13 March 2025

Thursday, 06:34


1992 Olympic champion Valery Belenky shared his impressions of the European Games with Regionplus in an interview



The First European Games has attracted famous sportsmen from other countries to Baku. The well-known gymnast Valery Belenky has spent a few days in his favourite city as well. Now living in Germany, Belenky acquainted himself with our city's new look and the sports infrastructure. The thrice world champion in artistic gymnastics, winner in the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, who represented Azerbaijan in the combined CIS [Commonwealth of Independent States] team, Valery Belenky answered questions put by R+.

- We are extremely pleased to see the hero of the Barcelona Olympic Games back in Baku. How has your visit been?

- First, I congratulate Azerbaijan on holding such a magnificent competition as the First European Games. It was as if Baku was holding the Olympic Games in these days. The only thing that people talked about everywhere was sport. The tense struggle in the sports complexes and the enthusiastic support of the fans makes it possible to assert this. You could come across foreign sportsmen, journalists and visitors everywhere.

I would sincerely like to thank the president of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, Mehriban xanim [Azerbaijani term of respect] Aliyeva for the invitation to come to these competitions. I am very pleased that I am not forgotten in my homeland. We veteran sportsmen need the attention when we finish our sports careers. But not every country has such a considerate attitude towards its sportsmen. Azerbaijan distinguishes itself, in the best sense of the word, in this manner. No-one is ever forgotten here.

- Is it a long time since you were last in Baku. What are your impressions of it?

- Baku has become much more beautiful. When I came from the airport I did not recognise my home town. True, I haven't been here for a long time. But it was impossible to imagine how much the city had changed. I have seen numerous new centres and parks. When I saw my native Baku like this, it was as if I was born anew.

- How did Azerbaijan manage to hold the First European Games?

- In today's world not every country is capable of organising competitions on a scale like this. You have been involved in engendering a prestigious new tournament. Baku will be remembered as the starting point for the First European Games. Most countries on the continent pleased their viewers by having live transmissions from Baku.

- The Azerbaijani gymnasts won a gold medal and silver and bronze medals at the First European Games. What did you think of the performance of our gymnasts?

- Azerbaijan's men's team in artistic gymnastics was awarded bronze medals. This award was important for the future development of Azerbaijani gymnastics. Now young people will take greater interest in this type of sport. Artistic gymnastics is the best form of sport for boys. It keeps you fit and provides the opportunity to show what you can do in the sports world. The gymnastics competitions at the First European Games were very intense. Since there were many strong sportsmen taking part, it was not easy to become one of the prize-winners. I feel proud that the gymnasts from my homeland, Azerbaijan, made the fans happy.

- After winning five medals, Oleg Stepko, a member of our team, became the record holder at the European Games. Did you expect that this gymnast would do so well?

- Stepko is a good sportsman, both in his temperament and in the extent of his experience. He wins awards in all the tournaments that he enters. From this point of view, I didn't find this surprising, although it was hard to predict that he would win five medals. Stepko never looks back. He is always striving to get ahead. I think that he has even more major successes ahead of him.

- You were keeping track of the gymnastics competitions in the First European Games. How well trained did you think the Azerbaijani sportsmen were on the whole?

First, I would like to say something about the magnificent National Gymnastics Arena. This is simply a palace of gymnastics. It is splendid and spacious. Since it was erected especially for the competitions, every little detail was taken into account.

Any team can only dream of a complex like that. I would like to thank the president of the Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, Mehriban khanum Aliyeva, for the concern she has shown with regard to gymnastics in Azerbaijan. She has spurred on the development of gymnastics in the country.

Now the Federation is striving to develop not only artistic gymnastics, but the other forms of gymnastics too. I can say for sure that you will keep on achieving successes. There is a competitive spirit in the team. Children's gymnastics schools are playing an important part here. I have been told that there are even these gymnastics schools in the regions and that they are extremely popular. If parents take their children to gymnastics classes, it means that this type of sport is popular in the country.

- Let's go on a small historical excursion. The 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. Your name has gone down in history since you were the winner at those games.

- In every recollection there are moments that you want to remember and those that you don't. Winning the gold medal at the Summer Olympics in Barcelona in 1992 was a huge success for me. I also won a bronze medal there. At that time there was no federation engaged in developing gymnastics in Azerbaijan. What's more, the country had only just recently restored its independence. We competed as a single CIS team, but Azerbaijan was represented. Besides me, the judoka Nazim Huseynov also won a gold medal at that time.

Nazim is a splendid sportsman and a real friend. We are extremely pleased that we veterans are not forgotten in Azerbaijan. When I received the invitation to participate in the First European Games as a guest of honour, I was deeply moved. You see, such prestigious competitions were to take place in my homeland and I was invited to them as a guest of honour! I was very pleased that Azerbaijan maintained such a high standard in holding these competitions. Believe me, the organisation of the First European Games was on a par with the Summer Olympic Games.

- Do you manage to meet up with Nazim Huseynov?

- It is quite a long time since we met. The European Games has allowed us to meet again. We have many mutual and interesting memories. At the same time, Nazim was a little bit cautious about everything, from a sportsman's point of view, of course. We knew that Azerbaijani sportsmen have no equals on the mat. There were a few moves that he used to use. They are continuing to be studied in judo up until now.

- Are you planning to come to Baku in the future?

- At the moment, I am living in Germany. I am a gymnastics coach there. One of my trainees won two medals at the Summer Olympic Games in London. Another trainee took part in the European Games. At the given moment, I have to go on with the work in Germany. But in the future I may come to Baku. That would be very good. A month ago, my name was entered as an inductee in the Hall of Fame of the US International Gymnastics Federation. I feel proud that I am the first Azerbaijani sportsman to be recognised in that hall.

- Thank you for speaking to us and we hope to see you in Baku again.

- Although we live far away from our homeland, our hearts beat for Azerbaijan. We rejoice in every success that you have. Our capital Baku has changed a lot and become more beautiful. The seafront park and the other districts of the city are in no way inferior to those of other celebrated European capitals. Baku has always been an ideal place for visitors to relax. It is very pleasing to see so many tourists in the city. As always, Baku enchants everyone with its original beauty.