This historical feature movie, a state-of-the-art cinema production, to be premiered soon
Author: Sabira MUSTAFAYEVA Baku
What do we know about our own country? We might think that we know everything. But if you dig deeper into your consciousness, you will realise that we don't really know much. We know the history of Azerbaijan from our school or university days, we know what territory it covers, its population and what problems concern it. Gradually, from childhood, we form an idea of, and love for, our homeland which is akin to the instinctive love for one's mother. Nonetheless, when do we begin to understand that we love our homeland? Probably when it needs our help. People go through certain stages of patriotism before accepting their obligation to their native land. I think that our parents bring us up with a basic idea of love for the homeland. Subsequently, these ideas are polished by the books we read and the TV programmes we see as part of state ideology. But how many of us can boast that they have travelled the length and breadth of their country and know about the people who live there? We must confess that academic knowledge of a country is not always backed up by personal experience and that we do not always know absolutely everything about our country. But, of course, this does not mean that we do not love our country.
So what generates our patriotic feelings? This question was answered two years ago by the producers of the film, "The Fate of the Monarch" which will soon be broadcast here. It took two years to shoot this historical movie based on Ilyas Afandiyev's tragedy, "The Ruler and His Daughter". The script was written by Afandiyev's son Elcin Afandiyev. The Afandiyevs found the answer to this question in their work and it was important convey it to people in a film, the like of which our cinema has not seen before. The producers of "The Fate of the Monarch" lived a double life for two years. It is very difficult to film anything about Karabakh, a very sensitive subject for Azerbaijanis. For this reason, the producers of the film, and its actors, lived in a state of spiritual-emotional passion throughout this period.
We want to be back…
"When you talk about Karabakh and Susa, it is a sin to forget about the xari bulbul. One of the most wonderful stories on earth is related to this flower. Now this story has entered legend. It is difficult to find anyone in Azerbaijan who is unaware of the fate of Agabeyim Aga. This beautiful Karabakh woman was married to an Iranian monarch, left her home and began to fade away. Just like a nightingale in a gilded cage, she missed her homeland. Having failed to find any other remedy, the shah decided to bring every species of tree and flower from Karabakh and create a "Karabakh Paradise" in his palace. However, Agabeyim Aga continued to feel homesick because this paradise did not have that miracle of Susa - the xari bulbul. Xari bulbul - the king of flowers - grows and blossoms only in Susa.
"It seems to me that Susa itself is also Azerbaijan's xari bulbul. If I don't see it and don't enjoy its air and its beauty, my native land will seem impoverished and imperfect to me," says Sabir Rustamxanli in his work "The Book of Life" (Baku, 1990).
This was a first experience of acting for Ali Cafarov, holder of a black belt and a fourth dan in karate and a black belt and a fifth dan in ju-jitsu, who talked to our R+ correspondent about the film "The Fate of the Monarch". His life has now been divided into two periods - before and after filming, because the process of making the film made such a striking impression on him.
The main plot of the film is based on historical events which took place at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries during the reign of Ibrahim Khan over the khanate of Karabakh, which was divided into five counties at the time. Ibrahim Khan wanted to unite the Karabakh khanate at any price and to defend it against Iranian expansion. Iranian ruler Aga Muhammad Qacar had seized power in Iran and launched an offensive against the khanate. After the death of Aga Muhammad Shah, power was assumed by his nephew Baba Khan, who ascended the throne under the name of Fatali Shah. The new ruler of Iran continued his predecessor's aggressive policy against Azerbaijan and decided, first, to settle relations with Ibrahim Xalil Khan by means of marriage diplomacy. Fatali Shah suggested that the Karabakh khan give him his daughter in marriage. Following the invasions of Aga Muhammad Shah Qacar, the economy of the Karabakh khanate was very weak. Trying not to exacerbate relations with Iran and fearing an armed attack, Ibrahim Xalil Khan was forced to agree to the shah's proposal. Ibrahim Khan was forced to marry his daughter Agabeyim to the ruler of Iran, although she was in love with Saday Bay - the brave young vizier to Ibrahim Khan, played by Cafarov.
"The film shows the tragedy experienced by the lovers - they had to separate. After talking to her father, the girl understands that she must marry the Iranian ruler because it is her duty to her homeland. The culmination of the film is the dialogue between Ibrahim Khan and his daughter. Ibrahim Khan explains to her that no ruler of a country is really free in his actions and he sometimes has to act against his heart. Some believe that the fate of a monarch lies in his own hands and only he can decide his fate. But this is not true, because a ruler has his country behind him, the khan explains to his daughter. This is the moment when the dialogue between the ruler and his daughter makes us cry and grieve for the fate of our ancestors who sacrificed their lives and fortunes for the independence of their homeland.
The scene of separation between the lovers evokes our deepest feelings. Their farewell conversation, which takes place against a backdrop of two trees on a hill, is a well-thought out solution by the film's producers. The environment itself indicates imminent separation. Saday Bay does not understand Ibrahim Khan's actions and it seems to him that he is giving up his daughter to the Iranian shah in order to avoid a military confrontation. But Agabeyim Aga explains to him that all this is being done in order to keep the Karabakh khanate independent so that people can continue to live in this land and defend their homeland later. For Saday Bay life becomes meaningless and, in a desperate battle against Russian invaders, he loses his life," says Cafarov.
The cornerstone of the film is patriotism. Ibrahim Khan sacrifices the happiness of his daughter who spends all her life missing Karabakh. The words of the legendary mugham, 'Karabakh Sikastasi' belong to Agabeyim Aga. The Iranian shah always follows the advice of his wise and clever wife.
