15 March 2025

Saturday, 02:43


But speaking the truth must also be tactful



Eastern psychology says that the main source of energy loss is speech. Christianity says: "It does not matter what goes into a person's mouth, the main thing is what comes out." Many ascetics and saints went to secluded places, so that nothing prompted them to engage in empty talk. We give the first assessment to a person by how he speaks. Speech defines a person. 

Virtually anyone who is interested in yoga, eastern philosophy and psychology knows the name of Sage Patanjali and his monumental work on yoga "Yoga Sutra". But few know that before that, he wrote no less outstanding works on speech - on how to speak correctly and on how to build speech correctly. Each person striving for perfection should be a doctor treating his body, an expert on grammar looking after his speech, and a philosopher clearing his mind. In the life of such a person, there can be no room for physical ailments, indifference to self-knowledge and disordered speech. The ability to speak and listen is seriously studied in all business schools. Even in the criminal world, in order to submit to the gang hierarchy, they must be able to control their tongue. It is difficult to recognize a person until he speaks. You can tell a fool from a sage when he speaks. Speech has very strong energy. Professionals with a subtle vision say that people who communicate with obscenities and in a rude and insulting way immediately get a black spot in a certain place of their body, which might turn into cancer in a year or two. The most successful are those who speak nicely and are able to control their speech. 

Eastern psychology says that the austerity of speech lies in the ability to speak the truth with nice words. In the East, a man who cannot control his speech is considered very primitive, although he may be a professor in the West. It is important to remember that when we criticize someone, we take the bad karma and the bad qualities of the character of this man. That's how the law of karma works. And we even take the qualities of the person we praise. It has long been observed that we take the qualities of the person we think and therefore speak about. Therefore, even Western psychologists advise us to think and talk about successful and harmonious people. But the more envy and selfishness we have, the harder it is to say something good about someone. We must learn not to criticize anyone. There was one patient whose horoscope sign said that from a particular year, he should have a serious disease, but he was okay. Asked what he started doing in that year, the man replied that he made a vow not to criticize anyone. And he said that he noticed how his life really improved after that. The second level is not to think badly. The more twaddle we have in mind, the more it manifests itself in our speech. There is another level - learn to accept criticism. One of the abilities of the mind is to excuse oneself in any situation. The high level of a person is determined by the fact that he calmly listens to criticism. The first rule of intelligent speech - before you say something sharp, count to ten. It may seem silly. At the beginning, we can hardly even count to three. But on the other hand, if you answer after a short pause, your answer will be much more reasonable, because the first thing that comes to mind when we are criticized and scolded is the desire to justify ourselves and to answer sharply in response. A person who is engaged in spiritual self-improvement says very little and speaks thoughtfully about the practical things needed in life. An important rule is to get rid of complaints. 

The first step to love is gratitude. In this world, very few people are grateful. Basically, all express complaints - either implicitly or explicitly. But it is important to remember that if we do not thank someone, then we begin to criticize. One Sufi rule says: "Hell is a place where there is no one to help or no one to serve." We can get bliss only when we serve unselfishly, when we give part of our soul. Everything we do without love brings only misery and destruction, no matter how noble it looks. Every situation is a lesson and every second is aimed at edifying us. As soon as we have complaints, our heart chakra is blocked. The most frequent complaints are about fate, others, and dissatisfaction with oneself and the world. Complaints manifest themselves not only in words but first of all, in thoughts, tone and style of communication and attitude to life in general. Each situation is given to us so that we can work on ourselves. The less we are in harmony, the more we are tense, and the more hard lessons will come to us. But as soon as we accept a situation, we become relaxed, and thus, this situation is quickly resolved. True humility is reflected in the fact that we accept every situation. We accept any gift of fate, whatever it is. If our subconscious is set on accepting and seeing everything as God's will - it will quickly lead us to perfection. Those who criticize us give us their positive karma and take away our bad karma. Therefore, eastern psychology has always believed that it is good when we are criticized. How does speech work with our karma? If you plan something and want to do something, do not tell anyone about it. As soon as you said about it, it is 80 per cent less likely to happen, especially if you share it with an envious, greedy person. Why do people who speak little and thoughtfully achieve more? They do not lose energy. 

Another simple rule associated with speech is if we do someone good and boast about it to others, then at this point, we lose the positive karma and all the fruits of piety we earned from this act. And we always have a choice: join the general mass of people, dive into the hellish life of accusations and complaints and live with a closed heart or get used to opening our mouth only to be thankful, knowing that we can experience bliss only by giving something away. And we have such great opportunities in this world today. So let us make a vow that we will look after our speech and strive for excellence at all levels.