14 March 2025

Friday, 21:51


Bertie Vogts: “There are two years of hard and responsible work ahead”



The World Cup qualification campaign significantly altered the Azerbaijani public's assessment of head coach Bertie Vogts' performance. The turning points were the victory away from home over Liechtenstein (2-0) and the draw with Russia (1-1). And although the national team could not qualify for the championship, the latest results reassured AFFA, and the management decided not to wait until the end of the year to extend the German coach's contract by a further two years.

The first test of the German coach following the extension was an international tournament in the UAE in which Azerbaijan finished third. Thanks to their semi-final defeat of the Czech Republic (2-0), Azerbaijan moved slightly higher in FIFA rankings and are currently 116th in the world. 

We met Vogts to enquire about the current condition of the national team, and its future, and what the coach plans next. We also asked for his impressions of Azerbaijan.

- Are you pleased with the team's performance in the UAE? Before the tournament you said you wanted to see the team reach the final…

- This was a very important tournament for us from the standpoint of seeing what form the players are in now. The team proved to be strong. Despite the defeat at the hands of Iraq, we looked pretty good. Considering the fact that some key players were rested, this is quite reassuring. Samir Abbasov, Maksim Medvedev and Vaqif Cavadov missed the game due to injuries. Of course, we made some mistakes, but the team deserves commendation for the game with the Czech Republic. 

- In the world cup qualification campaign Azerbaijan picked up only five points. If it hadn't been for the victory over Liechtenstein and a draw with Russia, the result would not have been very impressive…

- In the game against Russia we played very good football. We were up against one of the world's strongest sides. We have to acknowledge that we deserved that point. If it hadn't been for Russian keeper Igor Akinfeyev, we could even have won. Previously, our players stopped playing after conceding just one goal, while now we carry on playing to the final minute. Footballers realize that they should always stay fit so as not to tire in the second half. At the end of the campaign we played two matches in four days and our young players fully justified our confidence in them.

- Eventually we got the same five points as we did under the management of Sahin Diniyev and Igor Ponomarev (former national team coaches). Are you pleased with this result?

- To be honest, I am not so concerned about the number of points. It was obvious all along that we couldn't qualify for the world cup. We are working to build a team for the future. We completely dominated the game against Wales in Baku, but a single mistake determined the outcome. We should not have lost to Finland in Lankaran either, but we have to remember that we have a team of young players who are not yet very experienced.

- Many were surprised at the way our team played against Russia. Why doesn't the team play at this level against other teams?

- In the matches against Germany, Wales and Finland the motivation was very high. The only game I was disappointed with was the one against Liechtenstein in Baku. At the same time, you can't blame young players too much. It takes time to improve performance. As for the game against Russia, I told the players before the match not to spend too much time defending and to try to create scoring opportunities. I also asked them to maintain possession and attack as much as possible. 

 - The media are criticizing you for selecting Daniel Akhtyamov for the national team, claiming that you were made to select him. Do you agree that he has largely underperformed?

- There is no alternative to him now. A good team must always have a tall forward. But Daniel needs to work harder. He is well short of being in good form. He needs to work on his pace. I am his strongest critic. In training I am always strict with him. I have to say that it is the coach who selects players for the team. It cannot be otherwise. 

- You have worked in Azerbaijan for two years. Have you tried to learn Azeri?

- When I was working in Kuwait, I tried to learn Arabic, but I could never learn how to place the stress correctly. Thus my interpreter advised me not to bother. I can say hello in Azeri. I think I need to ask my interpreter to teach me some swear words (laughs). You can't get too far using only good words. Sometimes it is necessary to say a few harsh words.

- Are you pleased with the new contract terms proposed by AFFA?

- The association is doing a lot to develop football in Azerbaijan. I was interested in staying here myself. There are two years of hard and responsible work ahead of us. As for the contract, if it has been signed, this should mean that both sides are happy.

- What presents do you usually take home from Azerbaijan?

- They are all in my heart. Every time I come to Azerbaijan I can see changes. Your country, especially Baku, is becoming nicer with every day. Back home I speak a lot about your beautiful country and its people.

- What about Azerbaijani food?

- You have very good cuisine. I like lamb and spicy food. But why don't you ask me about your beer? Many say that German beer is the best, but I think Azerbaijani beer is by no means any worse.

Thank you very much for the interview. We wish you luck and wish progress for Azerbaijani football.