The Azerbaijani president has ordered the creation of JSC Azerisiq to provide electricity to all subscribers in the country
Baku amazes and dazzles all guests and residents of the city at night. For many visitors, the capital of Azerbaijan is a brilliant tale that shines with all its lights in the evening. It is particularly gratifying that it is not just a nice wrapper. All the inhabitants of the capital feel the improvement in the power supply system. In Baku, including in remote villages, people have already forgotten about power outages due to frequent accidents and about waiting for the power to be restored for hours. Naturally, individual accidents still happen, but they are eliminated in a very short period of time.
And the current state of the power system of Baku allows us to make a clear conclusion - the 2006 decision of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to reorganize JSC Bakielektriksabaka was totally justified.
Due to the constant attention of the Azerbaijani president, Bakielek-triksabaka fully upgraded the existing infrastructure of the power distributing system of Baku, meeting the needs of the city, and began to create a system to meet the growing needs.
In general, since Bakielek-triksabaka resumed its work in 2006, the ability of the network to receive and distribute power has more than doubled.
Taking into account the successful experience of the Bakielektriksabaka team in managing the distribution network of the capital, Ilham Aliyev decided to introduce this management system in the whole country, where JSC Azerenergy, which is also a manufacturer, was still engaged in distributing electricity.
In this regard, the head of state signed a decree on renaming JSC Bakielektriksabaka as JSC Azerisiq. According to the order, the responsibilities of the JSC Azerisiq include the purchase of electricity in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic and its supply to customers in a reliable and secure form, the application of new technologies in this field, modernization of the material-technical base and its efficient use, as well as other work related to the development of this field.
The Cabinet of Ministers was instructed to take measures to hand over the property and equipment of JSC Azernergy to Azerisiq to provide consumers with electricity.
Under another presidential decree, the head of JSC Bakielektriksabaka, Baba Rzayev, was appointed chairman of Azerisiq.
Thus, useful experience in managing the power grid of such a large city as Baku will help JSC Azerisiq to establish an effective system in the regions of the country.
This decree, which was truly revolutionary in the system of electric power, was preceded by the opening of a number of substations of the already former JSC Bakielek-triksabaka. The opening of the 110-kV substations White City-1, Hazi Aslanov and Kurdaxani, and seven 35-kV substations built by Bakielektriksabaka was attended by President Ilham Aliyev.
The chairman of JSC Bakielektriksabaka, Baba Rzayev, informed the head of state, who arrived at the closed substation White City-1, that it was built in order to supply power to residential complexes, the new boulevard and other non-residential facilities built as part of the White City project, as well as to meet the growing demand for electricity in the area. Built by an original project, the substation is another strong indication of the scope and quality of reconstruction measures carried out in our country. These objects, which occupy much less space than an open substation and have greater functional advantages, are extremely beneficial, especially for big cities. As with all substations, capital renovation and landscaping work was carried on the adjacent territory. Emergency vehicles and other special vehicles of Bakielektriksa-baka create all conditions to carry out work as quickly as possible. These vehicles will also be widely used in the course of the first European games.
At the entrance to the substation is a photo stand telling about comprehensive measures taken by national leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev to develop the electricity system of the country, including transmission and distribution networks. It also reflects the projects implemented by Bakielektriksabaka since it resumed its activity in 2006.
President Ilham Aliyev familiarized himself with the substation control room. The head of state was shown the circuit of power supplies to the White City complex. It was noted that in order to generate power required for the White City project in the long-term, it is planned to build 110/35/6-kV substations White City-2, White City-3 and White City-4 in the near future and connect these power plants by means of a double-ring 110-kV cable line.
The president familiarized himself with the equipment installed at the new substation. It was emphasized that the substation will be powered through a 110-kV double-ring cable lines from the substations Liman and Hazi Aslanov included in the first ring circuit. The substation also has two modern power transformers with a capacity of 50 megavolt amperes.
Built on the site of an old substation, the 110/35/10-kV Hazi Aslanov substation also attracts attention with its modern look. In order to strengthen its supply, this power plant was disconnected from the 110-kV overhead Ahmadli-1 line and connected to two sources - the Ahmadli substation and the Baku Thermal Power Station-1 - with 110-kilovolt cable lines. As part of this project, it is planned to extend the double-ring 110-kV cable lines between the Hazi Aslanov and White City-1 substations. The Hazi Aslanov substation has modern insulating gas and vacuum equipment. The substation is connected to a remote-controlled SKADA system.
And the new 110/35/6-kV substation Kurdaxani was built instead of the 35/6-kV substation №498 under the state programme on the socioeconomic development of Baku and its surrounding villages. This substation will play an important role in improving energy supplies to Sabuncu District and surrounding villages, as well as residential complexes, leisure and social facilities that will be built in the future. The substation is also equipped with the most modern equipment and is connected to the SKADA system.
President Ilham Aliyev was informed about substations that require renovation and about the construction of new 110 kV substations of Bakielektriksabaka. It was noted that there is a need for the major reconstruction of ten 110-kV substations and the construction of 10 new ones.
The president was informed about seven newly-built 35-kV substations. Along with stable and quality power supply to the capital and villages, these substations also create all conditions for hosting international events in the country at a high level and further increase the reliability of the ring supply circuit. Some of the new 35-kV substations serve the full implementation of the measures planned as part of the Year of Industry in Azerbaijan in 2014, as well as the policy of industrialization in the country. In addition, these objects are part of important and complex measures implemented in the power grid of the capital in connection with the first European games.
With the opening of these new substations, the capacity of the power grid increased by 9 per cent.
The president of Azerbaijan was also demonstrated the scheme of power supplies to facilities of the first European games.
Ilham Aliyev was informed about the high technologies and electronic services used by Bakielektriksabaka. It was noted that the network is taking important measures to ensure transparency and efficiency. In May of last year, centres of the ASAN service began to provide the population with a number of services related to Bakielektriksabaka.
Unveiling the White City-1 substation and giving instructions and recommendations, the head of state wished the team success.