13 March 2025

Thursday, 02:31


Milena Nabiyeva in the works of global aesthetic perception



A holiday mood prevailed in the Art Gallery of the Museum Centre of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism for a few days. However, such days are not uncommon here. The gallery can please its audience with interesting new names of artists joining the classical art with the rhythms of modern life. This time the exposition «Minabi - patterns of the universe" has pleased the audience with a freshness of view on historical connection between the epochs in visual arts.


Thoughtful messages about beauty

Minabi is an encrypted name of artist Milena Nabiyeva. She is young and emits positive energy in all her works made in such joyous life-affirming colors that it is virtually impossible to question the author's spiritual harmony.

"This is my first solo exhibition in this wonderful gallery. All works presented here are the result of my search for harmony in historical connection of the epochs. I have always been attracted by the history of science, which preserves the memory of humanity of all times. But at some stage in my life, I have decided to study the archives and realized with surprise and joy that art is also a history. History is an interesting science; it is important and wonderful because it stores messages for mankind in stunning beauty and profound meaning."

Three halls seemingly different in topics covered by the young artist show not only the diversity of her interests but also the need to improve the organic world aesthetically.


 "Color mosaic"

It is only at first glance it seems to us that only the details of everyday life. But look closely: in the geometric pattern patterns legacy of the past. Our grandparents invested in things they thought that the woman was not accepted to say aloud. In her works, Milena Nabiyeva continues these internal monologues. They continue over time. And now it is a matter of her contemporaries to be able to read these messages with the required information.


"In the Garden of Eden"

In the middle, there are two parrots surrounded by a mosaic patchwork Guram. Another message from eternity past to present, from present to the future. Our grandparents knew how to encode their feelings, thoughts, experiences, circumstances of daily life here in such scrappy messages. The artist continues this tradition, paying tribute to the past and respecting the future.


"Quince’s riddle"

It seems there is nothing special in this work: just inside geometric intersection of Guram is a ripe quince. The Greek call quince an apple for the just married. It is dedicated to Venus. It symbolizes fertility and is the food for the wedding couple. According to a legend about the antics of Eris, she has thrown this fruit with a word Kallisti ("to the most beautiful") to a wedding table of Peleus and Thetis, thus called a bone of contention. Because Athena, Hera and Aphrodite present at the feast of the goddess had quarreled. After all, each of them considered themselves perfect. Paris could judge between them, which gave the golden apple to Aphrodite - the goddess of love and beauty. But this is not the only mystery that presents us with quince, and the artist who draws the viewer into the intellectual adventure.


"Rotation of the Universe"

In the center of the composition are dancing dervishes. They translate the energy and the idea of ​​space. They represent a cast of the privileged among mere mortals. Everything is open to them more than to us. They are the priests of mysteries of the universe.


"Drops of Inspiration"

Buta in Sanskrit represents a fire. We adopted this symbol along with Zoroastrianism. At the heart of this religion lays magic, and because rubble remained in the minds of the people element of magical symbolism. Buta images were used in ancient times as a sign of differences in the hierarchy of society. Jiga-buta is a symbol of courage while Man-buta means an honor, dignity and beauty. Naturally, the exclusive property of Buta attributed talisman. It was guarding humans from evil spirits and the evil eye. Therefore, in the homes of people living in the age of Zoroastrianism, they had a lot of things that were decorated with buta, including wedding dresses of bride and groom. This ancient symbol is alive even today.


"Hidden desires"

Behind a glass with rusty streaks is an image of mulattos. She seems to focus on something that is hidden within itself. On what? Options are endless.



Another mulattos. Very beautiful and very immersed in her own feelings. But what is so difficult for her to decide in this life? This work, too, can be interpreted in a number of ways. The wider is the audience and its knowledge, the more versions exist.


The Revival collection

Small sofa in oriental style, and on the surface there are many different pillows. On the pillowcases is the work of the artist in miniature. Bags of different shapes: square, round. This is in terms of aesthetic perception gives the atmosphere a special touch of comfort and traditional crafts in the style of our grandmothers acquires another, absolutely modern rhythm and meaning. The shape of the sofa and pillows belong to the author.


"Mysterious look of Nizami" (self-portrait).

A half-smile, mysterious and enigmatic gaze fixed in space surrounded by the half-open flower buds. A girl in a dialogue with the space. She has something to tell us about her vision and the sense of beauty. After all, beauty is known to make our life more harmonious. The prototype of the big world for every human being becomes a world of your own home. Therefore, it is very important how and what fills her space. Bags, furniture, paintings, glass art - the world is filled with special meanings. It is these meanings that give us a sense of harmony.

"Furniture depicted here is my vision of domestic space perception point through color and form, as part of creating personality of home. Paintings and works of applied art are an enhanced perception of the space as a puzzle that is added to the daily life of a variety of feelings and perceptions."

Milena Nabiyeva is our compatriot. She is young and full of new ideas. One of them is to create art space in any home. Possibly, after some time we can see the author's version of the art at modern home in the same Art Gallery of the Museum Centre of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.