Azerbaijani cyclists hope to win medals at the First European Games
Author: Sanan NADIROGLU Baku
The Azerbaijani capital is preparing to host the first ever European Games. Preparations are already nearing completion, and the public has taken a keen interest in the various sports and the arenas to be used for competition. This time, R+ will introduce readers to yet another one of the 20 sports that will be featured at this prestigious competition - cycling.
The program of the European Games include competitions in three categories of competitive cycling - road cycling (group and individual), MTB - mountain biking, and BMX (bicycle motocross). Currently, the necessary infrastructure is being created for high-level competition of this sport that is new to Azerbaijan. The mountain bike park which meets international standards is ready. Trial events were held there in October last year. Meanwhile, work on the BMX track will be completed by late February - early March of this year, and trial events are also planned for this track. And finally, the Baku stage of the multi-stage bicycle race Tour d'Azerbaidjan-2015, to be held 6-10 May, will be the result of preparation for the European Games since the Games will follow the same route as the Tour's Baku stage.
Interestingly, the rules for cycling events are determined by the category of the sport.
Road cycling races are held on paved roads, and cyclists compete on a circular route through the streets of the city. The length of the circuit is 1-3 km. Road cycling is the most advanced form of cycling.
Athletes competing in mountain bike racing must perform necessary manoeuvres on mountain roads. Specially-designed mountain bikes are used. Mountain bike competitions are organized in mountainous terrain with ascents and descents, sharp turns and rocky surfaces.
BMX (Bicycle Motocross extreme) also uses special bicycles. Competitions are held on dirt roads. Cyclists start from a 1.5-4 meter-high hill and must overcome obstacles such as the "table top", double and triple jumps, the "ladder", "waves" and so on. Eight athletes compete at a time.
Azerbaijan will be represented in all three categories of cycling at the European Games. The leadership of the federation made every effort to ensure that its athletes are prepared at the highest level. In the run-up to the European Games, Azerbaijani cyclists will take part in many international competitions, and their performance will determine who will compete in the competitions at Baku-2015.
The work done by the organizers of the European Games in preparation for the cycling events has been praised by international organisations. Vice-President of the European Cycling Union (UEC) Aleksandr Gusyatnikov said that the First European Games in Baku was an important step into the future: "As is well known, a European road cycling championship has not been held in the age category of 'elite' for many years now. This is attributed to the fact that the world's strongest riders are concentrated in Europe, and the organisation of a continental championship could harm the authority of the world championship. However, following changes in the leadership of the European Cycling Union, it was decided that the "elite" age category would return at the 2016 European Championship. Therefore, the European Games will be an opportunity to see what the upcoming continental championship might look like".
According to the vice-president of the UEC, leading European countries are showing great interest in the restoration of this championship, which is why the inclusion of road cycling in Baku-2015 was to their liking. Stressing that some fairly strong cyclists will be coming to the Azerbaijani capital, Gusyatnikov said he did not doubt the high level of organisation of upcoming events: "In the 2014 Tour d'Azerbaidjan, the last stage was held on the streets of Baku, and this route received much support from the UEC. This same route will form the fifth stage of the competition in 2015, and this version will be finalized for the European Games. Who could refuse to race on the streets of such a beautiful city? Your mountain bike park, which meets international standards, is ready and work on the BMX stadium is in its final stage. In general, Azerbaijan has done a fantastic job in the field of sports. I witnessed this before in the regions during the Tour d'Azerbaidjan. It is clear that President Ilham Aliyev cares about sports, including cycling, and the European Cyclists' Federation is greatly pleased with the work done by your federation".
Trial runs were held last October to test the inclusion of mountain biking at the European Games. Organised by the Baku-2015 Organizing Committee and the Azerbaijani Cycling Federation, the competition was held at the mountain bike park. The one-day competition received a difficulty rating of category 3 by the UEC. The tournament was attended by 8 female athletes and 19 men from 10 countries. All participants were selected by special invitation in accordance with rankings by the Union Cycliste Internationale. Three cyclists from Azerbaijan took part in the competition - Aqsin Ismayilov, Murad Sultanov and Orxan Mammadov.
The Cycling Federation's accomplishments has increased interest in the sport in Azerbaijan. It is now common to see people riding bikes in the morning and evening hours. There is even a proposal to create special bike lanes in some parts of the capital.
The names of the athletes who will defend Azerbaijan's spots honour at the European Games will be announced in May after the Tour d'Azerbaidjan. The successes already achieved by Azerbaijani cyclists give us hope that, despite the relatively short time of development of the sport in Azerbaijan, they will not simply participate, but will compete for medals.