2011 – Year of the White Rabbit promises to be benign and financially secure
Author: Zarifa BABAYEVA Baku
Everyone sees New Year differently. For some it is just a normal exchange of one day for another, for others it is a new stage in life. Anyway, it is the next stage, not only in one's personal history, but also for mankind globally - an marker which helps us to divide life into black and white strips, to review and to consider further plans. New Year is a pleasure, gifts, fun, fantastic elves, a fir-tree, Santa Claus, Snow Girl and the laughter of children.
At New Year almost the whole human race unites around a single common idea - to greet a new day, love, relationships, well-being; in a nutshell, hopes for the best. After all, we all hope that the Almighty has prepared only good things for us on the new page of life.
On 1 January we come round from the noisy parties to see off the old year, we bring order to scattered thoughts, we remember yesterday, but also think about how to fill a day of well-deserved rest. Beginning with a sleep, we then finish off the various foods prepared for 31 December; we should take a walk in the city, arrange family celebrations, appointments, sit on a swing, go to some events; the more so because in Baku today, for example, there is more entertainment than one knows what to do with.
For those who prefer productive leisure to passivity, it is advisable to read what the incoming 2011 holds for us - the Year of the White Rabbit (the Hare, the Cat). This information will not just be useful for those who decide to remain indoors on 1 January in a cosy armchair, wrapped in a blanket in front of the TV, or with the horoscope, drinking a cup of hot tea.
Why the Rabbit?
In the Chinese lunar-solar calendar of the 12-year animal cycle, 2010, the Year of the White Tiger has given way to the new 2011 - the Year of the White Rabbit (the Cat or the Hare). According to a legend on the origin of the eastern calendar, the Buddha once invited all the animals that wanted to come. Not all the animals came: it was cold and in order to get to the Buddha they had to swim across a wide river.
To each the Buddha gave one year of rule, on the basis of first-come-first-served. First was the rat, second - the buffalo, third - the tiger. Observers, captivated by the competition between the buffalo and the tiger, could not see clearly who came fourth - the cat, the hare or the rabbit. With the lapse of time, it is impossible to establish the truth, and the diverse eastern peoples still have different interpretations about the controller of the fourth year.
The dragon was fifth, the snake came sixth, and seventh was the horse. A band of fog wafted across the river and again it is not clear who was eighth - the goat, the sheep or the ram. The monkey was ninth. The cock was tenth and eleventh was the dog. The wild boar, or pig, appeared last and was twelfth.
Anyway, astrologists assert that 2011 - the Year of the Rabbit will undoubtedly bring much good luck and happiness. If by rabbit is meant the cat, we should bear in mind that it always falls on its feet - it is always successful! It is lucky! Every day of the New Year, the Rabbit symbolises changes in personal and psychological prospects. Love!
This will be most important in the New Year. Love will be everywhere, people will feel it with all their senses, rejoice like children and take pleasure in life! There is a simple explanation: in the Chinese (eastern) calendar, the year will begin on 14 February and that is Valentine's Day! Look around and love your nearest and dearest - this is the basic message.
All for family
The rabbit is extremely shy but, despite this, it is very hospitable, it values house, home and beauty. The horoscope recommends that we invite our best friends to our place and visit them more often in the Year of the Rabbit.
The rabbit is diplomatic; thus we do not need to prove ourselves in 2011. It is better, according to the horoscope, to be honest with the Rabbit, to be pleasant to it. Among the Rabbit's positive qualities are an irrepressible romanticism and fidelity.
Further, eastern horoscopes say that the Rabbit is very clever and advanced in many fields. It will patronize all who are involved in science and, simply, those who love their jobs.
But we should remember that not all the Rabbit's qualities are positive, according to the horoscope. For example, it is timid. It may be difficult, especially for people born in the Year of the Rabbit, to accept critical decisions. The Rabbit is also pedantic; it cannot tolerate disorder in matters, affairs and thoughts.
The New Year should be especially successful and good for those who are engaged in diplomatic activity. This includes priests, professors and people in creative work - the Rabbit patronizes these most of all.
The Rabbit is a family animal, a symbol of fruitfulness, posterity and calm. After the last Year of the unruly Tiger, it is time for a quieter life. The New Year is for talented people of art, intelligent people. In general, those whose symbol is the Rabbit enjoy the confidence of their associates, they are often turned to for counsel and consultation. The Rabbit is an open sign.
In the New Year, we can expect many friendly get-togethers. The Rabbit is disposed towards contact, constant communication, negotiations, transactions and meetings. Thus, conflicts will be reduced to a minimum as the Rabbit is a great diplomat and will easily come to agreement.
Any help given will be generously rewarded and will be returned without fail. The horoscope advises secrecy for plans and intentions so that no one dares to break them.
Children born in 2011 will be talented and benevolent, but thoughtless; they will also soon display an aspiration for freedom and they will seek independence in every possible way. The New Year of the Rabbit isn't so much a year of action as a year of meditation and preparation for the future.
What does the year have in store for us?!
If you were born in the year of the Goat, the Horse (especially the Fiery Horse), the Dog, the Bull or the Dragon - then this year will be especially successful. Grab the moment! Start a new business and pursue it with good luck! It will be difficult for those who were born in the year of the Tiger, the Cock or the Monkey. This year will demand great effort from them to reach their goals without sacrificing their own well-being. For the other animals of the eastern calendar, 2011 promises to be neutral.
What else may we expect from the New Year? Well-known astrologists promise that this year will be a triumph for justice: those who have illegally taken another's property may well lose it this year. Crisis will, most likely, still have us in its clutches next year. But the end of the year will bring immense relief!
Family affairs have the most favourable prospects. In the New Year, astrologists say that people can expect serious changes in many areas of science and public affairs. These changes will be as positive and pleasant as we could hope for.