15 March 2025

Saturday, 00:39


Well-known Azerbaijani artist promotes his religion - love of Azerbaijan - in Europe and Asia



Asraf Heybatov has managed to do a lot for his country while living outside it. Academician of arts, member of the UNESCO international federation of artists, honoured Azerbaijani artist, laureate of an international award from the "Art of World Nations" association, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, association of artists of Germany, ambassador of the world, chairman of the European association of Azerbaijani people of culture… The list of the Azerbaijani artist's titles could be continued.

Today, Asraf Heybatov is referred to as an ambassador of the world, and this is not just a tribute to modernity. In 1981, shortly after graduating from the arts faculty of the M. Aliyev Institute of Arts, where People's Artist of Azerbaijan Mikayil Abdullayev was one of his professors, Heybatov left the country. He continued his life and creative work between Baku and Moscow by glorifying Azerbaijan on canvas. In 1995, A. Heybatov moved to Germany where he continued to promote his motherland through his compositions. In this country, he earned himself a reputation as the "most popular Azerbaijani art figure in Germany".

The artist's "service record" is impressive: execution of an Olympic site, participation in the cultural programme of the Moscow Olympics and authorship in the Russian Art Fund in 1980. Starting from 1995, Heybatov conducted individual exhibitions in many cities of Germany, Turkey, Sweden, Belgium, Malta, Moscow and Baku. In 2006, the artist's pictures were displayed in a solo exhibition at the UN Palace of Nations in Geneva.

Heybatov's works have found their way to many private collections in the USA, Turkey, Israel, France, etc. Sketches prepared by the artist served as a pattern for carpet-weaving in Nepal. Two books have been published in Germany with illustrations of Heybatov's works. He is also the author of large monumental panels in Germany, Moscow and Baku.

An R+ correspondent had the opportunity to speak to the artist at the Forum of Heads of Azerbaijani and Turkish Diasporas held in Baku on 9 March. Asraf Heybatov, also an active public figure, joined the forum. As a representative of an ethnic minority in Germany, he was elected to the Council for his work with foreigners. Heybatov is dealing with issues of the cultural integration of compatriots into the German environment. The Azerbaijani artist's participation in the Council also consists of the preparation of international cultural campaigns which have repeatedly been held in various German cities.

In his works, the artist expresses his feelings and attitudes to his native Azerbaijan. Thus, on a large painting in Koblenz (450 square meters, "Rheinland Platz symphony"), where Heybatov is living now, he depicted the Maiden's Tower and Oriental motives along with a German theme. This was a gift to Koblenz.

"I propagandize Azerbaijan in every way I can. German intellectuals read and think a lot, and certainly know about Azerbaijan. But I think this is not enough. My exhibitions are the exhibitions of an Azerbaijani artist. At each of them I display Azerbaijani flags and play national music. There is a huge map of Azerbaijan in my workshop. If every Azerbaijani living outside the country could do something for its image, the reputation of the country would improve," the artist said.


Being an Azerbaijani everywhere 

The artist's creative work is multifaceted. It covers 27 themes and subjects. A. Heybatov also works in portrait, history and modern genres. The artist has painted portraits of well-known politicians, diplomats, cultural figures and scientists. Recently the author completed work on the portrait of Gunther Grass, Nobel Prize winner, who turns 80 this year. On behalf of the Azerbaijan administration, this portrait will be presented to Grass on the day of his jubilee celebrations in the Bundestag. But Azerbaijan has always been the main theme in the artist's creative work - traditions of the Orient and the modern plasticity of the West. 

"My biggest problem is the shortage of time. It is impossible to embrace everything, but I am trying to do a lot. When I lived in Moscow, I was involved in the work of the Baku club. In 1997, on my initiative and with support from the Azerbaijani embassy and the ambassador personally, we held a constituent assembly of the Baku society in Mainz. We even published the Bakinets (Resident of Baku) bulletin for a while. Unfortunately, I am a little disappointed with our compatriots. A series of activities has been held but they were not always interested in participating. They don't understand me. In every German city, there is an officially registered Azerbaijani community, but none of them has a cultural or social programme. Another problem is that certain national organizations call their societies cultural, though they have nothing to do with culture. In Berlin, several Azerbaijani societies do not get along with each other, though they always talk about unity. Unfortunately, we only get together to celebrate national holidays or mark other memorable dates from our history. Here is just one example of indifference towards Azerbaijan's image. When I created a panel called "11 September. New York", I wanted it to be presented to New Yorkers on behalf of Azerbaijan and its people. I first approached the Azerbaijani embassy in Berlin, but did not receive support. Then I approached the Russian consul who immediately responded to my suggestion and appreciated the relevance of the idea. The work was not heard of for four years and only thanks to the initiative of the Russian consul-general to Bonn, G. A. Gerodes, and the mediation of the US consul-general, George Noless, was this panel presented to the people of New York." Soon afterwards, a letter signed by the mayor of New York was sent to Koblenz. In this letter, the mayor thanked Heybatov for his contribution to the war on terror. 

