15 March 2025

Saturday, 03:53


Astrologers predict that the Year of the Tiger, 2010, will be joyful, family-oriented and interesting in every respect



Trivial as this might sound, New Year is the best and kindest holiday.  And that it is accompanied by beautiful decorations, good mood, euphoria, presents and champagne is not the only reason.  New Year is a secular holiday.  Precisely at the moment when the hands of the clock count down the last seconds of the old year, you realize that now, as never before, you are not alone in your good celebratory mood and that almost the entire population of the Earth is with you.  And this is the best time to take stock and start a new phase in your life.  Everyone has a chance to turn a new page.  And if there is no need to do this, you can keep things the way they are.  At any rate, we view every year as another test passed - some get an A and some get B...  But it is never too late to take the test again.  These kinds of general thoughts occur to us precisely when one year ends and another begins because on our birthdays we are usually far from assessing our results and achievements - after all, there is still a whole life to live.  It is quite interesting that the season's atmosphere simply forces us to commit charming follies and reach decisions on things which have been "shelved" for a long time, to become better and make peace, and even the most abject sceptics take notice of astrologers' forecasts.

In the mean time, astrologers say that the New Year of the tiger, 2010, promises to be interesting in every respect.  Major changes are expected in many areas:  new political forces will come to power, people who know how to achieve their goals.  We will look at one another with surprise and not understand how we lived last year without all these new, bright, interesting developments.  A wonderful prospect, is it not?



This is going to be the most important thing in New Year.  Love will be everywhere, and we will feel it with all our hearts, rejoice likechildren and enjoy our lives!  The explanation is simple:  by the Chinese (oriental) calendar, the year begins on 14 February, and this is the day of love!  Look around and love thy neighbour - this will be the main leitmotif of New Year 2010, say astrologers.  Orientalists say that the year 2010 is the year of the "metal tiger," and the metal which the animal likes best is silver.  So give silver to others, it will bring good luck in the New Year!


Changes for the better

If you were born in the years of the goat, horse (especially "fire horse"), dog, tiger, bull, or dragon - this year will be particularly good for you.  Seize this opportunity!  Start a new project and it will be successful!  It will be tougher for those who were born in the years of the rabbit (cat), cock, or monkey.  Next year, they will have to work hard to achieve their goals and not lose what they already have.  For the rest of the "animals of the oriental calendar," the Tear of the Tiger, 2010, will be neutral.

What other interesting things should we expect from New Year?  Astrologers say that this year will be a year of prevailing justice, and those who have illegally seized others' property might easily lose it.  The crisis is likely to continue tormenting us next year.  But the end of the year should improve the situation considerably, so let us hope for the best, friends!  The best developments are likely to take place in family matters.  The tiger is a family animal, and the father-tiger helps the mother-tigress take care of the young tigers and brings them food.  This is precisely why you should expect that family matters will unfold in the best possible way and? if you are only planning to start a family, next year is a good one for that!

Expect major changes in many areas of science and public opinion.  All the changes will be long-lasting and pleasant for us.  The horoscope for 2010 is quite good for all signs of the zodiac, although it will be a little unquiet.  If there are going to be problems with money, the year is likely to be so positive and interesting in every other respect that the difficulties will not seem important.  Plan some major projects next year!  Let the year of the tiger not be as dour as the tiger, but let it be as beautiful and fearless!  Let everyone's best dreams come true!


About the tiger

The tiger is a symbol of fearlessness and gallantry.  The tiger is full of vital energy and he cares about everything.  He is quick to react, sometimes too quick.  He acts very precipitously and intuitively, without a second thought about consequences or motives.  It might seem that he is very target-oriented, but he is not.  The tiger is impulsive, and his actions are sometimes chaotic and self-contradictory.  He wants to be everywhere at the same time and take advantage of everything, and this is sometimes not too successful.

The clear shortcoming of tigers is that they cannot stop to take a break; they cannot ration their resources.  Only total exhaustion can stop them.  Of course, this affects their health and their minds too.  After all, they are so tense all the time.  Among the undisputable strengths of the tiger is noble-heartedness.  In addition, they are very charismatic people who attract attention willy-nilly.  This is why, if the tiger likes someone, he or she can conquer the object of his passion without much difficulty.  However, even tigers can tire of their own popularity.  Especially if the people around them try to take advantage of them or manipulate them.


Smile and think

What should we do to avoid being bitten by the tiger next year?  It seems that we can resort to relevant traditions which have their origin in ancient Chinese rituals.

First and foremost, you should introduce yourself to the tiger...  Soon after New Year, go to some area of Asia where tigers live.  Or at least go to the zoo.  If there are no tigers nearby, lions, panthers, leopards - any representative of the predatory felines - will do.  Say hello to the master of the year and make your wishes.  It is desirable to be photographed with a tiger.

Second, you should pamper the relatives of the year's principal animal as much as possible: first and foremost, of course, their meowing younger brothers.  It will simply set a bad tone not to have a kitten at home next year, and having two or three is even better.  Striped cats are the best choice, those whose colour reminds you of their larger relative.  White cats will also be good - the colour of the New Year (although white has been considered not very practical for a long time - you have to launder white clothes more often)...  You should pamper the cats and feed them tasty things.

A plate of milk and other cats' morsels (meat is best) should be placed in a corner in the New Year, even if you do not have a cat yet - in this way, you will show respect to the white tiger.

For the white tiger to recognize you as "its person" - try to be like him - walk stealthily, try to use roaring sounds more often in your speech, engage attackers decisively.  Grow longer nails, begin sporting whiskers if you can.  Make certain that there are enough striped clothes in your wardrobe...

Buy a tiger toy - let it lie on the pillow.  Do not forget, the year of the tiger will favour the active and assertive - luck does not come on its own, you have to make it!  This year, it will have a furry and striped tail...