Iskandar Halilov: "Work to strengthen economic ties between Azerbaijan and Russia continues"
Author: Rasmiya QAMBAROVA Baku
- What is your assessment of the current state of Azerbaijani-Russian relations?
- The format of relations between Russia and Azerbaijan is broadening and becoming richer, economic ties are stronger, the turnover of cargoes is increasing and its structure is improving.
Azerbaijan and Russia position themselves as friendly countries and strategic partners. These are not just words, they convey the nature of our relations, which have a firm foundation and a long history, and are rooted today in the principles of friendship, good, neighbourly relations, equality and mutual profitability. We attach priority to the development of economic cooperation with Russia, and the Azerbaijani side is willing to further improve relations with the Russian Federation in this field.
Certainly, the noticeable improvement in Russian-Azerbaijani ties in recent years stems first and foremost from the establishment of friendly relations between the heads of the two states. This makes economic cooperation between the two countries fruitful. Despite even the international crisis, Azerbaijan and Russia have made every attempt to preserve trade and economic relations at their previous level.
If we talk about the history, I think that the first Russian-Azerbaijani economic forum, which was organized on 7 April 2004 under the title "Azerbaijani-Russian trade and economic relations: trends and prospects of development," served as a powerful incentive for economic development. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, the then co-chairman of the Intergovernmental Commission for Economic Development, Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Abbas Abbasov and Russian Industry and Energy Minister Viktor Khristenko, and more than 300 representatives of governmental, public and research organizations and business circles of the two countries, took part in the work of that forum. Following the forum, the Chamber began to receive business proposals from different regions of Russia, and the chamber helped promote ties between Russian and Azerbaijani companies. Incidentally, an agreement between the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Mordovia and the Chamber was signed to assist in the search for business partners.
The second forum was organized on 21-25 February 2006, and the list of participants increased to 450 representatives of governmental, nongovernmental and research organizations and broad business circles of the two countries. Let me remind readers that the event was organized to coincide with the opening of Days of Russia in Azerbaijan, and the then Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Baku. The Chamber was among the organizers of the exhibition, which was dedicated to Russian-Azerbaijani economic relations.
- What are the main goals and objectives of the Azerbaijan-Russian Chamber of Business Cooperation?
- First and foremost, our Chamber helps to establish ties and supplies contact information about Azerbaijani and Russian business circles, representatives of executive and legislative authorities and major businesses to our members. We also help to find business partners, maintain regular contacts with entrepreneurs and with executive and legislative authorities, not only in Azerbaijan and Russia, but also in third party countries.
- To achieve this goal, we need to do the information and analysis work and explore the potential for economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Russia. Let me note that the fullest picture in this sense can be gained at conferences and seminars with the participation of Azerbaijani and Russian business circles, interested entrepreneurs from third party countries and at exhibitions and fairs: our Chamber frequently organizes these types of events.
In addition, we also protect the rights and legitimate interests of the members the Chamber in all areas of activity which are not banned by the law of the Azerbaijani Republic and the Russian Federation. To achieve this goal, we use the legal, economic and other levers which both the Chamber itself and its members or their partners have access to.
- What events have been held since your election as the head of the Chamber to develop its work?
- I was elected chairman of the board of the Chamber on 4 February 2009. Since February, a number of meetings and events have been organized to intensify the Chamber's work and strengthen relations between the business circles of the two countries. For example, a meeting between the Chamber management and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation in Azerbaijan Vladimir Dorokhin was organized in April, and an extended meeting of the Chamber took place on 16 May. Yet another important event was of course the Progress Prize competition for the title of best participant in Azerbaijani-Russian trade and economic relations in 2008 in different categories, which was announced by the Russian Federation embassy in Azerbaijan and the Russian Trade Mission together with the Chamber. I think that the prize was a good indicator of the success of many companies which have made huge contributions to the development and strengthening of business relations. It is enough to indicate that companies like Azersun Holdinq MMC, Azercell Telecom MMC, AZNAR ASC, Zaminbank ASC and others were among the 23 nominees.
Overall, I would like to note that a number of quite large and well-known companies and organizations, without whom achieving the Chamber's goals would be difficult, have helped strengthen Azerbaijan-Russian trade and economic relations. For example, the Ingosstrakh OSAO, Xalq Bank and Nikoil IKB, which make fast financial transactions possible, AzRosPromInvest, which exports machine-building products from Azerbaijan to Russia, AVTOLUCKS Expedition & Logistics, AZEL which takes part in the development of transport communications between the two countries and, of course, the Russian community in Azerbaijan.
- What problems in the development of bilateral relations will be addressed in the near future?
- Today, Azerbaijan attaches special importance to regional development, the establishment of direct relations between regions. Among these regions are Moscow, the Moscow Oblast, St Petersburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Stavropol Kray, the Sverdlovsk and Samara oblasts, Tatarstan and Dagestan. Despite success in this direction, we continue to work and do our best to broaden the scope of regional relations using the Chamber's resources.
Let me say this straight: present-day trade and economic relations between Azerbaijan and Russia do not use the countries' full potential. The parties must develop cooperation between individual enterprises, including at regional level, organize cooperation, actively involve national capital and so on. And the Chamber must intensify its efforts in this area.
A number of events and meetings will be organized in 2009 for this purpose, with the support of the Russian embassy in Azerbaijan and the Russian trade mission. For example, an expanded session will be organized in the second half of September, at which the question of holding a business conference in Moscow will be discussed.
In other words, the work to strengthen economic ties between Azerbaijan and Russia continues.