OSCE Secretary General: “The intensification of negotiations on an Armenian-Azerbaijani settlement shows that peace is close”
Author: Almaz MAHMUD Baku
OSCE Secretary General Marc Perrin de Brichambaut travelled to Baku, where he had meetings with the leadership of the country, officials and public-political organizations. Following his visit, he held a press conference and issued a statement welcoming Azerbaijan's cooperation in various areas with the international organization. The Secretary General of the OSCE shared his impressions of the outcome of his visit to Baku and commented on the main areas of cooperation to our magazine.
- Mr Secretary General, in Azerbaijani society the acronym OSCE is mainly associated with the Minsk Group, which is mediating a settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. The OSCE Minsk Group has been addressing this issue for the past 12 years. Are you pleased with its performance?
- The Minsk Group is a group of mediators from Russia, France and the United States. It tries to do everything possible for a peaceful settlement of the conflict. The co-chairs want to build a platform to bring about peace between the parties. Of course, in this quest it is important to have the will, good intentions and friendly relations. In speaking of friendship, we mean that friends can also criticize one other, but this should not go beyond the bounds of mutual respect. We hope that both sides to this conflict will come to an agreement between themselves.
- Recent negotiations on the Karabakh settlement have been of greater intensity. What are your expectations?
- The OSCE Minsk Group is working very strenuously towards a peaceful settlement of the conflict. It has maintained its work and made proposals to meet the parties' interests over the past 12 years. Since the beginning of this year, negotiations have been conducted in close succession, with only short breaks, and this in itself is an indication that peace is close.
- An intergovernmental agreement on the Nabucco gas project was signed in Turkey recently. How important is Azerbaijan to this project, in your opinion?
- Energy security is an important factor in maintaining good and stable relations and, in this regard, Azerbaijan is a key player. Azerbaijan's economic resources give it such status. We hope that in the future, by joining such agreements, Azerbaijan will finally determine its direction. Of course, joining energy projects depends directly on the internal and external stability of the country, as well as on its credibility. We hope that other countries will be able to join such energy projects.
- Since it comes down to confidence - Azerbaijan has been cooperating with the OSCE for some time now. How do you assess the level of interaction?
- Azerbaijan, like all 56 member countries of the OSCE, is important for our organization. For the OSCE it is also important that countries fulfil their obligations. Thus we help member countries, including Azerbaijan, by carrying out various projects. Currently, the Baku office of the OSCE and the government of Azerbaijan are engaged upon three projects: concerning the judiciary, interior bodies and human rights. These also include the monitoring of the courts, the development of small and medium-sized businesses, the media and elections. All of this, of course, contributes to a normal, healthy atmosphere of cooperation. We have such collaboration with both the government and civil society.
- And finally. This is your third visit to Baku. In what area is development most noticeable?
- Yes, this is my third visit to your country, and every time I notice that Baku has become even more beautiful. In political terms, there are many positive changes, too. I believe that Azerbaijan has a great future.