turkey. In addition, the people there love football more than they do Formula One. The result was that everythinghad to be paired with football matches. But in Baku, Formula One is much loved. During the course of the project, we intend to show the world Baku's beauty and charm. Our signing a nine-year agreement proves that we are interested in cooperating with Azerbaijan."
Youth and Sports Minister Azad Rahimov emphasised that Azerbaijan is equipped to host and organise a Formula One event: "The selection of Baku to host the European Grand Prix is an important and joyful event for all of us. We have been working very closely on the circuit layout with Hermann Tilke and his team since early 2013. Our brief to Tilke Engineering was simple - create a circuit that is unique, one that will help the Grand Prix in Baku quickly establish itself as one of the most exciting, thrilling venues on the F1 calendar, and one that the fans and teams alike are excited about. Most importantly, we wanted a track that would showcase the best of Baku, our capital city, and I am delighted that the circuit the F1 teams will race on in 2016 has achieved exactly that aim."
"Now the next phase of hard work begins and we are all excited about seeing the circuit evolve over the coming months. We know there will be challenges, but with the support of Mr Ecclestone, Tilke Engineering and everyone involved in helping to create F1's newest Grand Prix, we know we will deliver a spectacular event in 2016 that will add to Azerbaijan's well-earned reputation as a modern European country that is the perfect venue for the planet's highest profile sports and entertainment events. Azerbaijan will once again surprise the whole world," said Rahimov.
Hermann Tilke, CEO of Tilke Engineering, spoke about holding the races at the highest level, despite the presence of narrow streets in Baku: "I am absolutely thrilled about the Baku European Grand Prix project and delighted we can now unveil the track design. We have created a challenging street circuit, in terms of engineering and design, and one that thrives on Baku's very attractive urban atmosphere and its great combination of history and 21st century style. The historic city centre, the beautiful seaside promenade and the impressive government house all combine to provide the perfect backdrop for a spectacular new track. Obviously street circuits present a number of challenges, in terms of circuit design, but we have been able to incorporate some unique features that will provide the teams and fans with fascinating racing. For example, there will be an extremely narrow uphill section at the Icheri Sheher [Icari Sahar; Baku Old City] wall that will reward pinpoint accuracy and courage, and we have an acceleration section of almost 2.2 km along the promenade which will see the cars running flat out at very high top speeds - something that will create an incredible spectacle for the race fans on track and the viewers at home."
Hermann Tilke also mentioned that they made every effort to ensure that the ancient gates, Qosa Qala Qapisi [Gosha Gala Gates], to Icheri Sheher are shown during the broadcast of the race on TV. To do this, the route includes a street that passes near them. This narrow street with sharp turns will add additional colour to the competition. According to Tilke, drivers will have to work hard to pass this segment.
According to Anar Alakbarov, President of the Azerbaijan Automobile Federation, the project will have a significant impact on the worldview of Azerbaijan's youth: "Formula One, the world's fastest motorsport championship is already very popular in Azerbaijan as a spectator sport. We are deeply honoured by the privilege awarded to us by the Formula One family in welcoming us to their party and enabling us to host the Baku European Grand Prix in 2016. I am confident that hosting this Grand Prix will act as a catalyst for the sport of Formula One in our country and I expect youngsters throughout the city will be so impressed by this spectacular event taking place on their doorstep that dreams of becoming the first Azerbaijani Formula One World Champion will take root."
According to Hermann Tilke's track design, the length of the track is 6 km long. The track will include eight turns to the right and 12 to the left.
The average speed of the race cars on the Baku track will be a record for a Formula One raceat 210 km/h. Drivers will start near Azadliq Square and they will reach Formula One's fastest speeds along Neftcilar Avenue where top speeds will approach 340 km/h.
Seating for 25,000 spectators will be built in a safe area.
Those interested can watch the race first hand by paying 3-5 manats [4-6 dollars]. Expensive tickets in the range of 200-250 manats willalso be offered.