14 March 2025

Friday, 15:24


People's Artist of Azerbaijan Afaq Basirqizi: "Art flows like a river; in order not to drown, you must be able to stay afloat"



Afaq Basirqizi... The very name of this actress stirs positive emotions and a smile from almost everyone in Azerbaijan. And who of us does not know the movie "Wedding Ring" in which she features? Every performance by this beautiful actress is a feast for the audience and all actors. But it seems that this God-given comic actress views real life through a deeply philosophical prism which is not devoid of drama. This year, the darling of the people and People's Artist of Azerbaijan will celebrate her 55th birthday and the 37th anniversary of her career. It is a round date, highly significant for her countless admirers. Isn't it an occasion to talk with this wonderful person of such irrepressible talent and energy?

- How are you feeling, Afaq xanum?

- Normal. It all depends on the weather and events taking place around us. However, my surroundings do not affect me so much, because I am a great optimist. Specifically, I am not inclined to react to everything going on around me. I do not know, perhaps it comes from my optimism or, maybe, from habit. When you are used to everything, that is, when you encounter many things in life, it is easier to withstand all this.

- How are things in your theatre?

- As in all theatres...

- Are you happy with the situation in all theatres?

- You know, I do not want to talk about that. What is the point in talking about it? It will only give you a headache... Over the years, people must become wiser. Unfortunately, we begin to feel dizzy from success long before we conquer the true peaks and achieve well-deserved fame and glory. Mutual respect and attention are almost non-existent. Everyone thinks of themselves as a big star and looks down on everybody else. They forget the saying: the real fools are those who consider themselves smarter than everyone else. This is art. And in art everything is on display, and the chief judge is the people. But I would be ashamed to appeal to the people. There are so many shameless and mendacious people who appeal to the people, seeking to impose something upon them... So I keep silent. More precisely, I prefer to keep silent. If everyone is aware of their responsibility, this will make its contribution to humanity.

- Afaq xanum, at the outset of their careers, today's youth, as a rule, try to find a patron. Who did you rely on?

- I sought protection from my father. After all, I am Basir's daughter. I thought I would graduate from the University of Arts and begin work at the Musical Comedy Theatre. Unfortunately, these dreams did not come true. I spent 18 years working in a provincial theatre. And when, finally, the then Minister of Culture, Polad Bulbuloglu, invited me to the Musical Comedy Theatre, the theatre building was already being refurbished. As for today's youth, you cannot treat them all equally. There are talented people among them who love their work. For example, I really like the extremely talented young actor Mammadsafa from the Yug Theatre. I confess that I am even a fan and would like to become his stage partner. Another point is that there are many talented directors in this area. However, in dealing with talented people, they should not prioritize their own ambitions. They should at least be aware that this will lead to failure. A director may know that an actor is talented and is able to cope successfully with the role, but he does not invite him. He dislikes this man. This is the wrong approach, and it does great harm to art. Our art is the fruit of collective effort. One man can't win a war. There is no theatre or performance with just one actor. Actors should comprise a single ensemble. Society does not like pettiness. Those who stoop to this level do not understand that it is not compatible with the art of acting. Real actors are those for whose performances you can't get a ticket. A meeting with them is a real joy for all. Today almost no-one goes to the theatre. Having decided to devote their life to art, at whatever age, everyone must think about this.

- Afaq xanum, how do you remember the actors with whom you acted on stage, but who are no longer with us? For example, Hacibaba Bagirov.

- Hacibaba and I had a unique relationship. We were extremely attentive to each other. There was a big age difference between us - he had worked with my father, and then I happened to be his partner. But despite this, he, like many great masters, was characterized by unusual zeal and whims. I was capricious as well, but it is not in my nature to stab someone in the back - even those I do not like. He was like that too. Sometimes Hacibaba and I did not talk for months. But everyone in the theatre knew that this quarrel would not harm any member of the team and would not even go beyond the walls to be discussed in the press. But feeling that it somehow affected the atmosphere in the theatre, we immediately made it up. Very rarely did quarrels between us have an impact on our partnership. Even at such times he always asked people about me. As for the play "The Banker Groom", after Hacibaba's death it was not staged for a long time. But recently, the question was raised that it was not only a performance loved by many, but also a box-office hit. I played with Ilham Namiq Kamal in this production. I cannot say that he played it badly. He coped with it. But I must confess that while on stage the image of Hacibaba appeared before my eyes twice. Unfortunately, he himself was not with us. And that is why my eyes filled with tears. As for the performance, it was a success.

- Afaq xanum, what has changed in the theatre since 1973, when you began your stage career?

