16 March 2025

Sunday, 00:11


By expanding cooperation with the Republic of Korea, Azerbaijan is building new bridges across entire asia and europe



The state visit of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev to the Republic of Korea was another stage in the intensive dialogue between the two countries which began with the visit of Korean President Roh Moo-hyun to Baku. The opening of an Azerbaijani embassy in Seoul will give a new boost to bilateral relations. This stems from the interest of both leaderships in establishing closer cooperation.

The dynamic economy of Azerbaijan continues to attract more and more experienced, professional companies interested in investment. It goes without saying that Korean entrepreneurs are highly experienced, since they have achieved intensive economic growth in their country without an abundance of natural resources. This is what President Ilham Aliyev said during an Azerbaijan-South Korea business forum in Seoul on 24 April. Azerbaijan conducts a policy of "open doors" in the sphere of economic cooperation and is ready to welcome all companies which have serious intentions and good reputations.

The President of Azerbaijan noted that a favourable investment climate has been created in Azerbaijan and he invited Korean businessmen into closer cooperation. "Our country is open to South Korean companies and discussions are under way on specific projects with a total value of more than one billion dollars," Ilham Aliyev said. He invited a high-profile delegation of the Republic of Korea, including politicians and businessmen, to visit Baku in the summer of 2007. 

Leaders of an association of more than 40 businessmen and major companies from Azerbaijan, and about 60 from the Republic of Korea, attended the forum. Several agreements were reached during the gathering.


Gates between East and West

The interest of Seoul and Baku in developing cooperation does not appear accidental because, geographically, these countries are positioned on the borders of the Asian continent, with Korea in its east and Azerbaijan in its west. By establishing close cooperation with Azerbaijan, Korea, this Asian economic giant, will gain profitable access to European markets, while Azerbaijan will attract more freight transit from the very start of the Great Silk Road. On the other hand, while positioned at a crossroads of transport corridors, Azerbaijan is in need of investment and state-of-the-art technology in order to improve its infrastructure. It is no coincidence that during his stay Ilham Aliyev visited the second largest city of Korea, Pousan, which has a population of some 3.7m people. The city is a port in the east of the Korean peninsula and is a gateway from the Asian continent to the Pacific Ocean. It accounts for 40 per cent of the seaborne export freight of South Korea, 85 per cent of its container freight and 40 per cent of its sea product shipments. Its deepwater ports and temperate climate have allowed Pousan to grow into the third largest port city in the world and the region's rich history has contributed to the development of tourism.

It is clear that Baku shares these features and the visit of the Azerbaijani President to Pousan should not be viewed as simply following the itinerary of protocol. The goal of turning Azerbaijan into a sea gateway between Europe and Asia has been clear for all to see in the policy conducted by the Azerbaijani leadership. Quite recently, in November 2006, the executive chairman of the corporation of ports, customs and the free trade zone of Dubai (UAE), Sultan Akhmad ben Suleym, visited the country and Ilham Aliyev received him.

In the Korean port of Pousan the head of state again emphasized that Azerbaijan needs modern ports. He expressed his satisfaction with the fact that South Korean companies, with their rich experience in organizing sea freight and building port infrastructures, are also taking part in developing a new port in Baku.

Ilham Aliyev visited the STX shipbuilding company which has built some 500 vessels over the past 40 years. This company has played a major role in turning South Korea into a world leader in shipbuilding. The company mainly builds vessels for transporting containers and liquid gas. It plans to expand its operations into building ferries and vessels for transporting cars.

President Ilham Aliyev visited the plant and some production facilities, observing the process of building ships and usage of the state-of-the-art equipment and technology. The head of state noted that cooperation between Azerbaijan and the STX Corporation in shipbuilding would be profitable.

Let us also note that on the sidelines of the visit the Azerbaijan investment company and STX signed an agreement which envisages the building of wind-power stations in Azerbaijan and the construction of a Caspian shipbuilding plant in Baku's Garadag district.


Emphasis on developing Baku's infrastructure 

The infrastructure of Baku itself also merited attention - the head of state visited Seoul's transport operations and information service (TOPIS). The system designed for this city of 12 million people regulates public transport traffic, adding extra buses in rush hours and selecting alternative routes around traffic jams. Furthermore, this centre provides for the immediate evacuation of cars parked in restricted areas and gathers information related to the registration and investigation of crashes. President Ilham Aliyev also received detailed information about its system of intellectual management. It is planned to create such a centre in Baku. To this end, a memorandum on mutual understanding was signed between the Transport Ministry of Azerbaijan and the Construction and Transport Ministry of the Republic of Korea in Seoul on 23 April.

It is expected that the project, the cost of which is estimated at between 50 and 55 million dollars, will begin in the second half of the year and will be completed in 2009. All data concerning traffic in Baku will be collected in this centre and then relayed to both passengers and drivers via the internet, mobile phones, TV and radio.

The head of state emphasized the importance of creating a similar system in Baku, considering the rate of social and economic development of the Azerbaijani capital and the increase in the number of transport vehicles in the city.

The visit of the Azerbaijani president to the information centre of the Pang You Corporation, 50 kilometres out of Seoul, did not go unnoticed. This centre serves to ensure growth in living standards and to protect the environment.

Special attention will be paid to the project "Development of New Towns" which was launched in 1990. The main feature of the project is that it applies modern technology to urban design. Ten towns have already been built within the framework of the project. Some 88,000 people live in the new residential areas and 38 per cent of the area is planted with trees. President Ilham Aliyev said he had a high regard for the project and noted that Azerbaijan has every opportunity to carry out work specifically in this field. "We intend to carry out new urban design projects in Azerbaijan building on this experience," the head of state said.


Merits do not pass unnoticed

Another significant event on the itinerary was the visit to Kyunghee University, where the Azerbaijani president had a meeting with professors and university staff. This internationally renowned university has 23,000 students. An official ceremony was organized to present Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev with an honorary doctorate in political science. Speaking at the ceremony, the president of the university, Invon Chou, said that the honorary doctorate was awarded to President Ilham Aliyev for his achievements in protecting peace and security, and for developing his country, as well as for his statesmanship. During his presidential term President Ilham Aliyev has gained much authority: thanks to his policies, Azerbaijan had scored major successes in the energy sector, initiating the country's current economic boom.

It is clear that Azerbaijan's rapid economic development does not go unremarked by either Europe or Asia. The country is increasingly trusted as a reliable political and economic partner. This allows Azerbaijan to grow in confidence and evolve its multivectoral foreign policy, strengthening its central role in the dialogue between Western and Eastern civilizations.