The first film for children shot in Azerbaijan after many years' break has been premiered in Baku
Author: Narmina VALIYEVA Baku
A gala soiree and the premiere of the children's film "Lesson" have been held at the Nizami cinema centre. The film "Lesson" was made at the order of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism by the Azerbaijanfilm studio named after Cafar Cabbarli. The film was scripted by Elza Agayeva and Anastasiya Volkova, directed by Rafiq Aliyev and Cavid Tavakkul, produced by Musfig Hatamov and photography by Rauf Qurbanaliyev. The film is about the life of Baku schoolchildren, their attitudes to friendship and responsibility for their actions. This is the first film for children made in independent Azerbaijan.
The heroes of the event were the young actors who enjoyed posing on the red carpet against the background of a huge bill of Lesson. Flashing cameras, journalists' attention, their first autographs and flowers have inspired the children. It is no wonder that, after their first successful experience in cinematography, most of the boys and girls starring in the film are now dreaming of professional acting. "I liked to act in the cinema and I am sure to become a renowned actor," said Rasid Aliyev who played the role of Asif, the most popular boy in a class of school No 23. Another young actor, Tamerlan Agayev, also has a dream to further act in films but he believes that his major work in the future will be connected with computers. "I want to dedicate my life to information technologies and the cinema will be my second profession," Tamerlan shares his plans for the future. The charismatic boy was found at school No 1 in Baku where the casting was held along with other secondary educational institutions of the capital (during the casting the film directors auditioned more than 11,000 schoolchildren - author). "I saw plenty of boys and girls at that school, selected a few and was about to leave when I suddenly heard a soft voice behind my back: 'Uncle, can I also have a try?" film director Rafiq Aliyev recalls. "I appreciated the boy's perseverance and thus we found the main character, Xalid".
Ayna Zarbaliyeva and Aliya Aliyeva who played the roles of two friends turned out to be cousins in real life. Ayna Zarbaliyeva attends Lycee No 189-190. In "Lesson", the girl got the negative role of a school meanie who unfairly hurts her classmates. "It was fun to play a negative character. At the beginning of the film, it seemed I would fail because I am absolutely different in my real life. But I did succeed," Ayna smiles. "Aliya and I got into the characters so much that we continued to live in our roles even after the end of the production day." The girl likes viewing films and programmes about nature and animals. She has also viewed all old Azerbaijani films for children. "The Magic Gown" and "The Lion Leaves Home" are among my favourite films. Old films are none the worse than new modern ones with their computer technologies," Ayna admits.
Nazim Ibrahimov, deputy chairman of the Union of Writers of Azerbaijan played the role of a wise old granddad. "This was my first experience of acting in a film," Nazim muallim says. "And you know, I liked it. I got into the film by chance, one could say. Rafiq Aliyev spotted me at a film presentation. He watched me from aside for a long time and suddenly offered me the role of the main character's grandfather. It is necessary just to be myself in front of the camera, they told me. I am a professor of archaeology while in real life I am a geologist by profession," he said.
The film was shot in Baku's secondary schools No 132 and No 134. According to film director Cavid Tavakkul, only non-professional actors are engaged in the film. It was quite easy to work with the young actors. "The kids we got are all gifted. They all are smart and talented. We were on the same wavelength," Cavid Tavakkul said.
It took a whole year to shoot the film. Before the start of the shooting, the little actors went through one-month's acting master classes where they were trained in scenic speech and the art of dramatic identification. The plot of the film is rather simple. Xalid becomes a target of ridicule for his classmates. No-one wants to be friends with the clumsy and naive boy. Xalid takes their taunts hard and dreams of making friends with Asif, the most popular boy in the class. "If I have such a friend, I'll be respected and loved by everyone," the kid once confessed to his granddad. The experienced granddad - a professor of archaeology - explains it to his grandson that respect and recognition come only to those who have self-esteem and who value and remember their roots. Xalid and his classmates will have a lot to understand and to go through before the class own up to their mistakes and make friends.
Azerbaijan Minister of Culture and Tourism Abulfas Qarayev said at the premiere of the children's film that the film "Lesson" touches upon eternal themes related to the inner world of teenagers, their upbringing and the formation of their world outlook and moral values. It is very difficult to write scripts for children's films today, the film writers Elza Agayeva and Anastasiya Volkova believe. Today's boys and girls perceive the world differently from adults who have forgotten what it means to be children. A script for a children's films not only must be positive or instructive. To should mould the right world outlook; children need positive heroes to take their cue and learn from. This film for children could not have come at a better time now that many moral values are called into doubt and many unwritten laws of morality are being substituted with "unsettled modern standards". In other words, the film is designed as a basis on which each youth and teenager can draw their own lessons when assessing their deeds.