14 March 2025

Friday, 23:32




The Year of the Red Pig has now ended. So many things happened over this period; just take a look through our magazine to understand how eventful 2007 was. You will see how Azerbaijan secured the implementation of energy and transport projects of global importance, how the great powers fought over Iran's nuclear programme, how globalization and the polarization of the world accelerated, how Russia's relations with Georgia, the USA and NATO deteriorated, how the European Union expanded, how "frozen" conflicts were solved, but remain unsolved, how the world fought terrorism, how oil prices soared and how the US dollar went into freefall. It is already 2008, and we have to look to the future, not to look back.

According to the eastern calendar, 2008 is the year of the Yellow Rat, or Mouse. Legend has it that this animal was the first to come to Buddha, which is why it begins the 12-year astrological period.

It is a symbolic, but important aspect. In the West, rats and mice are rodents with negative images unless, of course, you think of the mouse Jerry from the famous cartoon. In the East, it is a completely different matter. In India, the rat is known as the animal riding the elephant-headed god of science, Ganesha, and in Japan - as an acolyte of the god of happiness. And in China the absence of rats from a house and its courtyard was regarded as an alarming omen. Legend has it that rats leave only a sinking ship. When the rat gnaws, "it counts money", and in China, as in Azerbaijan, a greedy person is called a "money rat". In southern China, it is regarded as a cultural hero who brings rice to people. In the West, the pig is more respected than the rat. But the Year of the Pig is already over. Thus, it is no surprise that the Yellow Rat or Mouse protects those who love them. In which case, the East is luckier.

2008 is a year of Jupiter and Jupiter is a planet of power and authority. According to astrologers, both Jupiter and the Rat promise an active political and public life this year. Indeed, 2008 will be rich in political events. The world's press is already making predictions about presidential elections in the USA, Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia. What is more, many international problems have yet to be solved.

Among other things, 2008 is a leap year. According to a Russian proverb about leap years, things usually go wrong in them. Indeed, astrologers predict "a good harvest" of natural disasters, epidemics and military and ecological problems. But the year will also yield a good harvest in the true meaning of the word. As lord of the year, the rodent is not going to starve, which means that the land will provide for us, along with the rodent.

Experts believe that the Year of the Rat is capable of preventing inflation, which is why anything you save or buy this year will bear fruit in the future. Whatever you say, the rat is a zealous economizer and will never fail to save for the future. From this point of view, astrologers assure us that the year will be beneficial for both savings and investments,.

Although the world sees in the New Year on the night of 1 January, the Year of the Rat does not start until 7 February. The beginning of this year may be accompanied by a solar eclipse, which will happen at 0855 Baku time on 7 February. But do not panic, it will only last for a few minutes and, on the whole, the year will be a bright one.

Decide for yourselves whether to believe the various predictions and forecasts. We are not going to prophesy. At the same time, the New Year is a time when our innermost desires come true; it is a time of miracles and anticipation of a happy future. It is another stage in our life in which every year is a New Year. So Happy New Year, dear readers!