14 March 2025

Friday, 20:57


Come what may, man and woman cannot live without each other



Every person is a unique and inimitable creature.  It is impossible to find two identical people.  There are differences between them which are noticeable at very first sight.  I mean between men and women.  Besides the external differences, there are also more profound ones.  Even the same internal organs function differently in their bodies.  This is why their metabolic rates, breathing and heartbeat, blood make-up, temperaments, logic and intuition, modes of learning, observation, central nervous systems and so on are different.  At the same time, there are atypical men and women too:  men with some feminine characteristics and vice versa.  But in this article we will discuss typical representatives of both sexes.

Men and women are unique more for their psychological characteristics than their physiologies.  To understand women's psychology, it is necessary to study their pious psychology.  There has been no attempt to understand woman before now.  Psychology has only studied man.


How different?

What is the difference between the psychologies of the male and the female?  Modern science has made many discoveries in the last 100 years.  It was found that humans have not one, but two consciousnesses, situated in the left and right hemispheres of the brain.  The right hemisphere is diagonally connected to the left arm, and the left hemisphere to the right arm.

The right hemisphere is better developed in women, and the left hemisphere in men.  For many centuries, ours was a man's world.  Now some women oppose this state of affairs.  Essentially, these women resemble men:  when discussing various issues they follow a strong logic, they like to debate, and they know where their best interests lie.  It is very likely that women will play an increasingly important role in governance.  But if they win in the struggle for power, they will become like men and begin using the left hemisphere.  To engage in struggle, it is necessary to be able to settle scores and, to compete with men, women will need to be as aggressive.  Precisely this type of aggression can be seen in the international feminist movement.

After joining the feminist movement, women become more aggressive and, as a result, lose their tenderness, along with other innate characteristics of the fair sex.  They understand that in a power struggle with men, they have to adopt men's ploys and behave like them.  A well-known maxim urges you to know your opponent well.  This is one of the greatest problems facing humanity.  When you compete with an opponent, you have to adopt similar methods of struggle and tactics.  The enemy (I do not mean men here) can be defeated only by using his own weapons against him.  And the winner soon becomes very much like his defeated enemy.  The change is only superficial, however, and deep inside the person a conflict persists.

If this internal conflict is not resolved, it will continue forever.  A resolution of the conflict, that is to say, a confrontation, is possible only from within the person, between the two hemispheres.  The right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for intuition, the irrational, poetry, Platonism, romanticism and piety, and the left hemisphere controls logic, rationalism, mathematical and scientific thought and the intellect.  The hemispheres are in permanent conflict and the greatest political debates take place within us.  People do not always realize this but, when they do, they try to create a compromise.  As mentioned above, the left arm is governed by the right hemisphere, which is responsible for intuition, imagination, mysticism, poetry and religion.  Society is organised for right-handed people.  And the right hand is governed by the left hemisphere.  10% of babies are born left-handed.

It is thought that originally, 50% of children were left-handed.

Male characters usually have reserved and melancholic temperaments.  Women, on the other hand, are more mutable and express their emotions more demonstratively.  They are more likely to change their mood frequently.  An unhappy woman can be aggressive.  Man's physical strength and inclination to take risks, his robust character and indifference to household-related issues are perfectly complemented by woman's caution, amiable nature and high aesthetic standards.



Women are much more emotional than men.  Men control their emotions, they do not like to face punishment and they hate confrontations and negative atmospheres at home or at work.  Women can laugh or cry appropriately according to the situation.  Women have better developed imaginations.  They have a better understand of others' expressions and gestures.  This stems from their more advanced intuition.  This is why it is very difficult to deceive women, while women can deceive men easily.  A woman is often silent to avoid straining relations with a man.  In terms of speed of learning, women are far ahead of men.  They read text faster, memorize it more efficiently and have a better understand of nuances.

When dressing, women first put on the shirt, followed by the pants.  Men do the opposite.  Women do not hold a cigarette in the mouth, they always hold it in their hand.  Women cover their mouth with their open hand when they yawn, while men use their fist.  If a woman throws something, she moves her arm backwards, not to the side.  When shaking hands, women do not press their palm.  If someone calls a woman she usually turns her head.  A man turns his whole torso, because his neck is less flexible.

When walking up or down a hill, women prefer to move in diagonals.  Men simply place their feet wider apart.  Women block their ears with their fingers, men with the palms of their hands.  Women put gloves on before walking out onto the street, men after.

There are other differences between men and women.  For example, a man shows his weakness when he falls in love.  A man in love soon loses his head and becomes confused.  Women are usually more level-headed in these circumstances.  They think for a long time what to do and how, without losing their head.  This self-defence mechanism is apparently given to women by the Almighty.

When man falls out of love, he prefers to leave without a second thought.  This implies a transition of activity in the man's brain from feelings to logical action.  When a man is mulling over an important problem, a woman should not distract him or demand reassurance of his tender feelings for her because men cannot do both things at the same time.  Women, on the other hand, can both demonstrate their feelings and do other work.  It is a natural ability.  This quality helps them when they are bringing up children.  They can be demanding and tender at the same time.  Women can demonstrate maternal care even when punishing a child.  When a baby starts to cry, a woman already knows what she has to do to calm the baby.  In the same situation a man takes the crying baby in his hands, trying to lull him or, influenced by the emotional side of the brain, remains indifferent, thinking that the baby will eventually stop.  So, when necessary, man and woman complement each other, paving the way for a happy life.  Thus a family without a man or a woman cannot be considered a normal family.