First modern film
"The Fate of the Monarch" is the first digital film made in Azerbaijan. "The latest cinematic technology used in creating this historical film has not been used in our country before. Filming began in 2005, to the order of Heydar Aliyev (2000) in order to immortalize the memory of Ilyas Afandiyev. The principal producer of the film is Vaqif Asadullayev. Faxraddin Manafov is brilliant in the role of Ibrahim Xalil Khan. The director of photography is a living legend of Russian cinematography, Dilshad Fatkhulin and the score is by Polad Bulbuloglu. This "galaxy of stars" exemplifies the high level which was set for this film from the very beginning. The massed battle scenes alone involved considerable effort. This is why Dilshad Fatkhulin, a professional cinematographer and master of modern technology, with extensive knowledge and experience, was invited to work on the film. "Apart from being a prominent cultural figure, he is also a winner of Soviet and Russian state awards. We needed a professional like him," Cafarov explains.
The main filming was carried out in Saki. The scenes of fighting with Russian invaders were filmed in Ganca. Incidentally, it took them a long time to find the right person for the role of Saday Bay. "But when Asadullayev saw me he became thoughtful and, several days later, he called me, saying that he wanted to invite me for a film test. I did not accept his invitation for a long time. Then I realized that I had to play a part in this film, as I am originally from Qubadli. When I tried on Saday Bay's costume, which ripped, and his boots, which were too small, the costumier smiled and said "We have found him at last". This film is very important to me. This may be the most important work of my life. This film is not just about Azerbaijan, it is also about Karabakh. I am profoundly grateful to Vaqif Asadullayev, a living cinematic encyclopaedia. It is a great honour for us that a person like him lives and works in our country, and we must cherish him. He made me work on this film.
"The concept of the film lies in the Karabakh problem, which is important not just to me but to all Azerbaijanis. This film foregrounds a national idea. If a nation does not have a national idea, it is unhappy. I think that a nation which has a national ideology can be called a happy nation. The process of making the film was a celebration for me, and its completion a sorrow, as if a chapter of my life had been closed. This makes my heart ache sometimes…"
Faxraddin Manafov held master classes with the novice actors. In one of his interviews about this film, the actor said.
"The most important thing is the goal that has been given to an actor. If you can explain this goal simply, it will be perceived. There were moments when I prompted an actor: turn your head to the right, lower your eyes, hold your breath… Acting is a very difficult job, and you have to work regardless of your mood. You can play in one film and everyone will acclaim you as a great actor. If you set a precise goal for an actor, even fourth-year student Gunas Aliyev, who was a second-year student during filming, can become a professional actress. Pantomime Theatre actor Parviz stars as Fatali Shah in the film. It seems to me that this is what Fatali Shah was like. I regard Mammad Safa, Kamran Yunis and Vidadi Hasanov as world class actors. The film also features Aysu Afandiyeva who has no training as an actor. She played Cavadxan's daughter. Yuriy Bariyev, of the Samad Vurgun Russian Drama Theatre, proved his professionalism on the film set. The movie also features such actresses as Mehriban Zaki and Sanubar Isgandarli. Manaf Dadasov plays the Baku khan's nephew, Sonqulu Aga. Muxtar Ibadov played in the film while he was ill. He had fallen ill and doctors forbade him to work. But, despite that, Muxtar Ibadov called Vaqif Asadullayev and said that he had to play in the film because it was about his motherland. I want to draw attention to Ali Cafarov. He had had nothing to do with acting. He stars as Saday Bay. He also performed stunts in the film. Ali Cafarov is from Qubadli. His heart aches, but he himself decided to star in the film. An irresponsible person would never do that. The film also features such Russian actors as Daniil Spivakovskiy, Aleksandr Galibin, Ilyar Shakunov, Tajik actor Saydo Gurbanov and others."
The main roles were dubbed at Ton Studio, operating at the Mosfilm film studio. Four languages are used in the film - Azerbaijani, Russian, Armenian and French. The scale of the film is such that it even features Napoleon. Filming was completed on 3 October 2006. The Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministries of Defence, Finance, Culture and Tourism, and Elcin Afandiyev and Abulfaz Qarayev, individually, rendered assistance in filming. Moreover, weapons and cannon were made especially for the film.
According to Asadullayev, the state provided continuous help to the film team. "First of all, we should highlight the script. The work of eminent playwright Elcin, who is a worthy successor to playwright Ilyas Afandiyev, contributes greatly to the formation of new prose. Thus, we did not deviate from the script. The film has already been seen and praised by Elcin Afandiyev, Minister of Culture and Tourism Abulfaz Qarayev, the head of the cinematography department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Cahangir Mammadov, and Polad Bulbuloglu. The costumes and weapons, used in the crowd scenes of the film, were provided free of charge. I should also mention that materials for costumes and jewels were brought from Iran. Representatives of Russian and Turkish TV channels, who wish to show the film, have already contacted us. We are in negotiations at the moment. I hope that the film adds to the expression of national dignity among Azerbaijani people. We should never forget that the events in this film concern our homeland. Karabakh should never be erased from our memory…"
"The Fate of the Monarch" tells of a ruler's loneliness, and this problem is a problem of statehood. The disagreement within the ruler's circle over his policy leads to Ibrahim Xalil Khan's loneliness. "This film is about the unification of the khanates in Azerbaijan, with the aim of establishing a united state. This is the main direction of the process of editing. The film was edited by Vaqif Asadullayev from beginning to end. I just want this film to be shown on our TV screens - to see feelings of patriotism and pain for Karabakh in the eyes of Azerbaijanis. If I see this, it means life is worth living…," says Cafarov.