The miraculous power of the spring located at Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca proves the omnipotence, greatness and mercy of Allah
Author: Arif HUSEYNOV Baku
In the courtyard of the Al-Haram Mosque, the main mosque in Mecca, there is a spring called Zamzam. It is situated 18 metres from the Kaaba, where the Black Stone stands. Water from this spring is considered one of the wonders of the world. The first mosque was built next to the Kaaba in 638, while the current one has been there since 1570. Almost nothing is left of the first mosque, because it has been repeatedly rebuilt. In former times, Al-Haram had six minarets. After the Blue Mosque in Istanbul was built with the same number of minarets, Sultan Ahmad ordered the construction of a seventh minaret to ensure that the Muslims' holy mosque Al-Haram remained unique. Currently, Al-Haram is a huge structure, occupying an area of 309,000 square metres. In 1980 when the mosque was reconstructed, another building, with two minarets, was attached to its south-western aspect. Thus Al-Haram now has nine, 95 m high minarets. The history of the emergence of the Zamzam spring is linked to two prophets - Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son Ismail (Isaac).
Legends and myths
According to an Arabic (?) legend, Ibrahim's wife Sarah was sterile. Therefore, she advised her husband to take a new wife. Following Sarah's advice, Ibrahim married Hagar - a handmaid he had received from the Pharaoh of Egypt (Hagar literally means "stone").
Shortly after Hagar gave birth to a boy who was named Ismail, she began to boast and tease Sarah. Unable to tolerate this, Sarah complained to Ibrahim, asking him to drive Hagar and his son away into the desert. Although Ibrahim loved Sarah very much, he refused to comply with this request. But after God ordered him to fulfil his wife's demand, he was forced to do it. Ibrahim took Hagar and her son to the desert and left them to their fate. Once Hagar ran out of food and water, she went in search of a spring. She climbed the nearby Shafa hill, hoping to see someone. But her hopes were not realized. Then Hagar came down from the mountain and, after running through a gorge, she climbed Mount Marv. Beseeching God for help, Hagar did this seven times. Finally, she heard a heavenly voice, "There is water." She immediately returned to Ismail and saw a life-giving spring next to him. Water was flowing from a hole, which had appeared in the ground after Angel Gabriel stamped on it with his heel, and formed a small lake. Thus, through the mercy of Great Allah, Hagar and her son remained in the holy land. According to another legend, Hagar, who had fallen into despair at the prospect of losing her thirsty son, shovelled the sand with her hands, repeating the words "Zam, Zam", i.e. "Come, Come", and at that moment a miracle happened - water gushed out of the ground. There are also many other legends about the origin of the spring.
Best in the world
As we mentioned above, the Zamzam spring is located beside the holy Kaaba at the holy Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca. Many of Allah's prophets drank from this spring, including his beloved prophet Muhammad. It is believed that Allah forgives all the sins of those who walk around the Kaaba seven times (i.e., those who perform tawaaf), then pray before the house of Ibrahim twice and drink water from the Zamzam spring. Daylami, the messenger of Allah, said that Zamzam water cures all ills. People with a clear conscience drink Zamzam water to the end, while deceitful people cannot drink it. Those who know about the power of this spring stop in front of it, recite a prayer in a standing position and only after that, do they bow down to it. The Zamzam spring never runs out. There is plenty of water in it in every season. The composition and taste of the water remain as they were thousands of years ago. There are no micro-organisms or pathogenic bacteria in it. It is pleasant to taste and does not deteriorate during prolonged storage at home. It eliminates the pangs of hunger. According to religious scholars, Zamzam water helps fulfil the desires of those who drink it. It cures diseases which cannot be cured by medicines. Despite all scientists' efforts, they have failed to determine the origin of the water's medicinal properties.
According to a booklet issued by Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Information, studies indicate that this water meets all international standards. Studies conducted by Arab chemists confirm that it contains no hazardous phosphates, sulphates or harmful metals - copper, lead, nickel, cobalt or aluminium. On the contrary, the water contains useful calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and other trace elements. However, the healing properties of the water are not due to these chemical elements. Zamzam probably cures via the effects of energy-information, i.e. divine power. Tests of the water from Zamzam, carried out in European laboratories, correspond to results obtained in other regions. The concentration of calcium and magnesium in Zamzam water is higher than in water from municipal water pipelines. Perhaps this is the cause of the ease that weary pilgrims feel as soon as they drink this water.