- When I worked in a provincial theatre, there were small audiences. It was a theatre in Lankaran. People worked on farms. Conditions were difficult. Sometimes we even had to cancel the show. In Sumqayit, people worked in factories and were brought from there. However, during my 37-year stage career, the ticket office has remained open only a few times. This applies not only to provincial theatre, but also to the Musical Comedy Theatre, the Basir Theatre in Moscow, as well as the Heydar Aliyev Palace. For example, people came from Tbilisi and Marneuli to watch the play "Wedding Ring", which we staged at the Sumqayit State Theatre. We staged this play in Sumqayit more than ten times. And every time was a sell-out. There are performances now as well. But theatres sometimes close for refurbishment for a very long time and the audience forgets the repertoire. Besides, today people have too many worries in life. Although this has an impact on the size of audiences, they will never forget skilled masters. The other day I went to see the play "Pari-Cadu" at the Theatre of Young Spectators, staged by Nicat Kazimov. The director's work simply shocked me. I mean years go by, but the audience is still interested in good productions and comes to see these performances. It makes me very happy. I would like all theatres to do so well.

- By the way, Afaq xanum, how are things at the Basir Safaroglu Theatre? Is there any news?

- The theatre was last on tour in Vitebsk. After that, I stopped its work. The thing is that when I am away, the theatre does not function. But I have urgent business in Azerbaijan. However, I do have some plans for the theatre. I should add that a branch of the theatre will open in the city of Ivanovo in Russia. It lives and it will live. It has worked in Azerbaijan since 1996. In 2003, the theatre moved to Moscow, where, together with Azerbaijani actors, I staged "Caucasians' Moscow Trip". You know, it is not easy to take 26 actors to Moscow and back by plane every time. It is better to work temporarily with local actors.

- Afaq xanum, is there a role which you have not yet performed or have refused to perform in the past and which you would now perform with pleasure?

- No, I do not remember one. However, when I worked at the Sumqayit State Theatre, the late director Tofiq Kazimov wanted to see me in the role of Kabanikha in Ostrovskiy's play "Thunderstorm". Our famous actor Malik Dadasov arranged a meeting with him and we talked. He told me that he really wanted to see me in the role of Kabanikha, but I was too young then for the role. Soon after, Tofiq Kazimov was killed in a car accident and my dream remained just a dream. But when Azerbaijani television made a film about me a few years later, I performed this role as a monologue. In addition, my very close friend Afaq Masud wrote an interesting piece dedicated to me, called "Before the Journey". And now my dream is to put this play on stage and to play in it. But this is not a comedy and so it can't be staged in the Musical Comedy Theatre. And the National Academic Theatre has its own actors and actresses. So I am preparing a freestyle production of the play at the Basir Theatre in Moscow. In addition, Baku was visited by Georgian director Gocha Gabanadze at the invitation of the director of our theatre, Aliqismat Lalayev. After meeting me, he told me the purpose of the invitation - the staging of Tsagareli's play "Khanuma". He gladly accepted the offer. Rehearsals will begin in the second half of January. Our main desire is to stage the play in two languages - Russian and Azerbaijani.

- Afaq xanum, the image of Soylu in the play and movie "Wedding Ring" made you famous. What did she teach Azerbaijani ladies?

- The term "lady", in view of Soylu's character, sounds a bit pompous. But I would like to see our women being just as honest, faithful and loyal to their family and husband. Soylu's greatest happiness was that Mosu could not find a rhyme for the word "happiness". If there was a rhyme, Soylu would begin to see clearly and understand that she was not the happiest woman. And as long as her husband could not find a rhyme for "happiness", she felt happy.

- What about today? Is there a rhyme for "happiness"?

- Many rhymes have been found. But, unfortunately, the indifferent compete with the insane.

- Afaq xanum, recently, a sequel was made to the TV play "Evlari Kondalan Yar - Evlari Goydalan Yar". But you were not there. Why?

- They offered, but I refused.

- This year you turn 55. Are you satisfied with yourself in your 37-year career?

- I have never been arrogant. And I do not like such people. I am my own worst critic. In the vicissitudes of life I always thank God for having dedicated my life to art. Always, when looking back on my life and career, I say: 'Thank you, God!' I am a person of art, but I do not consider myself a master. My skills have to be valued and discussed by others. In general, art flows like a river; in order not to drown, you must be able to stay afloat. I wish that all those who dedicate their lives to art, who have just embarked on this path and those who are going to do so, do not drown.

- And in conclusion, we would like to hear your wishes for our readers...

- My greatest desire is peace and quiet. I wish all the people in the world happy days, good nights and grateful children.