Author: Tamerlan SALBAROV Baku
The mission of the woman ... It sounds intriguing, doesn't it? Almost every representative of the fair sex asks a question one day: What do I live for? To give birth and raise children, to love my husband? But it is something natural. So what is the mission of the woman?
Imagine the universe - a huge, mysterious universe with a myriad of stars and planets orbiting them. How can they all float in outer space and not collapse? What keeps them up? Now let move back to the distant past. Six or seven thousand years ago. A big city in present-day Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Russia or China. The magnificent temples, palaces, parks and gardens are decorated with flowers and sprayed with sweet-smelling sandalwood or rose water. All residents of the city gather behind its walls, where something like a big stadium has been built. Happily excited people are looking forward to the action. What action? The king's daughter is choosing a husband.
She will be walking among kings and princes sitting on thrones, and the one she likes will be her husband. Although it is clear that the beautiful princess will choose only one person (or no-one, which has also happened), a lot of great and not so great rulers have come here from all over the world. Each of them hopes to get the unique charm of luck! But why is the princess a unique charm of luck? And what is common between the structure of the universe and the ceremony to choose a husband? It turns out that star systems have been rotating in their orbits for billions of years without deviating or falling thanks to the energy of women's nature. It sustains life in the universe. It is in everything that surrounds us: houses, trees, fields, rivers, oceans, bodies of animals and humans. Any woman is part of this great energy. Therefore, it is destined to maintain and protect the family, clan and country with its mystical power.
After all, the country's life depends on how well they protect their husbands, sons and brothers from different adverse energy impacts and on what children they bear and raise. And the princess was considered a unique charm of luck, for she had such power that she could make a mighty king even more powerful and a weak king stronger. In civilized worlds, women are always protected, loved and revered. However, if a woman is simply used as a sex machine, humiliated and subjected to violence, she cannot reveal her personality and fully express her cosmic nature of the defender and keeper of the universe. And it is not easy for the children of slaves to become fully human. By the way, on the equality of women and men. What does this equality mean in modern society? An opportunity for women to do the same things as men. Blurring the distinction between men and women. But for men space will never start right over their head as for women. No matter how hard men try, the essence of women's nature will never be their essence. And no matter how hard women try, they will never be able to physically protect the family like men.
According to the laws of the universe, men and women are equal but have different responsibilities. And only carrying out these responsibilities, they can find true happiness. The man is meant to ensure and protect the family financially. After all, he has a stronger physical body, stronger mind and stronger desire for leadership. A true friend supports and encourages her beloved. Think of examples from world history. Exalted Heloise and Abelard, holy Fevronia and Peter. And almost our contemporaries: Helena and Nicholas Roerich, Alla and Daniel Andreyev. Companions of great men were great women - and who else can be a wife, mother, sister, counsellor, companion, psychotherapist, nurse, cook, etc. at the same time? Is it hard? But it is precisely because of this that nature has given women the courage that is six times greater than that of men, a higher survival instinct, a greater ability to survive in any environment, excellent intuition and great mystical power, of which most women today do not even know. Try to bear, raise and nurture your offspring without these qualities!
What determines your charm? For example, beauty. First, there are simply no ugly women. Second, the book stores and stalls are packed with literature to help Cinderella become a princess. In addition, there are countless studios and beauty salons in the country. Or culinary art. After all, no matter what they say, the way to a man's heart lies through their stomach as well. Learn to cook fantastic delicious food, even if you have a dozen chefs and do not know where the kitchen is. The man will always be attracted to the woman who fills the food with energy of love and tenderness. What else can you do to captivate your other half?
Once and for all. Of course, with a sense of self-esteem. If you do not respect yourself, why should others respect you? Put aside women's detectives and learn to cook some exotic dishes, practice yoga and study the psychology of human relationships. Make sure that the Queen of England feels ashamed of her imperfect etiquette at a meeting with you (if you ever meet her, of course, but who knows...). And some Gabbana wants to learn to design clothes from you. What can I say?! One who knows a lot is always respected. In this way, you can learn to respect yourself. And, of course, do not forget about the male ego. The man is a "boss" by his nature, so do not do what he does not like, do not disobey him (in any case, everything will be the way you want in the end!). Do not try to prove your superiority over him. It is unlikely that he will want to protect someone stronger than him. Soft and respectful words of approval and admiration, a sincerely devoted and tender look - and your beloved with a steel character will carry you on his arms and do whatever you want, knowing that you are subject to him. In a perfect relationship with a man, the woman obeys everything he says but as a supermanager! She influences him so that he asks her to do what she wants. Learn to give the man what he wants, and when and how he wants it in accordance with the mood of a ruler (but without losing your own dignity!). Then he will want to make you happy, and will be ready to get the moon from the sky for you and even give up his life for you. And innocence, vulnerability and trust increase the charm and prestige of the woman. These qualities of the woman cause the man to respect and take care of her, encourage him to get rid of his complexes and always remain faithful to her. Under the beneficent influence of women, any man might change for the better. But do not bet on it! Take your partner as he is now so that you do not get disappointed later.
So, what is the mission of the woman? First of all, it is self-improvement! For a woman, who is developed physically and spiritually, is the real foundation of a happy society. And the more of these women, the stronger the state. I'll tell you a secret - in ancient times, people knew that the prosperity of a state depended on the superior qualities of women, especially on their chastity. Therefore, women were taken care of and protected, given gifts and decorations and had their wishes fulfilled. In short, they did everything to keep them happy with their lives. And women, being in their natural, happy state, helped men to easily overcome the adversities of life. Some say: "Now there are such men that it's hard to be a woman." But a lot depends on women themselves. So let's change for the better.