When attending the Forum of Heads of Azerbaijani and Turkish Diasporas as chairman of the European association of Azerbaijani cultural figures, A. Heybatov said "it was a very wise idea to unite the Turkish and Azerbaijani diasporas".

"I have lived in Germany for 11 years. Prior to that, I spent 16 years living in Moscow. I must say that I have been assisted in my work mostly by the Turkish community. I also think it is my duty to inform the German public of tragic dates in Azerbaijan's history - the Xocali massacre and 20 January. I tell people about the situation surrounding Nagorniy Karabakh. In this, my work is facilitated by my membership of the FDP (party of free democrats). I was admitted to the party as a matter of exception because I am still a foreign citizen. In other words, as President Ilham Aliyev used to say, Azerbaijanis of the world must integrate into their communities, parliaments, parties, and this is what I am trying to do. I have established contact with German ministers. I have given them German-language brochures about Karabakh, Azerbaijan, etc."


Past and future 

Before coming to Baku, the artist was invited to a Russian-German forum in Baden-Baden where he spoke about the "Role of culture in the formation of society". Well-known Russian academician Sergey Kapitsa, who has expressed interest in visiting Azerbaijan again, acted as moderator of the event. He last visited Baku 20 years ago at the invitation of Heydar Aliyev. A. Heybatov forwarded Kapitsa's request to the Azerbaijani government so that the prominent scientist's visit could be organized at a high level. This year Academician Kapitsa also turns 80.

A. Heybatov also said that a significant event had recently happened in his life. He received the opportunity to present President Ilham Aliyev with a pearl of his collection, a picture called "Salam, Azerbaijan", which he painted 24 years ago. The picture was handed over to the head of state during his visit to Germany.

"In 1981, my first exhibition was held at the Moscow Institute of International Relations. In those days, Ilham Aliyev was a post-graduate student at the university. He assisted me in organizing my exhibition, and this picture was displayed during that exhibition. In 1985, "Salam, Azerbaijan" was, among other pictures, acquired by the USSR Ministry of Culture. In 1995, when I was leaving for Germany, I bought back all my works. This picture is a real pearl of my collection. It is very dear to me. And it is with a feeling of great respect for President Ilham Aliyev and in memory of that exhibition which he helped me organize that I decided to present it to the president. First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva told me she had read about me and was familiar with my works. She wished me success."

A. Heybatov is also expected to conduct an exhibition at the Vatican. An agreement to that effect has been reached at foreign ministry level. Asraf Heybatov intends to display a number of pictures with a biblical theme there. He will thus become the first Azerbaijani artist ever to address this subject. A total of 35 large compositions on the Old and New Testament will be displayed.

A. Heybatov has said that the Vatican exhibition was due in February. But since the decision was made to conduct it during the visit by the head of the Caucasus Clerical Office, Allahsukur Pasazada, to the Pope in Rome, the exhibition has been postponed. 

Also, A. Heybatov's exhibition, Turk Dunyasi (Turkic world), will be held at the Turk Evi (Turkish House) in Berlin on 18 May. The event will be held under the patronage of Turkish Consul-General Ahmet Alpan. On 28 May, the artist will display his works at the "Colours of Azerbaijan" exhibition at NATO headquarters in Brussels. Also this year, with support from the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan and writer Chingiz Aytmatov, A. Heybatov will display his pictures at a UNESCO exhibition in Paris. The exhibition will be called "World of man, man in the world". On 3-4 October, under the patronage of the Azerbaijan representative office, an exhibition called "Between East and West" will be held at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. 

Artist Asraf Heybatov is trying to synthesize the culture of East and West. By combining the arts of Europe and Asia, the artist has become the bearer of Eurasian culture.