The main reason for the effective bactericidal action of Zamzam water is the presence of fluoride in it. As you learn about the properties of this water, you believe even more that this enchanting property is a great gift from Allah to pilgrims from distant countries. Returning home after a pilgrimage to Mecca, they take with them miraculous some Zamzam water in special containers. Everyone knows that this water does not lose its flavour or useful properties even after many years of storage. The hydrogen that is present in the colourless and odourless Zamzam water gives it a specific taste. Prophet Muhammad said this water was the best in the world.
Until 2000, the pavilion over the Zamzam spring was located right inside the Al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, and pilgrims who walked around the Kaaba as part of the hajj could drink straight from the spring itself. Now, as part of the reconstruction of the tawaaf territory, the surface pavilion has been demolished and the spring is located in an underground chamber, which prevents pilgrims from gathering at the spring. The spring itself is in a special building of glass panels, through which you can see the water flow.
The only holy water
Masaru Emato, the head of a Tokyo research institute, after studying the microstructure of the water and the technology of magnetic resonance in the United States, began to study its mysteries. Dr. Emato conducted extensive studies of the water in various locations around the globe. He determined that Zamzam water has properties that are not observed in plain water. For example, as soon as you say "Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim", the crystals of the water change their properties. Recently, in the presence of 500 researchers at a scientific conference in Jeddah, the scientist presented a report on a study of the water using nanotechnology. He said that having examined Zamzam water received from an Arab living in Japan, he came to the conclusion that it was the only holy water in the world. Crystals of this water are not like those of ordinary water regardless of their origin. The scientist also said that research and experiments carried out in the laboratory did not change the qualities of the water from the spring. The reason remains unclear. In addition, the water crystals acquired new, unimaginable forms after each experiment, indicating its singularity.
This Japanese scientist, who formed a theory about the crystallization of water atoms, established that as you mention each of the 99 names of the Great Creator, the water crystals acquire surprisingly beautiful forms, which can be regarded as evidence of the power of God. Dr. Emato conducted several experiments, putting an audio recording of Koran verses near Zamzam water. Each time the crystals turned into symbols of purity. The scientist believes that this is caused by energy vibrations spreading as the Koran is read. Due to the fact that the memory of the holy water, as a variety of arcane energy, has the ability to learn, feel, store and transmit information, it strengthens the human immune system and thus has a positive impact on the treatment of various diseases. As a result of his research, Dr. Masaru Emato proved that everyone has the ability to understand and feel the atoms of the living world. Human vibrational energy, their thoughts, philosophy and prayers make their mark on atoms of Zamzam water. Prayers clean every object, including water. If any person, before drinking water from the Zamzam spring, which is called the spring of the Angel Gabriel, turns his face to the Kaaba and prays to Allah to fulfil his wishes, they will be granted.
One theologian was asked to explain the reason for his ascent to the summit of knowledge. He said that he asked Allah to help him master science before he drank Zamzam water. God heard his prayer and helped him achieve his dream.
When one man came to Mecca with the intention of adopting Islam and asked for the whereabouts of the messenger of Allah, ill-wishers attacked him and beat him until he lost consciousness. Having recovered, the poor fellow took refuge near the Kaaba. On seeing the messenger who was walking around the Kaaba at night, the man shook hands with him. He asked the man when he had arrived in Mecca. On learning that he had arrived there 30 days before, he asked what he had been eating. On hearing in response that during that time, the man had not eaten anything and had drunk only water from Zamzam, the Prophet said: "Zamzam is water that brings happiness and is the best of the best dishes."
There are plenty of examples showing that Zamzam water has healed the most incurable diseases. After Talal, the younger brother of Kuwaiti journalist Ghneim al-Muteyri, went down with leukaemia, American doctors in Riyadh performed a spinal cord transplant on him. Talal spent several months taking various medications. However, they did not help and the patient's condition began to deteriorate - his hair fell out and his body was covered with sores. A sore even appeared on his tongue. The patient, who was only 20 years old, was completely exhausted, because he could not eat anything. Convinced that even the most modern medication did not help, the young man's relatives took him to Mecca for a small pilgrimage (Umrah). Four days after Talal began procedures with Zamzam water, the sores on his body began to heal and after another four days they disappeared altogether, including the sore on his tongue. He returned home and his condition gradually started to improve. It is no accident that Zamzam water is called life-giving water. This water, which was sent down to people by God, brings only happiness to those who taste it.