Exclusive interview with the adviser to the chairman of the dutch parliament's commission on defense and foreign policies, Jeroen Benning
Author: Ceyhun NACAFOV Baku
-Azerbaijan and the European Union will soon enter talks on simplifying travel regulations. What can you say about the European Union's plans to continue its eastward enlargement, in particular into the South Caucasus?
- To some extent, there will be an EU advancement to the East. The EU intends to fully implement the Eastern Partnership program. We are currently working on expanding this program, and the Netherlands provide relevant support in this. In this regard, Azerbaijan is to conclude a number of long-term agreements with the European Union that provide for simplification of the visa regime, the possibilities for taking Azerbaijani goods to European markets, etc. All this will ensure a new level of relations between Azerbaijan and the EU.
- Can the economic crisis in the eurozone have an adverse impact on EU plans regarding the integration of Eastern Partnership states? Will the criteria for entering the EU change?
- Indeed, the financial crisis has affected the European Union. Evidently, some adjustments will have to be made to the process of accession of new members. But in any case partnership programs with East European countries will be implemented. The point is that the strengthening and expansion of cooperation with partners in post-Soviet countries will help the EU to overcome the economic crisis soon.
- German Chancellor Angela Merkel admits that multiculturalism in Europe has not justified itself. What do people in the Netherlands, which is home to numerous peoples, including an Azerbaijani Diaspora, think about this?
- It has become apparent how difficult it is to integrate various social, cultural and ethnic groups which differ from one another by the degree of education into a single society. We are faced with the problem of uniting people from different social classes and religions in a common society. Although the situation is quite complicated, we must find ways to resolve it.
- Russia and the USA have been showing a high level of activity in the South Caucasus in recent years. Why doesn't Europe want to become as active as Moscow and Washington?
- First of all we should note that the EU is interested in the South Caucasus region. Europe has certain strategic plans regarding the South Caucasus. Against the backdrop of unrest that has swept across the Middle East and North Africa, this region is more or less stable. Therefore, it increasingly falls within the interests of the European Union. Of particular interest is the potential of the South Caucasus as a source of energy supply. In this sense, it is of strategic importance to the EU.