The greatest happiness for a woman is to become a mother
Author: Sabira MUSTAFAYEVA Baku
However different women are, whatever job they do and whatever position they take in life, they are united by one thing - motherhood. It is one of the most powerful feelings that women experience in their lives because after they have a baby, their attitude towards life changes completely. They devote their lives to the child and spend most of it taking care of him, his health, education and future. On the eve of 8 March, we dedicate this story to all women - mothers, sisters, grandmothers and aunts - their difficult destiny, life full of problems and concern for their families and their dreams. We would like men to pay more attention to them and their dreams ... and not only on 8 March.
The woman in the village
It is 0400 am. It is time to get up to feed the animals. Then by 0800, she must find time to cook breakfast and lunch, wake her family, feed them, and then - work, work, work. Subsistence farming requires much effort. And she must also clean the house and help the children to do their homework. She must find time for everything: to get up before dawn and, God willing, to carry on until dusk. And this happens every day - through holidays and weekends. The village woman carries water, often from afar, along difficult paths. It is laundry, childcare, cooking, washing-up and cleaning the floor, the apartment, planting, weeding, watering, fertilizing and harvesting in the garden, preparing jams and pickles for the winter, butter, cheese, hay etc. If there is a cow, she needs to be fed and milked twice a day. Chickens, geese and sheep, too, do not recognize holidays and require food.
This list of jobs for the village woman is not exhaustive. And if we consider just this in detail, we will end up with a pile of work, and life in general is hellish, too. It is not by chance that by the age of 40 nearly all rural women, to put it mildly, look much older than their urban peers.
It is good that children help rural women in the household. Sons work at the farm, starting at the age of 10, while daughters start working in the house even before then. Subsequently, after reaching 11 or 12 years of age, girls learn to clean cattle and do other work on the farm. In some Azerbaijani villages, girls weave carpets from an early age. Certainly, in the village children occupy an important place in a woman's life, because it is hard to raise a healthy person anywhere, especially if you have three or more children in the family, which is usual in the countryside. The woman in the village dreams of a better life for her children. And so she repeats very often to her sons and daughters that they need to study well, read even as they graze the cattle or sheep and study even at night if domestic work does not allow them to do so in the afternoon or in the evening.
Woman at home and at work
Does a woman, who gets up at 6 am and goes to work after preparing the breakfast for her husband and children, who are also rushing to work, kindergarten or college, think about how to prepare an annual report, complete an article on time or conduct a demonstration lesson? Maybe. But most likely, these are not the only thoughts revolving in her mind. Among other things, she has to arrange her schedule so as to pick up a child from the kindergarten or school in the evening, buy food and cook dinner, preferably by 8 pm. The woman hopes for a cosy and delicious dinner, she will have a warm conversation with her family, despite the fact that after half an hour, it will turn into cleaning the remains of food from the table and washing-up the dishes. Then she has to freshen herself up, throw clothes into the washing machine, prepare clothes for tomorrow and put all to bed. At night, of course, she can do what she wants, but her eyes treacherously close and she falls asleep. The next day will be almost the same. But tomorrow she must talk with the principal of the school which the child will attend next year and, in the afternoon, negotiate with a tutor in geography for the elder son who will go to college the following year. To this end, she may need to take time off from work, but most likely the boss will meet her halfway. Even if she fails to agree with him, that's okay, she can think of something else. After all, the most important thing in a woman's life is the upbringing of her children, their education and their future. In the evening, over dinner, the woman will speak to her husband about the results of the negotiations with the school principal and the tutor, and then, satisfied and tired, go to bed.
Prosperous woman
The woman wakes up at 10 am to tender kisses and declarations of love. The housekeeper brings coffee, fruit juice and croissants. Then she takes a shower with Sandalwood gel, stands on the scales and discovers that has she lost 2 kilos. Tidying herself up, the woman puts on some makeup and dresses beautifully to take her son to classes at the best school with a new system of education. By that time, the nanny has already fed and clothed her son. Deciding not to waste time, the woman walks around the shops and arranges to meet friends for lunch at a restaurant in order to discuss the latest gossip. After lunch, she goes to a beauty salon: manicure, pedicure and massage. She limbers up in the gym and goes to collect her son from school; she has prepared a tight schedule of entertainment for him. They come home for dinner. Her husband will be back soon. The dinner is ready. A warm, lively conversation and the husband arrives with flowers for his wife and toys for the child. After dinner, at which the husband talks about current affairs at work and the woman about her son's successes at school and the latest gossip, the whole family sits in front of the TV to watch the news, movies, football and fashion shows, despite gentle protests from her husband. Before going to bed, she has a bath, a gentle kiss and a declaration of love ... and talks about her son who should be sent to karate, ballroom dancing and chess classes. The woman advises her husband to pay more attention to the raising and educating of their 7-year-old son, in order to discover his talents in time and put him on the right track. On Sunday, the spouses are invited to the exhibition of a famous artist and, in the evening, the woman has a romantic candlelit dinner with her husband.
Letter from a woman
Motherhood changes a woman's life. She can't sleep over the weekend or travel on holiday. But that is nothing compared with the feelings that a mother has for her child all her life. In a letter from a woman to her daughter who was about to become a mother, we came across the following words that shook us. "You will know that the physical wounds of childbirth heal very quickly, but motherhood will give you a bleeding emotional wound that never heals. I want to warn you that you will never be able to read a newspaper without asking yourself: what if this happened to my child? Every plane crash and every fire will haunt you. When you are looking at pictures of children dying of hunger, you will be thinking that there is nothing worse in the world than the death of your child."
The mother looked at her daughter's manicured nails and stylish suit and thought that no matter how refined she was, motherhood would reduce her to the primitive level of a female bear defending her cub and that an alarmed cry "Mom!" would make her abandon everything without regret - from a souffl? to the best crystal glass.
"I think I should warn you that no matter how many years you have devoted to your job, your career will suffer greatly after giving birth. You can find a babysitter, but one day you will go to an important business meeting thinking about the sweet smell of your baby's head. And you will need all your willpower not to run back home just to check that your baby is alright.
"I want you to know that foolish everyday problems will never be foolish for you and that the five-year-old boy's desire to go to the men's toilet in McDonald's will be a huge dilemma."
The mother, looking at her attractive daughter, wanted to tell her that she could lose the weight gained during pregnancy, but she could never shake off motherhood and become they way she was before, that her life, which is so important for her now, will no longer be so important after birth, that she will forget about herself the moment she has to save her offspring, and that she will learn to hope for - oh no! not her own dreams! - the dreams of her children to come true. "I want you to know that your relationship with your husband will change in a way you can't even imagine. I want you to understand how much you can love a man who sprinkles powder carefully on your child and never refuses to play with him. I think you will know what it is like to fall in love again for a reason which now seems completely unromantic to you."
The mother very much wanted her daughter to feel the connection between all the women of the world who have tried to stop wars, crime and drunk driving. The mother wanted to describe to her daughter the delight that fills a mother when she sees her child learn to ride a bike. The mother wanted to capture for her daughter the laughter of her baby who first touches the soft fur of a puppy or kitten. The mother wanted her daughter to feel the joy that burns so much it hurts. The mother's eyes were filled with tears.
"But you'll never regret it." Then the mother prayed in her mind for her daughter, for herself and for all women who devote themselves to this most wonderful of callings.
Congratulations, dear women!