Who turns Paris into ruins in the theatre?
Author: Valentina REZNIKOVA Baku
It is always interesting to know who is working behind the scenes in the theatre - about people whose work is an integral part of the theatre process. For example, property masters. Their creative efforts seem insignificant at first glance. But what is the theatre without property masters? And what are the theatre props?
The props
This word literally means "necessary properties". In other words, the props are a collection of original and fake items, which are used by actors during a performance. They may be household items (dishes of any kind, vases, flowers, etc.). Sometimes, the props may be part of a costume: an umbrella, a handbag, a briefcase, a computer, a fan, a letter, a book, a dagger, a sword, etc. The props may be part of the decoration. That is if a performance uses a piece of furniture, on which a vase of flowers stands, it will be a prop that is a complementary part of the decoration. What are the props for? Like decorations, costumes and stage lights - they are meant to create the necessary atmosphere in a performance and aid the actor who creates a certain image and character.
Sometimes, the props are purchased for use in a performance, and sometimes, they are made by property masters. For example, in A. Sharovskiy's performance "Monsieur Jordan, the botanist, and Mastali Shah, the famous magician", for the scene where Mastali Shah allegedly blows up Paris, property masters made a mock-up of a royal palace, which explodes and turns into a pile of rubble. For the same scene, they made fearsome heads of divs, who were believed to have destroyed Paris. These are the props that need to be made by property masters, because it is impossible to buy these things. In the performance "Mirandolina", property masters made hats, which had to act as advertising visuals for popular Italian dishes, for a fashion parade by models, who had come for a carnival of models of the Kruzhi-Linna agency. They were used by the owner of the Hotel Mirandolina to attract guests, or, speaking in the modern language of business people, clients. In other words, the entire art production of prop workshop then becomes the "property" of property masters and is stored in the prop workshop. In addition to the stage props, there is the concept of outgoing props in the theatre. What is it? It is natural food and drinks. During a performance, characters have to eat and drink. For example, in A. Sharovskiy's performance based on Elcin's play "Star, Love, and Champagne", S. Mirzahasanov's character comes to a woman's house and demands food. He really eats frankfurters, which were boiled by the property masters prior to the performance. His character must also drink champagne. But alcohol is not served as outgoing props in the theatre. Therefore, depending on what the actor-character must drink at the will of the playwright, the property masters can serve tea, boiled water or juice. But the audience should believe that what the character is drinking is not water, but vodka, not tea, but champagne or juice. As outgoing props, fruit, pastries, and tobacco products, etc. can also be used. But this is in the Drama Theatre. In opera, it is not customary to eat or drink during the performance.
Property master
The property master is a theatre technician, whose responsibilities include storage, maintenance, and selection and purchase of the props in accordance with the extract submitted to the prop workshop by the assistant director. One hour before the performance, all the props used by actors during the performance are installed behind the scenes. If necessary, the property master can hand the necessary items to the actor on the stage at the time of the performance. This can be anything: a balloon, a piece of paper, a flower, a scarf, etc. After the performance, all the props are collected and kept in the workshop. Each item has its "own" place on the shelf, rack or drawer. The property master is responsible for their maintenance and good condition. If necessary, he sends the items that have become unusable to a prop workshop for repairing or restoration.
The props are an important thing, and the property master is a man who creates the atmosphere of the performance and thinks it over literally to the last detail. This old theatrical profession plunges people in the silent, but multi-dimensional world of objects.
Prop workshop
The prop workshop is a place where small details of the environment (vases, lamps, screens, etc.), as well as items used by actors (flashlight, sword, gloves, hats, etc.) are stored. Today, the terms "props" and "dummies" are used not only in the theatre, but in the movies. In the form of fakes, they are widely used in window advertising, and often, in the interior of shopping malls, restaurants, etc. Very often, details of the props are part of the theatrical costume - both male and female - for example, an umbrella or gloves, or a briefcase or an elegant handbag, hat or ear-flapped fur hat, all that is hung on the walls, laid out on tables, simply strewn across the stage and everything that the character touches during the performance. These things are the same actors, but only silent. But the meaning they carry is no less significant.
The world of things is like the human world, you become attached to them, and sometimes you find it difficult to part with an object just like with a close friend. The theatre has an unwritten rule - no self-respecting theatre gives out any costumes, props or wigs from an ongoing performance. It is not greed - it is just that the performance can be used as a replacement at any time, which means that every detail has to be always at your fingertips. But even if the performance is not in the repertoire, things are still kept in the corners of the prop workshop and are ready "to go on stage" at any moment.
The property master's job is "behind the scenes", and it is mentioned in the programme in small print. But next time you come to the theatre and pay tribute to the actors, do not forget that some of your applause goes to the "necessary man" - the property master.