Joao Soares, the president of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly: “There is a good chance to achieve peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan”
Author: Emin ALAKBAROV Baku
In April, the US cochairman of the OSCE Minsk Group, Matthew Bryza, inspired some optimism in the public about prospects for the settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. In an interview with the BBC, he said "we must secure a significant breakthrough and progress on the Nagornyy Karabakh issue. I think that this progress is very close and I hope we will see this during the meeting between President Sargsyan and President Aliyev next month". In an interview with Radio Liberty, the US mediator stressed that the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia are studying each other's positions and the "painful concessions" they have to make. In his opinion, a breakthrough is possible in May or June this year. "We will do everything possible to secure an agreement between the presidents," the diplomat said. Of course, the issue is about an agreement on the basic principles of the settlement, and according to the US cochairman of the Minsk Group, a lot still has to be done. This way or another, efforts to settle the conflict have clearly become more intensive. The president of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Joao Soarez, also spoke quite optimistically about this issue in an exclusive interview with our magazine.
- Mr Soares, the special representative of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly for the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict, Goran Lennmarker, visited the South Caucasus recently. What are the results of his visit?
- Yes, Goran Lennmarker, whom I appointed my special representative for the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict, visited both Azerbaijan and Armenia recently. He held talks with the leaders of these countries. He stressed the importance of giving refugees and displaced persons a chance to return to their homes. Moreover, it is also necessary to think about the restoration of what was destroyed during the conflict. The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is closely following the talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia and thinks that there is a good chance to attain piece. This chance should be studied thoroughly.
- How do you think the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict will be settled?
- Armenia and Azerbaijan are situated in the same geopolitical region. These countries could benefit greatly from close economic cooperation. The strengthening of economic relations will also affect the Nagornyy Karabakh region. The European Union's Eastern Partnership can play an important role in ensuring that the sides meet each other halfway. This will facilitate reconciliation. For our part, we continue to support all OSCE initiatives in the region.
- Azerbaijan and Armenia are not quite happy about the peacekeeping activity of the OSCE Minsk Group…
- The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has always supported efforts to continue the talks within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group to seek a peaceful and balanced solution to the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict. We also constantly repeat that there is no military solution to this conflict. The only way to solve the problem is political, which requires cooperation between the two countries. The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has organized several meetings bet-ween parliamentary delegations from Azerbaijan and Armenia. These meetings and participation in sessions of the Parliamentary Assembly are important steps in maintaining the dialogue.
- Quite recently, the media reported that Armenia had received a large batch of Russian arms. Can this fact influence the peace process, if it really took place?
- The latest events in region deserve special attention. The statement that one of the sides has received a great amount of weapons should be carefully investigated. It is necessary to avoid an escalation of the conflict at all costs. The international community should give comprehensive support to the peaceful settlement of the conflict. Nevertheless, the main responsibility lies with Armenia and Azerbaijan. We all know that in any talks, the sides should make a compromise in order to find points of contact. This is what we expect from the leadership of both sides.