14 March 2025

Friday, 20:52


Russian artist Olga Gladkova's creative self-expression gleaned in Azerbaijan



There is a Russian proverb that says "Man proposes, God disposes". When a person is young, he is not likely to ponder these words, and they become familiar to the ear. But the older you get, the more you find yourself repeating them, finding in them great wisdom and meaning. Of course you may not always agree with this statement as it relates to real-life situations, but in the case of artist Olga Gladkova it did absolutely. Just imagine: Born and raised in Moscow, enthusiastically studied English in school, graduated from the Maurice Thorez Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages (the dream and envy of many girls!), and happily employed teaching English in various Moscow universities. She loved her profession and teaching was a joy for her! Here one would expect to see the exclamation "and suddenly!" But that is not the case because there was no "suddenly". And it was not sudden because for many years she regarded her passion for painting as a hobby. She was overjoyed to discover that she had such a passion and that it continued to captivate her, but she never imagined that there could come a time when her hobby would become the cornerstone of her professional and creative, carving out a significant part of that space called life. This does not have an impact on the rest of this space, which belong to the family and family relations. Quite the contrary. Her hobby, having grown into a profession, made relationships at home stronger and more harmonious. Her husband is the first viewer, critic, appraiser, friend and counsellor. He likes his wife's passion, which has had an impact on not only her professional activities, but also her state of mind, image and lifestyle.

- The more this passion actively became a part of my life, the more clearly I realised that I needed professional preparation, professional knowledge, skills, training. In short, all the things that distinguish the amateur from the professional. I began to study the subject. The process turned out to be fun and there you have it...

The result of these efforts was membership in the International Federation of Artists, the Artists Trade Union of Russia, and the International Artists Foundation, as well as eleven exhibitions - solo and public. Some of her exhibitions have been held in Azerbaijan. Her solo exhibition in the art gallery "Baku" titled "I love you, Baku" is the result of her creative searches of the Baku period of her creative life. The paintings exhibited in the gallery do not come with titles. 

The artist's approach here is especially well received. It gives you the opportunity to be free of the artist's interpretation and instead allow you to come up with your own fantasy. The exhibition catalogue contains the names that the artist chose. Only in one case did our names match entirely.



The moon and the stars shine in the dark blue sky. On the table sits a kerosene lamp, a clothes iron, a sewing machine, a Gurama-weave table cloth, a knitted mat on a chair; in the right-hand corner - a curtain-blind of the same Gurama-weave. Would this seem that special? But this blue depth is mesmerizing. It is spellbinding, sending your heart and soul after memory associations. As if you can sense before you your childhood, your mother reading the Arabian Nights, grandma embroidering upholstery for the Viennese chair. That's almost exactly as what is shown in this picture. And the old wives tales about the terrible almastynah (a Yeti-like creature) who kidnaps naughty boys and girls at night. And more universal to everyone - regardless of geopolitics, international conflicts, or religious affiliation - a multi-version space. A space of associations, thoughts, feelings, sensations.


"Eastern Fairytale"

This is our name for the piece. The catalogue says that it is "Khan Gyzy". For centuries, Azerbaijani girls have been renowned for their beauty. Beauty's standards have changed with time, but one thing has remained constant: a proportional body, a clear pattern of facial features, spirituality. In short, everything that falls under the umbrella of female attractiveness. Where is this beautiful creature venturing candles in hand? Where are her thoughts directed? To whom or to what? And why has she paused before an embrasure? The moon illuminates the dome and minaret of the mosque, the rooftops of the houses in the Old City. The moonlight upon the nightscape conjures a romantic, fabulous and mysterious atmosphere, transporting us to the famous legend of the Khan's daughter. Now, many centuries later, no one can say what was the fate of the Khan's daughter. But one wants to believe that this khan's daughter is well. That she is happy and loved. And that she did not become the betrothed of any old man, but that of a handsome young man. Regardless of his class.


