13 March 2025

Thursday, 02:45


The old saying goes: "A good start of the year makes the whole year good". Everybody believes in it: both children and adults



There is a very old card in the old album. It is dated 1901 and addressed to "my dear Zhenia". Wife or Zhenia (a word-play where zhená means wife in Russian, and Zhénia is a unisex Russian name. Ed.)? But this is not important. It is interesting, however, how our predecessors were entertaining each other with such polygraph tricks in the early 20th century. There were many different attributes that have made the life of people more aesthetic in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, of which Azerbaijan was once part of. You could not find a post stamp on the back of postcards but there was a statement in different European languages reporting that it was a postcard and the following sentence in Russian: "Open Letter, International Mail Union Russia Weltpostverein”, and then a blank block for a congratulatory text. I wonder how the people used to send such cards without stamps: with or without an envelope? And when did the New Year cards appear?


New Year stamps

It turned out that the first New Year stamp was invented in 1904 in Denmark by a postmaster Einar Hollbel. It had no face value and was used exclusively for the New Year event. The stamps had images of snowmen and children, skating or sledding, and the decorated Christmas tree. The people liked the idea, and the whole world caught it as yet another opportunity to aesthetically please the loved ones. The traditional Christmas stamps came into use thirty years later. Selling stamps ensured significant revenues and to postal agencies and governments. Like all artistic inventions in the history of humankind!


New Year envelopes

The first envelope was invented in England in 1820. Prior to that, the letters were put in rolls. The invention of the envelope was so surprising that the people began to use it as a metaphorical language for communication. For example, in China, the envelopes have a different color scheme. Color means a coded message. The money is presented in a red envelope, and the debt is returned in a yellow one. In the Soviet Union, new envelopes appeared only in 1954, with a picture of the Kremlin's Spassky Tower framed by snowflakes. Later, the images were placed in the upper right corner of the envelope. Today, we rarely use postcards and envelopes resorting to a more modern form of epistolary communication, an e-mail. But she comes to help enterprising people who can use human feelings and emotions to the benefit of business. For example, some of Byron Reese, Texas, seeing the desire of parents to please their children letters from Santa Claus opened his own website. There, Americans can buy a letter from Santa for your child for only $10. Letters were written in uppercase handwriting and addressed an appeal to every child in accordance with his name. Letters written on quality paper and sent in envelopes marked with colorful Christmas-themed.


New Year cards

Statistics confirm that a card as a form of an open letter appeared nearly 200 years ago. Moreover, each country and nation has its own version of the appearance of cards. The French claim that due to the shortage of paper during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 soldiers instead began to use cartons of rectangular shape. The British believe that it all started with the idea of ​​Sir Henry Clown, who first sent a postcard to his relatives. It showed a happy family behind a dinner table and the following inscription: "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year." In Germany, a special card called "piece of mail", which on the one hand placed text, on the other - the address. Designated story first pictures were not. But then the leaf-postcard improved, and it found an illustratively-thematic value. In China, since ancient times business cards were used, then transformed into postcards, on which you could write your own text and thus express your personal attitude to the owners. In the Russian Empire, the cards first appeared in 1872 in the form of open letters in different colors. Brown color could be sent only within one city. Green - for sending to other cities of the Russian Empire. But since 1895, there were illustrated cards including a Christmas theme. Over time, Santa Claus and his reindeers began to appear on cards. Louis Prang, an American publisher, in 1885 "dressed" fairy grandfather in a red coat releasing a festive Christmas card in the color scheme. But as we know Santa Claus today, is the creation of artist Sandblom Hendon in 1931, who released a series of his drawings for advertising Coca-Cola.


New Year themes in the movies

Cinema, as we know, is the most effective of all the arts. And, of course, many melodramatic, comic and dramatic scenes are somehow connected with the New Year. In our national film industry, even in Soviet times, the director Azim-zaded filmed "The last Night of the passing year" based on writer Anar’s play. Russian TV channels in the New Year's Eve still show the film "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath" by Eldar Ryazanov. And during the Christmas holidays, one can watch Morozko by Alexander Rou, Charodei by K. Bromberg, The Snow White by P. Kadochnikov. The Americans prefer The Curly Sue by J. Hughes, Sleepless in Seattle by N. Efron, The Holiday by N. Myers, Home Alone by C. Columbus. The Britons prefer Hollywood classics: It's a Wonderful Life by F. Capra (1946), Miracle on 34th Street by J. Smith (1947), The Shop Around the Corner by E. Lubic (1940) and modern films such as Bridget Jones's Diary S. Maguire and Real Love by R. Curtis. In all subjects, the action begins and takes place in the New Year and New Year's days. Heroes will certainly begin to see New Year's Eve to understand that nothing is more important and more valuable than love, in life there. Heroes gain love and each other.


New Year themes in the theater

The theme of New Year and almost magically fantastic events are not passed by the stage. Why? Because the history of lyrical, sentimental, with a beautiful, poignant finale, where the characters finally found her true love, always liked to have been demanded and loved. People, regardless of their age, always want to believe in the goodness, the miracle, a fairy tale and love. At different times and in different theaters of our city and a great Soviet country were and are performances where it is New Year's Eve and there were miracles of transformation - Enjoy Your Bath by E. Braginsky and E. Ryazanov, As long as she was dying by N. Ptushkin, A Blue Bird by H. Ibsen, Old New Year by M. Roschin, Love Affair on New Year's Eve by O. Yernev.


Popular myths and traditions

There is a saying that all new is a well-forgotten old. At the beginning of two thousands, new myths associated with the future of mankind. Horoscopes. And yet Christmas symbols of each sign of the zodiac, starting out in a one-year trip around the world, respectively, exposing each of the representatives of the 12 signs of a particular test. Numerous structures are developed and launched the idea of ​​advertising the sale of the zodiac signs, small souvenirs, candles and, of course, gifts. This year, for instance, we find the Red Rooster. Already there are forecasts for all zodiac signs for 2017 are sold to many and varied Cocks: large and small, red, yellow, crimson, purple. And they invented for use! The holidays should definitely hoist it on the table, and around it are something like muesli and cereals. This is not to take offense bird and a whole year you in its beak on a kernel extracted profits! Well, it is necessary urgently to run to the store and buy a red dress, red shoes, lipstick and so on. It is necessary to match the color of the whole year of the cock, or may be offended! And then - gifts for friends and relatives. Present, too, it is desirable to note the symbolism of the year: a postcard or package. And that cock in the picture sure. Reds such. Well, at the worst - Santa Claus with Christmas tree, or - fir branch with toys. But certainly festive! Advertising works perfectly, PR people are not asleep, using the fact that people always want a holiday and a good mood. A New Year - this is the most magical holiday. It is because we all come from childhood! With the smell of the pine tree, mandarin and nuts. With candles and balls, dances under the Christmas tree and gifts from parents. And yet - with the belief that tomorrow will be better than yesterday, because there is a Santa Claus and his magical staff, and have to make a wish and dream. "They say that all the New Year always comes true", "As the New Year meet, so spend it." So be merry this holiday season. They believe it all: men and women, old people and children. They believe because a human being needs to believe in something. Why not in the magic New Year's Eve?