14 March 2025

Friday, 21:43


A Turkish MP warns Turkey and Azerbaijan about a new wave of Armenian terror



Ahead of the centenary of the 1915 events in the Ottoman Empire, Armenian propaganda, which seeks to thrust the myth of "Armenian genocide" upon the entire world, has increased markedly. Unfortunately, some political circles are willingly taking advantage of the theme of the so-called "genocide" for subsequent pressure on Turkey in various issues. The latest manifestation of this approach was the statement by Pope Francis, of which Armenian agitprop quickly took advantage. But Armenians did not limit themselves to propaganda alone this time, resorting to their old tradition of terrorist threats.

A Turkish MP from the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), historian and Professor Yusuf Halacoglu commented to R+ on what is happening around the theme of "genocide".

- Mr Halacoglu, Pope Francis said that "in the 20th century, mankind experienced three great untold tragedies - Armenian genocide, Nazism and Stalinism". How would you comment on the statement about the so-called "genocide" by the spiritual leader of the Catholic world, who, being on a visit to Turkey, expressed a desire for the speedy opening of the Armenian-Turkish border?

- First of all, it should be noted that it is unbecoming of a religious figure to make such thoughtless and reckless political statements. Such statements mislead people and promote hatred. Recognition of the "genocide" does not depend on the Pope or parliaments. It is the prerogative of the courts. The fact that certain forces have engaged religious leaders and parliamentarians instead of the courts shows the weakness of their position. The actions of the Pope are unacceptable, since religion is used as political leverage. Recognition of the "genocide" by the Pope and even by the whole Christian world will not change anything.

- The Armenian authorities are trying to mark the centenary of the so-called "Armenian genocide" as solemnly as possible. In particular, besides the event scheduled for 24 April, to which Yerevan has invited dozens of heads of state and government, conferences, seminars and protests about "genocide" are being held in different countries. How commensurate is Turkey's reaction to these actions?

- Unfortunately, the actions of the Turkish government in this direction are, to put it mildly, not effective. Until now, nothing significant has been done to counter the campaign for the centenary of the "Armenian genocide". Yes, there were several meetings in the parliaments of a number of states, but this is clearly not enough to convey the truth to the world about the 1915 events. So far, Turkey has taken no effective measures to counter the Armenian campaign of slander and defamation.

- And what should be done?

- The list of countermeasures is known. For example, Turkey can appeal to the UN with a proposal to create a commission to investigate the events of 1915, while Azerbaijan has the right to demand that the international community give a just political assessment to the Xocali massacre. In this case, it is not only the testimony of eyewitnesses, there are videos showing that genocide was committed against residents of Xocali and they were exterminated only because they were ethnic Azerbaijanis.

- Does Turkey have compelling and irrefutable evidence of the artificiality and falsity of Armenian allegations about the "genocide of 1915"? We are asking this because sometimes in Turkey there appear people and communities who are willing to apologize to the Armenians...

- Of course, there is evidence. And the evidence has been presented to the international community. Documents and books on this subject have been published in many languages. But the West treats the allegations of the Armenians from a purely political point of view.

In a democratic society it is unacceptable to try a person without providing him with protection, and it is impossible to find a person guilty of a crime without a trial. On what basis then are the parliaments of various countries recognizing the "Armenian genocide"?

- The Armenian terrorist organization ASALA has threatened to attack representatives of countries that will participate in the celebration of the Battle of Canakkale in Ankara on 24 April. After Turkey gave an adequate response to Armenian terrorists in the 1980s, the entire European network of ASALA almost disappeared from sight. How real is the threat of Armenian terror now?

- The threat of terrorist attacks on the part of the Armenian organization is real. Such an inhuman phenomenon as terrorism and murder of civilians is inherent in Armenian nationalists. We remember the terrorist attacks against Turkish diplomats in the 1970-80s and the bloody massacre organized by Armenians in Xocali in the winter of 1992. I think that employees of Azerbaijani and Turkish diplomatic missions should be especially cautious these days.

- Parliamentary elections lie ahead for Turkey. The lists of candidates from the ruling Justice and Development Party, the Republican People's Party and the People's Democratic Party include Turkish citizens of Armenian nationality. In the history of the Turkish state this happens for the first time. Is it a message of goodwill? If so, who is it addressed to?

- There is nothing extraordinary about the fact that citizens of Armenian origin have appeared on the lists of candidates. But the problem is that it is mostly candidates who publicly declare: yes, there was "genocide" of Armenians. Here's the thing. And we and they are going different ways.

- Do you expect any changes in the government's position on the issue of opening the Turkish-Armenian border after the election?

- I don't think that the government will make concessions to Armenia in the issue of opening communications and restoring relations in the near future.