"Femme Emancipee" (author's title: "Tightrope Walker")

The expression came into Russian from the French. It is a reference to George Sand's heroine who seeks independence and freedom from the obligations which society demands from women of the 19th century. To what degree did she succeed in standing up for the right to freedom to manifest oneself in as a full member of society? And is she happy in this freedom? Is it possible to find a compromise among one's responsibilities, an immutable fact determined upon one's conception, and fighting for rights? It's possible. That's the way Olga Gladkova sees it: the circus tightrope walker who so easily balances boring household chores and simultaneously directs her creative imagination! Modern woman, given the experience of previous generations of women of her kind, can be both an individual and a full member of society!


"Fusion" (author's title: "Rain")

The influence of Neo-Impressionism. Perfectly mastered technique of pointillism, which was introduced to fine art at the end of the 19th century by Georges Seurat, who carried on the work of impressionist Camille Pissarro in refining the technique of painting without mixing paints, making separate strokes for each spot or rectangular shape. But this is just a flourish that underscores the artistic and professional development of the artist. The essence of the work from a different angle. From the perspective of the narrow streets of an unknown European city - maybe in Italy, maybe France, Czech Republic, Latvia or Lithuania - a woman is walking with her back to us. An umbrella shields her from the drizzle. A misty haze blurs the outline of the building at the point of perspective. And we cannot determine the place of action. But is it important? Much more important is the woman herself. She is still young: her upright back, hair, the movement of her body, her clothing suggest she belongs to a certain social class, they say that she is still full of energy, and perhaps dreams. But does she have any desires? And what are they? 

Her shoes - reliable, durable, just like the weather - are devoid of any hint at a flirtatious call to the male sex. Who is this young lady? And where is her path taking her? Surely toward the humanities. Surely toward ideals inspired by literature. Ideals that fail to fit within the structure of modern society. But she is an individual. She is not like everyone else. She does not wear clothes pret a partir. Nor does she view life from the perspective of forfeited morality. She dresses as she wants! And it does not matter to her how the world looks upon it. She is in harmonious fusion with the world of her ideals...


"Compliments to Sattar"

This work is absent from the catalogue. It calls to mind the art of Sattar Bakhlulzade and Roerich. The colours. The mood. Where exactly did the artist paint this landscape? Maybe she recreated it from memory. But this work looks like the environs of Sheki in a rave of spring colours. A moment captured will stay forever. Years will elapse. Generations will come and go. But the moment snatched from time will stay. 

Olga Gladkova is in love with the Land of the Eternal Fires. She draws inspiration from it, finds within it that which is necessary for an artist: the opportunity for professional development. The Azerbaijani school of fine arts with its ancient roots greatly appeals to her. She enjoys visiting exhibitions, meeting artists and familiarizing herself with their art because she is sure that there are boundless opportunities for creative self-expression as well as ways to build dialogue between the artist and the audience. This is why she is following with so much interest the activity of the youth organization YARAT.

"I like their absolute freedom, boldness and willingness to express their attitude to the world without confining themselves within the limits of common and recognized forms of art. They seek their own language to communicate with their audience. And I like their creative endeavour and experimenting. 

As well as their courage to be misunderstood. I feel special appeal to works resting on the traditional, root structure of the national fine arts. It is very exciting! Because the ability to say something new, something of your own and original without breaking away from your own roots and to sound contemporary, I think, is a sign of professionalism and vivid personality…"



This work is absent from the catalogue. A man with a jolly smile on his face lifting his hat in a greeting gesture looks like a cowboy. Perhaps because he is wearing a checkered shirt. Although the checkered pattern is quite wrong and so is the colour. Or maybe it is because of the hat? Behind his back is the moving sea surface and the shining circle of the sun! He is in the middle of that circle. This is why he emanates such quiet joy and power leaving no doubt: he can be the one he seems to be… Nothing affected. Nothing assumed. Just the confidence and calmness of a strong man. A man who remembers what his mission is… 

Olga Gladkova is an artist. An unsatisfied and daring personality trying her hand in various techniques and manners. Landscape, portrait, still life. These are just a few of her creative endeavours. One day, she may possibly turn her hand to the genre of Oriental miniature. Not exactly oriental but rather Azerbaijani. And it will become another height for her to reach…